Our current undertaking involves maximizing the number by which we can delete any occurrences containing the minority character(s) within a section comprised entirely by either '0' or '1'. goal is simply to reach maximum possible deletions while still respecting all given rules and constraints.
To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the upcoming codes let us first familiarize ourselves with the syntax of the method that will be employed before exploring the algorithm and strategies −
#int maximizeDeletions(string binaryString, int startIndex, int endIndex)
首先,讓我們先將一個名為 deletions 的變數初始化為零來開始。這個變數的主要目的是監控發生的刪除操作的計數。
To pinpoint the minority character(s), we must refer to the counts obtained in the previous step.
The execution of our approach involves traversing through the binary strings substring in a linear fashion and then deleting the minority character(s) all at once.
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int maximizeDeletionsLinear(string binaryString, int startIndex, int endIndex) { int countZero = 0; int countOne = 0; for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) { if (binaryString[i] == '0') { countZero++; } else { countOne++; } } int deletions = endIndex - startIndex + 1 - min(countZero, countOne); return deletions; } int main() { string binaryString; int startIndex, endIndex; cout << "Enter the binary string: "; cin >> binaryString; cout << "Enter the start index: "; cin >> startIndex; cout << "Enter the end index: "; cin >> endIndex; int deletions = maximizeDeletionsLinear(binaryString, startIndex, endIndex); cout << "Maximum deletions: " << deletions << endl; return 0; }
Enter the binary string: 1011010011 Enter the start index: 2 Enter the end index: 8 Maximum deletions: 2
這導致了一種有效的方法,可以揭示簡單但實用的解決方案 - 只需要對我們的初始字串進行一次遍歷 - 這使得這種方法特別適用於較短的輸入字串。
The sliding window technique is another efficient approach to solve this problem. It involves using a window of fixed size to traverse the substring of the binary string
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int maximizeDeletionsSlidingWindow(string binaryString, int startIndex, int endIndex) { int left = startIndex; int right = startIndex; int countZero = 0; int countOne = 0; int deletions = 0; while (right <= endIndex) { if (binaryString[right] == '0') { countZero++; } else { countOne++; } while (min(countZero, countOne) > 0) { if (binaryString[left] == '0') { countZero--; } else { countOne--; } left++; } deletions = max(deletions, right - left + 1); right++; } return deletions; } int main() { string binaryString; int startIndex, endIndex; cout << "Enter the binary string: "; cin >> binaryString; cout << "Enter the start index: "; cin >> startIndex; cout << "Enter the end index: "; cin >> endIndex; int deletions = maximizeDeletionsSlidingWindow(binaryString, startIndex, endIndex); cout << "Maximum deletions: " << deletions << endl; return 0; }
Enter the binary string: Enter the start index: Enter the end index: Maximum deletions: 0
在本文中,我們探討瞭如何從給定的二進位字串子字串中最大化刪除少數字元的問題。我們討論了兩種方法 - 線性遍歷和滑動視窗技術。這兩種方法都提供了高效的解決方案來實現所需的結果。透過理解演算法並研究提供的可執行程式碼範例,您可以將這些概念應用於解決自己專案中的類似問題。請記住要分析問題,選擇最合適的方法,並相應地實施。