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2023-09-04 17:13:061777瀏覽



在安排之前,字串會依照字典順序進行比較。在本文中,我們將看到 使用C 進行以字典順序比較兩個字串的不同技術。

在C 字串中使用compare()函數

C string物件有一個compare()函數,它接受另一個字串作為輸入並進行比較。

比較目前字串與第二個字串。當兩個字串相同時,此函數將傳回0 字串相同時,當第一個字串較大時,它將傳回負數(-1) 當第一個字串較小時,將其翻譯為中文:

當第一個字串較小時,為正數( 1)。


<first string>.compare( <second string> )

讓我們來看看C 中的演算法和對應的實作。


  • 將兩個字串s和t當作輸入
  • cmp := 使用 s.compare() 函數,參數為 t
  • 如果cmp等於0,則
    • 這兩個是相同的
  • 否則,當cmp為正時,那麼
    • s is larger than t
  • 否則,當cmp為負數時,那麼
    • s比t小
  • end if


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
string solve( string s, string t ){
   int ret;
   ret = s.compare( t );
   if( ret == 0 ) {
      return s + " and " + t + " are the same";
   } else if( ret > 0 ) {
      return s + " is larger than " + t;
   } else {
      return s + " is smaller than " + t;
int main(){
   string s = "apple";
   string t = "appeal";
   cout << "The result of comparison: " << solve( s, t ) << endl;
   s = "popular";
   t = "popular";
   cout << "The result of comparison: " << solve( s, t ) << endl;
   s = "Hello";
   t = "hello";
   cout << "The result of comparison: " << solve( s, t ) << endl;


The result of comparison: apple is larger than appeal
The result of comparison: popular and popular are the same
The result of comparison: Hello is smaller than hello


在C 中,我們也可以使用傳統的C函數。 C使用字元數組而不是字串類型。

data. To compare two strings the strcmp() functions are used. This function takes two 將字串作為參數。當它們相同時返回0。當第一個字串小於第二個字串時傳回正值 一是當第二個值較大時,它是較大且為負的值。


strcmp( <first string>, <second string> )


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
string solve( const char* s, const char* t ){
   int ret;
   ret = strcmp( s, t );
   if( ret == 0 ) {
      return string(s) + " and " + string(t) + " are the same";
   } else if( ret > 0 ) {
      return string(s) + " is larger than " + string(t);
   } else {
      return string(s) + " is smaller than " + string(t);
int main(){
   string s = "apple";
   string t = "appeal";
   cout << "The result of comparison: " << solve( s.c_str() , t.c_str()) << endl;
   s = "popular";
   t = "popular";
   cout << "The result of comparison: " << solve( s.c_str() , t.c_str()) << endl;
   s = "Hello";
   t = "hello";
   cout << "The result of comparison: " << solve( s.c_str() , t.c_str()) << endl;


The result of comparison: apple is larger than appeal
The result of comparison: popular and popular are the same
The result of comparison: Hello is smaller than hello


就像數字資料一樣,字串也可以使用比較運算子進行比較。 if-else conditions can be used directly for strings in C .


strcmp( <first string>, <second string> )


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
string solve( string s, string t ){
   int ret;
   if( s == t ) {
      return s + " and " + t + " are the same";
   } else if( s > t ) {
      return s + " is larger than " + t;
   } else {
      return s + " is smaller than " + t;
int main(){
   string s = "apple";
   string t = "appeal";
   cout << "The result of comparison: " << solve( s, t ) << endl;
   s = "popular";
   t = "popular";
   cout << "The result of comparison: " << solve( s, t ) << endl;
   s = "Hello";
   t = "hello";
   cout << "The result of comparison: " << solve( s, t ) << endl;


The result of comparison: apple is larger than appeal
The result of comparison: popular and popular are the same
The result of comparison: Hello is smaller than hello


字串比較是我們在多個應用程式中執行的重要任務。在C 中, 有幾種不同的方法可以比較字串。第一種是使用compare()方法 需要翻譯的內容為:Which takes one string as input and checks with the current string. In C the comparison 運算子如(==)、(>)、(=)可以用於字串比較。另一方面, C-like字串可以使用strcmp()函數來比較。此函數接受常數 character pointers. The compare() method and the strcmp() method returns 0 when both 第一個字串較大時,傳回一個正數;當兩個字串相同時,傳回0 第一個較小,它將傳回一個正數。

