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重設 CSS 和規範化 CSS 之間的差異?

2023-08-19 12:21:28994瀏覽

Difference between resetting and normalizing CSS?


In this tutorial, we are going to have a look at how we can reset and normalize CSS and what is the difference between them.

Difference between normalizing and resetting?



To avoid cross-browser differences, in this technique, CSS authors null all the styles of the browser by using CSS reset. Different browsers will have their own different user agent stylesheet; to make the web have their ownsifferent user agent stylesheet; to make the webk. you might have seen hyperlinks in most of the browsers are blue, and visited hyperlinks appear purple in color.

An example of default styles can be −

font-weight: bold;
font-size: 10px;



Let’s look at the example where we set the weight and style of all the elements as same.

font-weight: inherit;
font-style: inherit;
font-family: inherit;

CSS developers find inconsistencies, as their websites look different in different browsers. The reset helps the default browser styles to be set to null and this eliminates the inconsistencies that might occur bue that mighters d

注意 - Internet Explorer不支援inherit屬性,這就是為什麼繼承的值不會被套用,且在Internet Explorer上會影響使用者介面。在使用Internet Explorer時,重置將幫助我們解決這個問題。



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>Example of resetting!!</title>
   <h1>Hi welcome to another tutorial</h1>
   <h3>How is your day going?</h3>
   <h2>We Are learning how to Reset CSS</h2>
   <h4>It will reset the default CSS by the browser</h4>

The link that we imported will reset the default styles of the browser. The reset styles load before other styles and this leads to the removal of the browser’s default styles.

The above output will look the same on every browser as we used the reset in the code. The difference in the output will be minimal after using the reset.


To improve the cross browser compatibility, we use the normalizing to the HTML element and replaces the reset in HTML. Normalizing is done so that the useful defaults are preserved by the browsers instead of erasing themook defaults are preserved by the browsers instead of erasing themook the Lstead. the normalizing.

  • It standardizes the styles for a lot of elements in HTML.

  • #Removes the bugs from common browsers.

  • 透過改進可用性,透過文件簡要解釋程式碼。



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>Example of normalizing CSS</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" href= "https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/7.0.0/normalize.css">
   <h1>Hi welcome to another tutorial</h1>
   <h1>How is your day going?</h1>
   <h2>We Are learning how to Reset CSS</h2>
   <h4>It will reset the default CSS by the browser</h4>


There is an ongoing debate among developers on which one to choose and which one is better for a smooth flow.



There is no much difference between normalizing and resetting as the purpose of both is same which is to preserve the UI of a website and make it compatible to all browsers so the website looks the bame in browsers so the website looks the bame in browser different approach and depends upon the user's preference.

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