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2023-08-20 13:13:06980瀏覽


The task we need to perform in this article is executing a script when a user navigates to a page in HTML.

We can do the above task (executing a script when a user navigates to a page in HTML) by using "onpageshow Event". Before we jump into the examples let's look into the definition and usage of onpageshow event in HTML.

HTML onpageshow事件

The onpageshow event in HTML occurs when a user navigates to a webpage. This event occurs every time the page is loaded.


以下是HTML中onpageshow事件的語法 -

<element onpageshow = "myScript">


Example 1

In the example,

  • 當使用者在HTML中導航到一個頁面時,我們使用了onpageshow事件。

  • 我們在函數內部寫了一個alert()方法。因此,每當使用者嘗試導航到一個頁面時,onpageshow事件就會被觸發。

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Execute a script when a user navigates to a page in HTML?</title>
<body onpageshow="navigate()">
   <h2>Execute a script when a user navigates to a page in HTML?</h2>
   <p><b>Note:</b> The <strong>"onpageshow"</strong> event in HTML will not supported in Internet Explorer 10 and before versions.</p>
      function navigate() {
         alert("Welcome to the page!");

As we can see in the output; when the user tries to navigate to a page an alert will be displayed on the window.

Example 2



In the example below,

  • 當使用者在HTML中導航到一個頁面時,我們使用了onpageshow事件。

  • 我們在函數內部寫了一個列印語句。因此,每當使用者嘗試導航到一個頁面時,onpageshow事件就會被觸發。

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Execute a script when a user navigates to a page in HTML?</title>
<body onpageshow="navigate()">
   <h2>Execute a script when a user navigates to a page in HTML?</h2>
   <p><b>Note:</b> The <strong>"onpageshow"</strong> event in HTML will not supported in Internet Explorer 10 and before versions.</p>
   <h2 id="heading"> </h2>
      function navigate() {
         document.getElementById("heading").innerHTML = "Welcome to the page!";

As we can see in the output when the user tries to navigate to a page the print statement will be executed.

Example 3



#In the example below,

  • 當使用者在HTML中導航到一個頁面時,我們使用了onpageshow事件。

  • 我們在函數內部寫了一個列印語句。因此,每當使用者嘗試導航到一個頁面時,onpageshow事件就會被觸發。

  • In the below code; we have written "window.onpageshow", here window interface represents a window containing a DOM document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Execute a script when a user navigates to a page in HTML?</title>
   <h2>Execute a script when a user navigates to a page in HTML?</h2>
   <h3 id="para"></h3>
     function Navigate() {
       document.getElementById("para").innerHTML = "Welcome to the page!";
     window.onpageshow = Navigate;

As we can see in the output when the user tries to navigate to a page the print statement will be executed.

