首頁 >後端開發 >C++ >如何使用C++在OpenCV中從多通道影像中讀取像素值?


2023-09-08 20:13:101064瀏覽




blue_Channel = color_image_Matrix.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[0];

我們使用了一個BGR映像。它有三個通道。這些通道維護特定的順序,color_image_Matrix.at (i, j) 表示位於(i, j)位置的像素值,[0]表示第一個通道。例如,如果我們將這行程式碼寫成如下形式:

blue_Channel=color_image_Matrix.at<Vec3b> (30, 35) [0];

It means the variable 'blue_Channel' will have the first channel's pixel value located at(30, 35). This is how we can access the pixel values the pixel values using OpenCV.

The following program reads pixel values of different RGB images and displays the different channel pixel's value in a console window.

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main() {
   int blue_Channel;
   int green_Channel;
   int red_Channel;
   Mat color_image_Matrix; //Declaring a matrix to load the image//
   color_image_Matrix = imread("colors.jpg"); //loading image in the matrix//
   //Beginning of for loop to read pixel values of blue channel//
   for (int i = 0; i < color_image_Matrix.rows; i++)//loop for rows// {
      for (int j = 0; j < color_image_Matrix.cols; j++) {
         //loop for columns//
         blue_Channel = color_image_Matrix.at<Vec3b>(i, j)[0];
         //To read the value of first channel.Here the blue channel is first channel//
         cout << "Value of pixel of blue channel" << "(" << i << "," << j << ")" << "="
            << blue_Channel << endl; //showing the values in console window//
   //End of for loop to read pixel values of blue channel//
   //Beginning of for loop to read pixel values of green channel//
   for (int i = 0; i < color_image_Matrix.rows; i++)//loop for rows// {
      for (int j = 0; j < color_image_Matrix.cols; j++)//loop for columns// {
         green_Channel = color_image_Matrix.at(i, j)[1];
         //To read the value of first channel.Here the green channel is first channel//
         cout << "Value of pixel of green channel" << "(" << i << ","
            << j << ")" << "=" << blue_Channel << endl;//showing the values in console window//
   //End of for loop to read pixel values of green channel//
   //Beginning of for loop to read pixel values of red channel//
   for (int i = 0; i < color_image_Matrix.rows; i++)//loop for rows// {
      for (int j = 0; j < color_image_Matrix.cols; j++)//loop for columns// {
         red_Channel = color_image_Matrix.at(i, j)[2];
         //To read the value of first channel.Here the red channel is first channel//
         cout << "Value of pixel of red channel" << "(" << i << "," <<
            j << ")" << "=" << blue_Channel << endl; //showing the values in console window//
   //End of for loop to read pixel values of red channel//
   if (waitKey(0)==27);
      cout << "Image read successfully…!";
      return 0;


