在C 中,我們有一個vector頭文件,可以在運行時更改數組的大小。在本文中,我們將學習數組可以重複分割成具有相等和的子數組的次數的概念。
Let’s take an example to show an array partition with an equal sum.
{1,2,3}- The total sum of each index of an array is 6.
{4,2}- 陣列每個索引的總和為 6。
Now we start the program by creating a class named ‘isPartition_arr’.
We are defining a function named ‘cnt_Partition’ of integer type to calculate the total number of times an array can be partitioned.
我們將變數'sum' 初始化為'0',稍後將用於對陣列進行求和和儲存'0' 到變數'count' 中,用於追蹤陣列元素的遞增計數。然後宣告 for 迴圈以迭代 ‘arr’ 向量的每個元素。
We are initializing the variable ‘current_sum’ to ‘0’ and iterating over each element using for loop.
在完成 for 迴圈後,我們開始使用 while 迴圈來迭代每個元素。
Then we pass the 'num' value by creating the object of the class. Next, we call the function 'cnt_partition' by taking the object and storing it in the variable 'c'.
#Finally, we print the output statement as “Number of times of an array can be partitioned into two subarrays with equal sum” with the help of variable 'c'.
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class isPartition_arr { public: vector<int> arr; isPartition_arr(vector<int>& num) { arr = num; } int cnt_Partition() { int sum = 0, count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { sum += arr[i]; } int current_sum = 0, j=0; while( j < arr.size() ) { current_sum += arr[j]; if (current_sum == sum / 2) { current_sum = 0; count++; } j++; } return count; } }; int main() { vector<int> num = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5}; isPartition_arr A(num); int c = A.cnt_Partition(); cout <<"Number of times an array can be partitioned into\t"<< c <<"\t two subarrays with equal sum " << endl; return 0; }
Number of times an array can be partitioned into 2 two subarrays with equal sum
我們探索了等和陣列劃分的概念,學習如何將陣列分割成不同的部分,並使總和相等。我們使用物件導向的概念來解決這個問題,因為程式碼的可讀性更好,並且能夠有效率地定義一個C 程式。