在本文中,我們將討論如何使用 JavaScript 增加給定日期。首先我們來分析和理解這句話的意思。給定某個日期 x =“05-02-2023”,我們希望在該日期添加 y = 7 天並列印結果日期“12-02-2023”。作為人類,我們可以手動將 2 月 5 日加上 7 天並獲得結果。但我們需要 JavaScript 來以程式設計方式完成此操作。
addDays 函數接受 2 個參數,分別是日期和要遞增的天數。在下面的程式碼中,我們將在當前日期上新增 7 天,並將增加的日期列印到控制台。
function addDays(date, days) { // Function to add Days var result = new Date(date); result.setDate(result.getDate() + days); return result; } let date = new Date(); console.log("Current date is "+date); let incrementedDate = addDays(date, 7); console.log("Increment date is "+incrementedDate);
Current date is Tue Mar 07 2023 11:38:38 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) Increment date is Tue Mar 14 2023 11:38:38 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
getDate 函數傳回 1 到 31 之間的整數,表示該月中的第幾天。然後使用設定日期函數將變數的值設定為遞增日期。在這裡,我們將在目前日期上新增 14 天並將結果顯示到控制台。增加的天數將保存到相同變數“date”,因此不需要另一個變數。
let date = new Date(); console.log("Current date is "+date); date.setDate(date.getDate()+14); console.log("Increment date is "+date);
Current date is Tue Mar 07 2023 11:40:55 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) Increment date is Tue Mar 21 2023 11:40:55 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
在這裡,我們將創建自己的函數,而不是使用任何內建函數來增加日期。我們首先從給定的日期中提取月份、月份和年份的日整數,並將它們分別儲存為變數 d、m 和 y。然後,我們將天數加到 d 或 day 變量,然後在返回時將其轉換回日期格式。目前,此函數在添加超過 1 個月的天數方面功能有限,但最多可以修改或避免,因為存在內建函數。
function AddDays(start,days){ var d=start.getDate(); var m=start.getMonth()+1; //getMonth returns the index of the month hence +1 is added var y=start.getYear(); //getYear returns the year minus 1900 in the current javascript version, hence 1900 is added to it below var newDate=m+"-"+(d+days)+"-"+(y+1900); return new Date(newDate); } today=new Date(); console.log("The date today is "+today); console.log("The date after 5 days is "+AddDays(today,5));
The date today is Tue Mar 07 2023 11:43:02 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) The date after 5 days is Sun Mar 12 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
這裡將介紹如何在目前日期新增 7 個工作天。
function AddWorkingDays(start,days){ // retrieve the index of the start date var d=start.getDay(); var incrementby=days; if(d==0){ // 0 stands for Sunday, if current day is a Sunday then add 1 day incrementby++; } if (d + incrementby >= 6) { //Subtract days in current working week from working days var remainingWorkingDays = incrementby - (5 - d); //Add current working week's weekend incrementby += 2; if (remainingWorkingDays > 5) { //Add two days for every working week by finding out how many weeks are included incrementby += 2 * Math.floor(remainingWorkingDays / 5); //Exclude the final weekend if the remainingWorkingDays is a equal to an exact number of weeks if (remainingWorkingDays % 5 == 0) incrementby -= 2; } } start.setDate(start.getDate() + incrementby); return start; } var today=new Date(); console.log("Current date is "+today); console.log("8 working days later would be "+AddWorkingDays(today,8));
Current date is Tue Mar 07 2023 11:45:58 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) 8 working days later would be Fri Mar 17 2023 11:45:58 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
以上是在 JavaScript 中增加給定日期的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!