在 JavaScript 中,開發人員使用原型來繼承 ES5 中的另一個函數。在ES6中,JavaScript中引入的類別可以像其他程式語言一樣用於繼承。
Class superClass { // members and methods of the superClass } class subClass extends superClass { // it contains all members and methods of the superclass // define the properties of the subclass }
我們在上面的語法中使用了 class 關鍵字來建立一個類別。另外,使用者還可以看到我們如何使用extends關鍵字從超類別繼承子類別。
在下面的範例中,我們建立了 house 類別。 Two_BHK 類別繼承了 house 類,也就是說 Two_BHK 類別包含了 house 類別的所有屬性和方法。
我們重寫了 house 類別的 get_total_rooms() 方法,並在 Two_BHK 類別中實作了自己的方法。
<html> <body> <h2>Using the <i> extends </i> keyword to inherit classes in ES6 </h2> <div id = "output"> </div> <script> let output = document.getElementById("output"); class house { color = "blue"; get_total_rooms() { output.innerHTML += "House has a default room. </br>"; } } // extended the house class via two_BHK class class Two_BHK extends house { // new members of two_BHK class is_galary = false; // overriding the get_total_rooms() method of house class get_total_rooms() { output.innerHTML += "Flat has a total of two rooms. </br>"; } } // creating the objects of the different classes and invoking the //get_total_rooms() method by taking the object as a reference. let house1 = new house(); house1.get_total_rooms(); let house2 = new Two_BHK(); house2.get_total_rooms(); </script> </body> </html>
在此範例中,我們使用類別的建構子來初始化類別的屬性。此外,我們也使用了 super() 關鍵字從子類別呼叫超類別的建構子。
請記住,在初始化子類別的任何屬性之前,您需要在子類別建構函式中編寫 super() 關鍵字。
<html> <body> <h2>Using the <i> extends </i> keyword to inherit classes in ES6 </h2> <div id = "output"> </div> <script> let output = document.getElementById("output"); // creating the superclass class superClass { // constructor of the super-class constructor(param1, param2) { this.prop1 = param1; this.prop2 = param2; } } // Creating the sub-class class subClass extends superClass { // constructor of subClass constructor(param1, param2, param3) { // calling the constructor of the super-class super(param1, param2); this.prop3 = param3; } } // creating the object of the subClass let object = new subClass("1000", 20, false); output.innerHTML += "The value of prop1 in the subClass class is " + object.prop1 + "</br>"; output.innerHTML += "The value of prop2 in subClass class is " + object.prop2 + "</br>"; output.innerHTML += "The value of prop3 in subClass class is " + object.prop3 + "</br>"; </script> </body> </html>