首頁 >Java >java教程 >進行Android程式設計需要對Java有哪些基本的了解?


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  • Android應用程式是使用Java創建的,Java是一種高級程式語言,用於創建各種應用程式。

  • 作為一種物件導向的語言,它將資料分組為具有屬​​性(如屬性和方法)的物件。 Java還是與平台無關的,因此使用Java編寫的程式可以在支援Java虛擬機器(JVM)的任何系統上執行。


The paradigm of programming known as "object-oriented programming" is built around the idea of​​ objects. Even basic data types like integers and floating-point numbers are considered objects in Java. , extendable code that is simple to maintain.


  • Java支援各種資料類型,包括字元、布林值、浮點數、整數等等。在Java中,變數用於儲存數據,必須先定義才能使用。

  • Because Java is a tightly typed language, a variable's data type must be specified explicitly.

Control Structures in Java

  • Java employs control structures to regulate the flow of its code.

  • 如果語句、迴圈和開關語句是Java中的三個主要控制結構類別。

  • While迴圈用於在特定條件為真時持續執行程式碼,而if語句用於在特定條件為真時執行程式碼。

  • Switch語句用於根據變數的值運行程式碼。

Arrays and Strings in Java

  • In Java, collections of data are stored as arrays.

  • #They can be used to hold a set of floating-point values, integers, or any other kind of data.

  • Strings are an essential component of many Java programmes because they are used to hold sequences of characters.


  • 類別用於在Java中定義物件。

  • 它們作為物件的模板,定義了它們的屬性和操作。

  • 在Java程式設計中,物件(即類別的實例)用來表示實際的物理物件。

Inheritance and Polymorphism in Java

  • #Java has a feature called inheritance that lets one class take properties and functions from another class.

  • The capacity of an object to assume various forms is known as polymorphism.


  • 在Java中的例外處理

  • Java有一個稱為異常處理的方法,用於處理程式執行時發生的錯誤。


  • 基本的Android程式設計概念

  • 如果你想創建Android應用程序,除了基本的Java概念,你還需要學習一些Android特定的理念。

  • Activities, intentions, plans, and resources fall under this category.

  • #An Android app's building pieces are called activities, and each activity corresponds to a single screen.

#Although layouts establish an activity's user interface, intentents are utilised to communicate amongst activities. The app's data, including text and graphics, are store in resources.##d in resources.

d in resources.##d in resources.##d in resources.##d in resources.##d in resources.##d in resources.##d in resources.##d in resources.


###In conclusion, mastery of the Java programming language is essential for creating Android apps. The fundamental Java ideas required for Android programming, such as object-oriented proesming, data types and variables, control obures, data types and variables, control obures, data 類型、 , inheritance and polymorphism, and exception handling, have been covered in this article. We have also discussed some of the key Android-specific terms you should be familiar with, such as activities, intents, layouts, rewells. on your way to creating your own Android apps if you can master these ideas. It's crucial to remember that this post is just the beginning. Beyond the fundamentals of Java, there is a great amount of information to l

如果您真的想創建 Android 應用程序,則必須不斷學習和嘗試新想法。開發自己的專案是了解更多 Android 開發知識的絕佳方法。您可以開始使用各種網路資源,例如手冊、論壇和教學課程。為了提高您的知識,您可能還想考慮參加線上課程或參加附近的程式設計訓練營。

