Hashtable在C#中是一個基於鍵的雜湊碼組織的鍵值對集合。可以使用鍵來存取hashtable中的項目。 C#的Hashtable類別是實作hashtable的類別。
使用此類,我們可以在提供的建構函數的幫助下創建一個新的雜湊表物件。 Hashtable 類別也提供了各種方法,我們可以使用它們對雜湊表執行各種操作。這些操作包括新增項目、檢查指定鍵是否存在、計算項目數量、從雜湊表中刪除項目等。
public virtual void Remove (object key);
Key − 要從雜湊表集合中刪除的元素的鍵。這是類型為 System.Object的。
ArgumentNullException −如果指定的鍵為 null,則拋出此例外。
NotSupportedException − 如果雜湊表具有固定大小或唯讀,則拋出。
如果在雜湊表中指定的鍵不存在,Remove() 方法不會拋出任何例外。如果鍵不存在,哈希表將保持不變,程式將成功執行。
using System; using System.Collections; class MyHashTable { public static void Main(){ // Creating a Hashtable Hashtable numberNames = new Hashtable(); // Adding elements in Hashtable numberNames.Add("2", "Two"); numberNames.Add("13", "Thirteen"); numberNames.Add("24", "Twenty Four"); numberNames.Add("59", "Fifty Nine"); // Print the contents of Hashtable Console.WriteLine("**********Contents of Hashtable**********"); foreach(var item in numberNames.Keys){ Console.WriteLine("key ={0}, Value = {1}", item,numberNames[item]); } //read the key for which element is to be deleted Console.WriteLine("Enter the key for which the element is to be removed from Hashtable "); string key = (string)Console.ReadLine(); //remove the element numberNames.Remove(key); //display the hashtable after deletion Console.WriteLine("******Contents of Hashtable(after deletion)******"); foreach(var item in numberNames.Keys){ Console.WriteLine("key ={0}, Value = {1}", item,numberNames[item]); } } }
**********Contents of Hashtable********** key =59, Value = Fifty Nine key =24, Value = Twenty Four key =13, Value = Thirteen key =2, Value = Two Enter the key for which the element is to be removed from Hashtable 13 ******Contents of Hashtable(after deletion)****** key =59, Value = Fifty Nine key =24, Value = Twenty Four key =2, Value = Two
**********Contents of Hashtable********** key =59, Value = Fifty Nine key =24, Value = Twenty Four key =13, Value = Thirteen key =2, Value = Two Enter the key for which the element is to be removed from Hashtable 3 ******Contents of Hashtable(after deletion)****** key =59, Value = Fifty Nine key =24, Value = Twenty Four key =13, Value = Thirteen key =2, Value = Two
在這裡,使用者輸入了key = 3,但在雜湊表中不存在。在這種情況下,由於Remove()方法沒有刪除任何元素,因此哈希表保持不變。
using System; using System.Collections; public class myHashtable{ public static void Main(){ // Create a new Hashtable. var tongueTwister = new Hashtable(); tongueTwister.Add("1a", "She"); tongueTwister.Add("1b", "sells"); tongueTwister.Add("1c", "sea"); tongueTwister.Add("2a", "shells"); tongueTwister.Add("2b", "on"); tongueTwister.Add("2c", "the"); tongueTwister.Add("3a", "sea"); tongueTwister.Add("3b", "shore"); // Displays the Hashtable. Console.WriteLine("The Hashtable initially contains the following:"); foreach (DictionaryEntry elem in tongueTwister) Console.WriteLine($" {elem.Key}: {elem.Value}"); Console.WriteLine(); // Removes the element with the specified key. string key = “3b”; tongueTwister.Remove(key); // Displays the Hashtable after deletion. Console.WriteLine("Hashtable after removing the key = "{0}":",key); foreach (DictionaryEntry elem in tonguetwister) Console.WriteLine($" {elem.Key}: {elem.Value}"); Console.WriteLine(); } }
在這個程式中,我們有一個哈希表,其中包含繞口令「她在海邊賣貝殼」。我們將按鍵編號為 1a、1b、1c、2a、2b 等。首先,我們顯示了整個哈希表。然後我們使用Remove()方法並刪除key = 3b的元素。新更新的哈希表再次顯示。
The Hashtable initially contains the following: 3b: shore 1a: She 1b: sells 2b: on 2c: the 3a: sea 2a: shells 1c: sea Hashtable after removing the key = "3b": 1a: She 1b: sells 2b: on 2c: the 3a: sea 2a: shells 1c: sea Note the hashtable after deleting the key = 3b.
以上是如何在 C# 中從哈希表集合中刪除項目?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!