WordPress 是一個出色的多功能平台。您可以創建具有多種不同目的的網站:公司網站、攝影展示、新聞入口網站、帶有互動式菜單的餐廳網站......哦,當然還有部落格。您可以使用 WordPress 寫部落格。忘記了。
奇怪的是,非營利組織往往忽略這種彈性並利用它。在本教程中,我們將展示如何建立一個簡單的請願腳本來示範組織如何從 WordPress 中受益。
我是短代碼的忠實粉絲(正如您從我之前的帖子中看到的那樣),因此我們將製作一堆短代碼和一些有用的函數供短代碼使用。我們將把所有這些放在一個名為 petition.php 的檔案中,並將其用作 WordPress 外掛。
如果您在伺服器上使用 PHP5,我們將使用內建電子郵件驗證器來實現我們的功能:
// e-mail address validating function function validate_email( $email ) { if ( $email == '' ) { return false; } else { return filter_var( $email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ); } }
如果您使用的是像 PHP4 這樣古老的東西,您可以使用使用正規表示式的不同函數:
// e-mail address validating function function validate_email( $email ) { if ( $email == '' ) { return false; } else { $eregi = preg_replace( '/([a-z0-9_.-]+)' . '@' . '([a-z0-9.-]+){2,255}' . '.' . '([a-z]+){2,10}/i', '', $email ); } return empty( $eregi ) ? true : false; }
// submit the signer with a 'petition_submission' meta key to the post function submission( $name, $email, $date ) { global $post; $array = array( 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'date' => $date ); $petition_meta = serialize( $array ); add_post_meta( $post->ID, 'petition_submission', $petition_meta ); return true; }
和 $date
// fetch the submissions from the post function get_the_submissions( $number = 5 ) { $petition_meta = get_post_custom_values( 'petition_submission' ); if ( $petition_meta ) { $output = array_slice( $petition_meta, $number * -1 ); return array_reverse( $output ); } }
(預設為 5)個提交內容(注意 -1)我們將在程式碼中使用一些 CSS 選擇器,因此請將它們放入主題的 style.css 檔案中:
#petition_form {} #petition_form label { font-weight: bold; font-size: larger; line-height: 150%; } #petition_form input { display: block; margin: 5px 0; padding: 3px; } #petition_name { width: 200px; } #petition_email { width: 200px; } #petition_submit { padding: 5px; } .petition_success { color: #693; } .petition_error { color: #A00; } .petition_list { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .petition_list li { background-image: none !important; } .petition_list span { display: inline-block; width: 45%; padding: 1%; margin: 1%; background-color: #FAFAFA; } .submission_name {} .submission_date { font-style: italic; color: #888; }
我們完成了輔助函數和 CSS 程式碼。現在,讓我們開始有趣的部分 - 短代碼!
這個函數很長,所以我會用 PHP 註解來解釋程式碼內部:
function petition_form_sc( $atts ) { // extract the shortcode parameters extract( shortcode_atts( array( // the text value of the submit button 'submit' => 'Submit', // the text for the error message 'error' => 'Your e-mail address is not valid. Please re-enter the form with a valid name and e-mail address.', // the text when the submission is successful 'success' => 'Your submission has been saved. Thank you!' ), $atts ) ); // the HTML elements of our petition form $form = '<form action="'.get_permalink().'" method="post" id="petition_form"> <label for="petition_name">Name:</label> <input type="text" name="petition_name" id="petition_name" /> <label for="petition_email">E-mail address:</label> <input type="text" name="petition_email" id="petition_email" /> <input type="submit" name="petition_submit" id="petition_submit" class="submit" value="'.$submit.'" /> </form>'; // if the form is "POST"ed... if ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' ) { // ...get the name... $name = $_POST['petition_name']; // ...and the e-mail address... $email = $_POST['petition_email']; // ...and the date of "just now", with the date format of your WP options. $date = date( get_option( 'date_format' ) ); // validate the e-mail address first! if ( validate_email( $email ) == true ) { // the e-mail address is valid! remember the function below? submission( $name, $email, $date ); // we sent the variables with the submission() function, now we print the success message WITHOUT THE FORM: return '<div class="petition_success">' . $success . '</div>'; // (if you want the form to be printed again after the submission, just add .$form before the semicolon.) } else { // the e-mail address is NOT valid! we should print the error message WITH THE FORM: return '<div class="petition_error">' . $error . '</div>' . $form; } } // and if the form isn't "POST"ed (meaning the visitor just visited the page), just show the form! else { return $form; } } add_shortcode( 'petition_form', 'petition_form_sc' );
function petition_list_sc( $atts ) { // extract the shortcode parameters extract( shortcode_atts( array( // we could set a default number but remember, we already did that in the get_the_submissions() function :) 'number' => '' ), $atts ) ); // get the $number latest submissions... $submissions = get_the_submissions( $number ); // ...and list 'em! $output = '<ul class="petition_list">'; if ( $submissions ) { foreach( $submissions as $submission ) { // unserialize the data $signer = unserialize( $submission ); // unserialize the data AGAIN, don't know why... $signer = unserialize( $signer ); // you might want to change this part, but the default format look great with the CSS in this tutorial. $output .= '<li>'; $output .= '<span class="submission_name">' . $signer['name'] . '</span>'; $output .= '<span class="submission_date">' . $signer['date'] . '</span>'; $output .= '</li>'; } } $output .= '</ul>'; return $output; } add_shortcode( 'petition_list', 'petition_list_sc' );
function petition_count_sc() { $petition_meta = get_post_custom_values( 'petition_submission' ); return count( $petition_meta ); } add_shortcode( 'petition_count', 'petition_count_sc' );
我應該強調,這是一個非常簡單的範例,表明組織可以透過利用此類腳本從 WordPress 中受益。如果您可以想到對此腳本(或教程)的改進,請在下面的評論中分享您的想法。感謝您的閱讀!