在「operation1()」中定義回文數邏輯,在「operation2()」中定義質數邏輯。質數是只有兩個因數 1 和數字本身的整數,而回文數向後讀與前讀相同。
進一步,建立兩個 Thread 類別。在第一個執行緒類別中,透過傳遞參數來呼叫「operation1()」方法。同樣,在第二個線程類別中呼叫“operation2()”方法。
最後,在 main 方法中為執行緒類別建立兩個對象,並使用內建方法「start()」執行它們。
class Thrd { // method to find palindrome number public static void operation1(int num) { int num1 = num; int rev = 0; while(num1 != 0) { int rem = num1 % 10; num1 /= 10; rev = rev * 10 + rem; } if(num == rev) { System.out.println(num + " is a Palindrome number"); } else { System.out.println(num + " is Not a Palindrome number"); } } // method to find prime number public static void operation2(int nums) { int countr = 0; if(nums == 2) { System.out.println(nums + " is a prime number"); } else { for(int i = 1; i <= nums; i++) { if(nums % i == 0) { countr++; } } if(countr == 2) { System.out.println(nums + " is a prime number"); } else { System.out.println(nums + " is not a prime number"); } } } } class Thrd1 extends Thread { // thread number 1 public void run() { Thrd.operation1(212); // calling method to check palindrome number } } class Thrd2 extends Thread { // thread number 2 public void run() { Thrd.operation2(23); // calling the method to check prime number } } public class ThrdExecution { public static void main(String args[]) { // creating object for thread class Thrd1 oprt1 = new Thrd1(); Thrd2 oprt2 = new Thrd2(); // Starting the thread operation oprt1.start(); oprt2.start(); } }
23 is a prime number 212 is a Palindrome number