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There are two ways to implement MUL() function using nested functions −

  • Using nested function with name

  • #By currying a function

#Using nested Function With Name


JavaScript is a First-class function language. It means functions in JavaScript can be treated like any other variable. So, here we return the inner function in the return statement of the outer function.


Users can follow the below syntax to implement MUL( ) function using nested functions with name.

function mul(num1){
   function mul1(num2){
      function mul2(num3){
         return num1*num2*num3;
      }; // end of mul2()
      return mul2;
   }; // end of mul1()
   return mul1;
} // end of mul()

For example, we multiply three numbers – num1, num2, and num3. A function is a keyword to define function in JavaScript. Here, we are defining a function with the name mul( ), which has num1 as the parameter Inside the mul( ) function, we return function mul1( ), which is defined inside mul( ) function. mul1( ) has num2 as parameter, it returns function mul2( ). And mul2( ) parameter as returns function mul2( ). And mul2( ) has turns as reparameter the product of num1, num2, and num3.



  • 步驟1 - 使用第一個數字 num1 作為參數定義函數 mul( )。

  • 步驟 1.1 − 在函數 mul( ) 內部,使用第二個數字 num2 作為參數定義函數 mul1( )。

  • 步驟 1.2 - 在函數 mul() 的回傳語句中,傳回 mul1。

  • Step 2 − Inside function mul1( ), define function mul2( ) with third number num3 as parameter.

  • Step 2.1 − In the return statement of function mul1( ), return mul2.

  • #Step 3 − In the return statement of function mul2( ), return a product of num1, num2, and num3



<h2> The MUL() function in JavaScript </h2>
<div id = "output"> </div>
      let output = document.getElementById("output");
      function mul(num1){
         function mul1(num2){
            function mul2(num3){
               return num1*num2*num3;
            }; // end of mul2()
            return mul2;
         }; // end of mul1()
         return mul1;
      } // end of mul()
      output.innerHTML = "Multiplication of 2, 3 and 4 is : ";
      output.innerHTML += mul(2)(3)(4) + "<br><br>";
      output.innerHTML += "Multiplication of 4 and 6 is : ";
      //This line returns a function
      output.innerHTML += mul(4)(6) + "<br><br>";
      output.innerHTML += "Multiplication of 3, 5 and 7 is: ";
      //Another way of multiplication
      const temp = mul(3)(5);
      output.innerHTML += temp(7);

在上面的程式碼中,使用者可以看到透過將2、3和4一起傳遞給函數呼叫來進行乘法運算。當我們只傳遞兩個數字時,它會傳回一個函數。然後我們在函數呼叫中傳遞3和5,但是我們將結果儲存在temp變數中。然後使用temp變數,我們傳遞7。所以,我們得到了3、5和7的積= 105。

Note − We cannot call mul1() or mul2() function outside mul() function.




依照下列語法來實現透過柯里化函數來實現MUL( )。

function mul(num1) {
   return function(num2) {
      return function(num3) {
         return num1 * num2 * num3;




  • Step 1 − Define function mul( ) with num1 as a parameter.

  • 步驟 2 − 在函數 mul( ) 的回傳語句中,使用 num2 作為參數定義匿名函數(我們稱之為第一個匿名函數,以便理解)。

  • Step 3 − In the return statement of 1st anonymous function, define 2nd anonymous function with num3 as a parameter.

  • #Step 4 − In the return statement of the 2nd anonymous function, return a product of num1, num2, and num3.



<h2> The MUL() function in JavaScript </h2>
<div id="output"> </div>
      let output = document.getElementById("output");
      function mul(num1) {
         return function(num2) {
            return function(num3) {
               return num1 * num2 * num3;
      output.innerHTML = "Multiplication of 2, 4 and 6 is: ";
      output.innerHTML += mul(2)(4)(6) + "<br><br>";
      output.innerHTML += "Output when we pass only 9 is: <br>";
      //This line returns a function
      output.innerHTML += mul(9) + "<br><br>";
      output.innerHTML += "Multiplication of 2, 3 and 5 is: ";
      //Another way of multiplication
      const temp = mul(2)(3);
      output.innerHTML += temp(5);

In the above output, users can see that when we pass three numbers in function call, we get the product of 3 numbers. We are getting 48 when we are passing 2, 4, and 6 together in the function call. we pass only 9, we get function. Then we pass 2 and 3 only in a function call and store the result in the temp variable. And using that temp variable, we are passing 5. So, we get the product of 2, 33 , 和 5 = 30.

We have learned the implementation of the MUL( ) function with two different methods: nested functions and currying a function.

