在下面的範例中,我們將展示將矩陣的名稱值轉換為字典。矩陣中每個部分內的名稱標記為"Name 1","Name 2"等,每個部分分別標記為"Section 1","Section 2"等。最後,它將結果將名稱值矩陣轉換為字典。
def matrix_to_dict(matrix): dictionary = {f"Section {i+1}": {f"Name {j+1}": matrix[i][j] for j in range(len(matrix[i]))} for i in range(len(matrix))} return dictionary # Matrix input using List matrix = [['Raghav', 'Sunil', 'Kiran', 'Rajendra'], ['Pritam', 'Rahul', 'Mehak', 'Suresh'], ['Tom', 'Peter', 'Mark', 'Jessy']] result = matrix_to_dict(matrix) print(result)
{'Section 1': {'Name 1': 'Raghav', 'Name 2': 'Sunil', 'Name 3': 'Kiran', 'Name 4': 'Rajendra'}, 'Section 2': {'Name 1': 'Pritam', 'Name 2': 'Rahul', 'Name 3': 'Mehak', 'Name 4': 'Suresh'}, 'Section 3': {'Name 1': 'Tom', 'Name 2': 'Peter', 'Name 3': 'Mark', 'Name 4': 'Jessy'}}
def matrix_to_dict(matrix): dictionary = {} for i in range(len(matrix)): row_dict = {} for j in range(len(matrix[i])): row_dict[f"col {j+1}"] = matrix[i][j] dictionary[f"row {i+1}"] = row_dict return dictionary # matrix input matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] result = matrix_to_dict(matrix) print(result)
{'row 1': {'col 1': 1, 'col 2': 2, 'col 3': 3}, 'row 2': {'col 1': 4, 'col 2': 5, 'col 3': 6}, 'row 3': {'col 1': 7, 'col 2': 8, 'col 3': 9}}
def matrix_to_dict(matrix): dict = {f"row {i+1}": {f"column {j+1}": value for j, value in enumerate(row)} for i, row in enumerate(matrix)} return dict # Input of Matrix matrix = [[11, 12, 13], [40, 50, 60], [17, 18, 19],[80, 90, 100]] # Pass the value of the matrix using the recursive function result = matrix_to_dict(matrix) print(result)
{'row 1': {'column 1': 11, 'column 2': 12, 'column 3': 13}, 'row 2': {'column 1': 40, 'column 2': 50, 'column 3': 60}, 'row 3': {'column 1': 17, 'column 2': 18, 'column 3': 19}, 'row 4': {'column 1': 80, 'column 2': 90, 'column 3': 100}}
在下面的範例中,我們將使用名為 matrix_to_dict fun 的遞歸函數,該函數接受具有清單值的名為 Matrix 的參數。然後它使用列表理解將其儲存在變數鍵中。接下來,它在遍歷矩陣中的每一行並將其儲存在變數字典中之後,透過理解技術建構給定密鑰對的字典。基於行索引,每行使用模式“SN 1”、“SN 2” 等建立一個鍵。
def matrix_to_dict(matrix): keys = [f"Letter {j+1}" for j in range(len(matrix[0]))] # Each key is generated using different dictionary comprehension dictionary = {f"SN {i+1}": {key: value for key, value in zip(keys, row)} for i, row in enumerate(matrix)} return dictionary # Take input as a character matrix using List matrix = [['A', 'B', 'C'], ['P', 'Q', 'R'], ['X', 'Y', 'Z']] result = matrix_to_dict(matrix) print(result)
{'SN 1': {'Letter 1': 'A', 'Letter 2': 'B', 'Letter 3': 'C'}, 'SN 2': {'Letter 1': 'P', 'Letter 2': 'Q', 'Letter 3': 'R'}, 'SN 3': {'Letter 1': 'X', 'Letter 2': 'Y', 'Letter 3': 'Z'}}