在本教程中,我們將學習如何使用 FabricJS 停用 Circle 的居中旋轉。圓形是 FabricJS 提供的各種形狀之一。為了創建一個圓圈,我們將建立一個 Fabric.Circle 類別的實例並將其新增至畫布。預設情況下,FabricJS 中的所有物件都使用其中心作為旋轉點。但是,我們可以使用 centeredRotation 屬性來更改此行為。
new fabric.Circle({ centeredRotation: Boolean }: Object)
#選項(可選) - 此參數是一個物件 為我們的圈子提供額外的客製化。使用此參數,可以變更與 centeredRotation 屬性相關的物件的顏色、遊標、描邊寬度等屬性。
#centeredRotation - 此屬性接受布林值 值允許我們控制物件在透過控制旋轉時是否使用其變換原點作為中心點。其預設值為 True。
旋轉的預設行為 > FabricJS 中的Circle
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- Adding the Fabric JS Library--> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/510/fabric.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <h2>Disabling the centered rotation of circle using FabricJs</h2> <p>Select the object and rotate it by holding its controlling corner at the top. The circle will rotate around its center. It is the default behavior. Here we have not used the <b>centeredRotation</b> property but it is by default set to True. </p> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script> // Initiate a canvas instance var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas"); var cir = new fabric.Circle({ left: 215, top: 100, fill: "white", radius: 50, stroke: "#c154c1", strokeWidth: 5, borderColor: "#daa520", }); // Adding it to the canvas canvas.add(cir); canvas.setWidth(document.body.scrollWidth); canvas.setHeight(250); </script> </body> </html>
傳遞值為「false」的centeredRotation 鍵
現在我們已經看到了預設行為,讓我們看一段程式碼來了解當centeredRotation 屬性被指定為False 時會發生什麼。
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- Adding the Fabric JS Library--> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/510/fabric.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <h2>Disabling the centered rotation of circle using FabricJs</h2> <p>Select the object and rotate it by holding its controlling corner at the top. Now the circle will not rotate around its cente because we have used the <b>centeredRotation</b> property and set it False. </p> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script> // Initiate a canvas instance var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas"); var cir = new fabric.Circle({ left: 215, top: 100, fill: "white", radius: 50, stroke: "#c154c1", strokeWidth: 5, borderColor: "#daa520", centeredRotation: false }); // Adding it to the canvas canvas.add(cir); canvas.setWidth(document.body.scrollWidth); canvas.setHeight(250); </script> </body> </html>
以上是如何使用 FabricJS 禁用圓的居中旋轉?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!