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如何使用 @counter-style 規則使用 CSS 自訂清單項目?

2023-09-10 21:25:021606瀏覽

如何使用 @counter-style 规则使用 CSS 自定义列表项?

清單是Web開發的基本部分,用於以有組織和結構化的方式呈現資訊。在HTML中,有3種類型的清單:有序列表、無序列表和定義列表。然而,當我們需要根據要求設計清單時,樣式化這些清單可能會具有挑戰性。 CSS提供了@counter-style規則,它允許我們以更靈活和創造性的方式自訂清單項目標記。

在本文中,我們將學習如何使用@counter-style規則來使用CSS自訂清單項目。 @counter-style規則用於定義不屬於預先定義樣式集的計數器樣式,並定義如何將計數器值轉換為字串表示。


The @counter-style rule is used to define a counter style that can be used in conjunction with the CSS counter property. This rule is used to define a custom list item marker style. The counter properused to define a custom list item marker style. The counter property allows us tocrement increment a counter, which is used to generate content for pseudo-elements like :before and :after.


@counter-style name {
   // write all the CSS styles properties and values

The name parameter is used to specify the name of the counter style that we are defining. Within the curly braces, we can define a set of properties and values that control the appearance of the counter. Some of the properties that use include −

  • System − 它指定要使用的編號系統,例如十進位、小寫字母、大寫羅馬數字等。

  • 符號 - 它指定了計數器每個層級使用的符號。

  • 後綴 − 它指定在計數器值之後添加的後綴。

  • Prefix − It specifies the prefix to add before the counter value.

  • Pad − 它指定在顯示計數器值時要使用的最小位元數。

Steps to use @counter-styles Rule in CSS

以下是CSS中使用@counter-styles規則的步驟 -

Step 1: Create an Ordered List

第一步是建立一個有序列表,並使用我們自己的列表項目標記進行自訂。在下面的範例中,我們希望使用羅馬數字而不是預設的編號系統。以下是我們清單的HTML程式碼 −

   <li>Learn to code in python</li>
   <li>Learn to code in java</li>
   <li>Learn to code in c++</li>

Step 2: Define the @counter-style

@counter-style my-numerals {
   system: upper-roman;
   symbols: I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X;

In the above code, we have defined a counter style named my-numerals and set the system property to upper-roman which means the counter will be set to use the uppercase Roman numerpartals in the list. Apart from this, wewet also set the symbol's property to a string of Roman numerals from I to X.

Step 3: CSS Styles

ol {
   counter-reset: section;
li {
   counter-increment: section;
   list-style: none;
li:before {
   content: counter(section, my-numerals) ". ";
   margin-right: 10px;


Example 1



   <title>Example to use @counter-style to customize the List Item Markers using CSS</title>
      /* Defining a custom counter style to have the list as upper roman numerals */
      @counter-style roman-numerals {
         system: upper-roman;
         symbols: I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X;
      /* applying the custom counter style to the ordered list */
      ol {counter-reset: section; }
      /* incrementing the counter for each list item */
      li {counter-increment: section; list-style: none;}
      /* using the counter value to display the custom list item marker */
      li:before {
         content: counter(section, roman-numerals) ". ";
         margin-right: 8px;
         color: green;
         font-size: 15px;
   <h3>Example to use @counter-style to customize the List Item Markers using CSS</h3>
   <p>In this example, we have used the @counter-style rule to customize the list item markers of an ordered list.</p>
      <li>Learn to code in python</li>
      <li>Learn to code in java</li>
      <li>Learn to code in c++</li>

In the example above, we have defined a custom counter style named my-roman using the @counter-style rule. Here, we have set the system property to upper-roman to use the uppercase Roman numerals andymso set the use the uppercase Roman numerals andymso set the use. property to a string of Roman numerals from I to X.



Example 2



   <title>Example to use @counter-style to customize the List Item Markers using CSS</title>
      /* removing the default list item markers */
      ul { list-style: none;}
      /* using images as list item markers */
      li:before {
         content: "";
         display: inline-block;
         width: 25px;
         height: 25px;
         background-image: url("yourimage.png");
         background-repeat: no-repeat;
         margin-right: 8px;
   <h3>Example to use @counter-style to customize the List Item Markers using CSS</h3>
   <p>In this example, we have used the @counter-style rule to customize the list item markers of an ordered list.</p>
      <li>Learn to code in python</li>
      <li>Learn to code in java</li>
      <li>Learn to code in c++</li>




在處理HTML清單時,可以使用CSS中的@counter-style規則來自訂清單項目標記的外觀。這個規則提供了一種簡單而靈活的方式來定義有序列表的自訂樣式。 @counter-style規則的語法包括幾個參數,如system、symbols、suffix、prefix和pad。這些參數允許對清單項目標記的外觀進行修改。使用@counter-style規則,可以更輕鬆地建立與目前專案設計需求相符的清單項目標記。

以上是如何使用 @counter-style 規則使用 CSS 自訂清單項目?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
