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如何使用指定鍵從 C# 中的 HashTable 集合中取得值

2023-08-28 23:09:06813瀏覽

如何使用指定键从 C# 中的 HashTable 集合中获取值

A hashtable is a collection of key−value pairs. We can access key−value pairs using an iterator. We can also access the keys of the hashtable in a collection. Similarly, we can access the values in a hashtable. Given a hashtable, it is also possible to access the value of a specified key or matching key of a specified value.



Here, we have to obtain a value from the key−value pair of hashtables when a key is given.


{“US", "New York"}
{"FR", "Paris"}
{"UK", "London"}
{"IN", "Mumbai"}
{"GER", "Berlin"}

Here, let's suppose we have to find the value for the key “UK”. So we have to traverse the hashtable to find out if the hashtable contains the key = UK. Once the key=” UK” is found, we can access its corresponding value as hashtable[key].


The program that exactly performs the above operation is shown below −

using System;
using System.Collections;
class MyHashTable {
   // Main Method
   static public void Main() {

      // Create a hashtable instance
      Hashtable Citytable = new Hashtable();

      // Adding key/value pair in the hashtable using Add() method
      Citytable.Add("US", "New York");
      Citytable.Add("FR", "Paris");
      Citytable.Add("UK", "London");
      Citytable.Add("IN", "Mumbai");
      Citytable.Add("GER", "Berlin");
      String key;
      Console.WriteLine("Enter the key whose value is to be printed:");
      key = Console.ReadLine();
      if(key != ""){
         if(Citytable.Contains(key) == true){
         string keyval = (string)Citytable[key];
         Console.WriteLine("The value of key {0} = {1}", key,keyval);
         Console.WriteLine ("Value for the key= {0} does not exist", key);


因此,如果鍵不為空,我們將檢查雜湊表是否包含指定的鍵。為此,我們使用C#中的雜湊表集合方法 Contains() ,如果鍵存在於雜湊表中則傳回true,如果鍵不存在則傳回false。

如果 Contains() 方法傳回 true,則我們只需存取該特定鍵的值。

string keyval = (string)Citytable[key];

Then this value is displayed to the user.


Enter the key whose value is to be printed:
The value of key FR = Paris



Let’s execute the program again. Now we do not have a key in our hashtable for the country Canada. Let’s enter the key as CAN for Canada. The output is shown below.


Enter the key whose value is to be printed:
Value for the key= CAN do not exist

在這裡,由於雜湊表中不包含 key=CAN,程式傳回值不存在的訊息。


Let’s take another example to find the value given a key using a hashtable.

Here we will consider the following hashtable containing numbers and their corresponding number names.

{“1.1", "One point One"}
{"1.2", "One point Two"}
{"1.3", "One point Three"}
{"1.4", "One point Four"}
{"1.5", "One point Five"}


Example 2

Below given is the program to do that same.

using System;
using System.Collections;
class MyHashTable {
   // Main Method
   static public void Main() {

      // Create a hashtable instance
      Hashtable Numbernames = new Hashtable();

      // Adding key/value pair in the hashtable using Add() method
      Numbernames.Add("1.1", "One point One");
      Numbernames.Add("1.2", "One point Two");
      Numbernames.Add("1.3", "One point Three");
      Numbernames.Add("1.4", "One point Four");
      Numbernames.Add("1.5", "One point Five");

      String key = "1.4";
      if(key != ""){
          if(Numbernames.Contains(key) == true){
              string keyval = (string)Numbernames[key];
              if(keyval != "")
                 Console.WriteLine("The value of key {0} = {1}", key,keyval);
                 Console.WriteLine("The value for key = {0} does not exist", key);
             Console.WriteLine ("The key= {0} does not exist in the NumberNames hashtable", key);

The program is the same as the previous example except for the hashtable and an extra condition we have specified to check for an empty value. This is because it can so happen that a specified key. This is because it can so happen that a specified key might be preent in the happen mbutent in key might corresponding value might be empty. Secondly, we are not reading user input in this program, instead, we have directly used a key = “1.4” and we print out the value of this key. So we introduced one value. Hence this program now checks −

  • If the key specified is empty

  • #If the key is not empty, the program checks if the hashtable contains the key.

  • If the hashtable contains the key, then it retrieves the value for the key. If the value is not empty, then the program displays the value.

  • If the value is empty, the appropriate message is displayed.


The value of key 1.4 = One point Four

This output is generated when we specify a correct key that is present in the hashtable.


以上是如何使用指定鍵從 C# 中的 HashTable 集合中取得值的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
