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2023-09-01 14:45:081317瀏覽




To get the most out of Python, it’s important to master its advanced language features. These features enable efficient, readable, and maintainable code.

a) Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho


b) Python 3 Patterns, Recipes, and Idioms by Bruce Eckel and Brian Will

This open book provides in-depth insight into Python’s advanced features and best practices. It covers topics such as program design, maintainers, context managers, and a host of design patterns and jargon.

c) 《Effective Python》 by Brett Slatkin

"Effective Python" is a collection of 90 specific, actionable guidelines to help you write better Python code. The book covers various advanced topics, including concurrency, metaclasses, and modules, and and provides ptical including

Python Design Patterns

Design patterns are reusable solutions to common problems that arise in software design. Learning these patterns helps you write more efficient and maintainable code.

a) Python設計模式(Gang of Four (GoF))

The original "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by the Gang of Four (GoF) is a classic in software design literature. Although the examples are in C , the concepts are applicable to Python and can be ad Pythonad with a little effort.

b) Python Design Patterns by Vaskaran Sarcar

This book offers a comprehensive guide to design patterns specifically tailored for Python developers. It covers 23 classic GoF patterns, along with 16 additional patterns relevant to Python. Each pattern is explained ing additional patterns relevant to Python. Each pattern is explained ing is .

c) Design Patterns in Python by Alex Martelli


c)由Alex Martelli編寫的Python設計模式

Alex Martelli's PyCon presentations on design patterns in Python are a valuable resource for those who prefer video-based learning. Martelli, a respected Python expert, discusses various patterns and demonstrates their implementation in Python.



a) High-Performance Python by Micha Gorelick and Ian Ozsvald


b) Python Speed by Jake Vanderplas

##Jake Vanderplas's PyCon presentation, "Losing Your Loops: Fast Numerical Computing with NumPy," provides an excellent introduction to optimizing numerical computations in Python. He demonstrates how to leverage NumPage lith librajries .

c) Python效能技巧 by Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger,一位Python核心開發者,在他的演講中分享了有價值的效能最佳化技巧,題為「將程式碼轉化為優雅、慣用的Python」。他專注於優化程式碼的可讀性、可維護性和速度,並強調了Python內建特性和慣用法的重要性。

Advanced Python Libraries and Frameworks

#Expanding your knowledge of advanced Python libraries and frameworks is essential for tackling complex projects and solving domain-specific problems.

a) NumPy, SciPy和Pandas

###這些函式庫構成了Python資料科學和數值計算生態系的基礎。 NumPy提供了處理多維數組的強大工具,而SciPy則擴展了NumPy的科學計算功能。 Pandas是一個強大的資料處理和分析庫。要學習這些函式庫,可以參考Jake Vanderplas的《Python資料科學手冊》和每個函式庫的官方文件。 ###

b) TensorFlow and PyTorch

TensorFlow and PyTorch are popular libraries for machine learning and deep learning. Both libraries have extensive documentation, tutorials, and community support to help you dive into advanced machine lditiond topics. Chollet and "Deep Learning for Coders with Fastai and PyTorch" by Jeremy Howard and Sylvain Gugger.

c) Django和Flask

Django and Flask are popular web frameworks for building web applications in Python. To learn advanced web development using this framework, consider resources like "Django for Professionals" by William S. Vincent, consider official documentation on the frameworks of any of these.



