堆排序 - 堆排序是一種基於比較的演算法,它使用二元樹資料結構按升序或降序對數字列表進行排序。它透過堆排序創建一個堆資料結構,其中根是最小元素,然後刪除根,再次排序在根位置給出列表中第二小的數字。
最小堆 - 最小堆是一種資料結構,其中父節點始終小於子節點,因此根節點是所有元素中最小的元素。
Input: [2, 5, 1, 7, 0]
Output: [7, 5, 2, 1, 0]
Input: [55, 1, 23, 10, 1]
Output: [55, 23, 10, 1, 1]
procedure heapSort (arr[], n) Initialize priority queue: minHeap for i = 1 to n add arr[i] to minHeap i = n - 1 while minHeap is not empty arr[i–] = top element of minHeap Remove the top element of minHeap end procedure
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Function to heap sort in decreasing order using min heap void heapSort(int arr[], int n){ // Creating min heap using a priority queue priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > minHeap; // Inserting input array to min heap for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ minHeap.push(arr[i]); } // Iterating backwards in the input array, where each element is replaced by the smallest element extracted from min heap int i = n - 1; while (!minHeap.empty()){ arr[i--] = minHeap.top(); minHeap.pop(); } } int main(){ int arr[6] = {5, 2, 9, 1, 5, 6}; int n = 6; heapSort(arr, n); cout << "Sorted array : "; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cout << arr[i] << " "; } cout << endl; return 0; }
Sorted array : 9 6 5 5 2 1
時間複雜度 - O(nlogn)
空間複雜度 - O(n)
procedure heapify (arr[], n , i) smallest = i l = 2i + 1 r = 2i + 2 if l < n and arr[l] < arr[smallest] smallest = l end if if r < n and arr[r] < arr[samllest] smallest = r end if if smallest is not i swap arr[i] to arr[smallest] heapify (arr, n, smallest) end if end procedure procedure heapSort (arr[], n) for i = n/2 - 1 to 0 heapify(arr, n, i) for i = n-1 to 0 swap arr[0] to arr[i] heapify (arr, i, 0) end procedure
在下面的程式中,我們使用 heapify() 函數來恢復以索引 i 為根的子樹的最小堆屬性,並使用 heapSort() 以相反的順序建立最小堆。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Restores the min heap property of subtree rooted at index i void heapify(int arr[], int n, int i){ int smallest = i; int l = 2 * i + 1; int r = 2 * i + 2; if (l < n && arr[l] < arr[smallest]){ smallest = l; } if (r < n && arr[r] < arr[smallest]){ smallest = r; } if (smallest != i){ swap(arr[i], arr[smallest]); heapify(arr, n, smallest); } } void heapSort(int arr[], int n){ // Build the min heap in reverse order for (int i = n / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--){ heapify(arr, n, i); } // Sort the array by repeatedly swapping the root node with the last leaf node for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--){ swap(arr[0], arr[i]); heapify(arr, i, 0); } } int main(){ int arr[6] = {5, 2, 9, 1, 5, 6}; int n = 6; heapSort(arr, n); cout << "Sorted array : "; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ cout << arr[i] << " "; } cout << endl; return 0; }
Sorted array : 9 6 5 5 2 1
使用先前使用heapSort() 函數建立最小堆的方法,我們可以在這個解決方案中使用相同的方法,但不是使用heapify 來恢復最小堆的屬性,而是使用傳統的hep 排序演算法來建立amin堆和排序元素的順序遞增,並進一步反轉以獲得所需的輸出。
procedure heapSort (arr[], n) for i = n/2 - 1 to 0 parent = i while parent *2+1 < n child = parent*2+1 if child+1 < n and arr[child] >arr[child+1] child = child + 1 end if if arr[parent] > arr[child] swap arr[parent] to arr[child] parent = child else break end if for i = n-1 to 0 swap arr[0] to arr[i] parent = 0 while parent*2+1 < i child = parent*2+1 if child+1 < n and arr[child] >arr[child+1] child = child + 1 end if if arr[parent] > arr[child] swap arr[parent] to arr[child] parent = child else break end if end procedure
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; void heapSort(int arr[], int n){ // Building min heap in reverse order for (int i = n / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Starting from last parent node, apply heapify operation int parent = i; while (parent * 2 + 1 < n) { int child = parent * 2 + 1; if (child + 1 < n && arr[child] > arr[child + 1]){ child++; } if (arr[parent] > arr[child]){ swap(arr[parent], arr[child]); parent = child; } else{ break; } } } // Extarct elekemnhts form min heap in decreasing order for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--){ swap(arr[0], arr[i]); int parent = 0; // Perform heapify operation at new root node while (parent * 2 + 1 < i){ int child = parent * 2 + 1; if (child + 1 < i && arr[child] > arr[child + 1]){ child++; } if (arr[parent] > arr[child]){ swap(arr[parent], arr[child]); parent = child; } else { break; } } } } int main(){ int arr[6] = {5, 2, 9, 1, 5, 6}; int n = 6; heapSort(arr, n); cout << "Sorted array : "; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cout << arr[i] << " "; } cout << endl; return 0; }
Sorted array : 9 6 5 5 2 1
總之,為了使用最小堆執行降序堆排序,我們可以使用多種方法,其中一些方法的時間複雜度為 O(nlogn),每種方法的空間複雜度各不相同。