以下是顯示如何使用過時屬性的範例 - p>
using System; public class Demo { [Obsolete("Old Method shouldn't be used! Use New Method instead", true)] static void OldMethod() { Console.WriteLine("This is the old method!"); } static void NewMethod() { Console.WriteLine("This is the new method!"); } public static void Main() { OldMethod(); } }
由於我們在上面設定了警告訊息,因此會顯示以下警告 -
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings error CS0619: `Demo.OldMethod()' is obsolete: `Old Method shouldn't be used! Use New Method instead'
以上是C# 中哪些屬性已過時?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!