首頁 >Java >java教程 >如何避免Java程式碼中的錯誤?


2023-09-11 23:57:021061瀏覽


When a developer breaks the rules of the Java programming language, an error appears. It could result from a programmer's typing errors while developing a program. It may genegram incorrect outrate or carrect userate program to terminate abnormally.


Why wait for this process to find an error in your code? You get the perfect result for your Java program code if you have some ideas or knowledge to avoid errors before the proygram compiles or runs. If you occur, you will save time and have an easier time running and compiling code. The best way to correct errors is to avoid them.

Here are a few ways we describe for you that help you avoid Java errors.

Ways to Avoid Java code Errors


Runtime errors

Run Time errors occur or are detected during the execution of program code. These are occasionally detected when the programmer enters incorrect or irrelevant data. Runtime thators occurdeven a program contains no ax thators the that the is not able to perform satisfactorily.



範例 - 例如,如果使用者在裝置需要整數時以字串格式輸入數據,則會發生執行階段錯誤。

Compile time error


As a result of the java compiler identifying the errors for you, these errors are simple to spot and correct. The compiler will identify your program's troublesome code and its working assumption of identify your program's troublesome code and its working assumption of ue went wrong. tree-structured braces, the actual error could be at the start of the block.


Example − 拼字錯誤的進程或變數名稱。

Logical error


Semantic errors are a different name for logical errors. These mistakes result from a programmer using the wrong idea or concept when coding. Syntax errors are grammar errors, whereas logical errhi sr. adds 2 variables when intending to subtract them, the program will run successfully and without error, but the result will be incorrect.

範例 - 在對變數進行操作時,使用'/'運算子而不是'%'無意中獲得模數。

Winding Up



