CREATE TABLE `t_student` ( `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `t_id` int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '学科id', `score` int DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '分数', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) );
SELECT s1.* FROM student s1 LEFT JOIN student s2 ON s1.t_id = s2.t_id AND s1.score < s2.score GROUP BY s1.id HAVING COUNT( s2.id ) < 5 ORDER BY s1.t_id, s1.score DESC
SELECT * FROM student s1 LEFT JOIN student s2 ON s1.t_id = s2.t_id AND s1.score < s2.score
SELECT s1.* FROM student s1 LEFT JOIN student s2 ON s1.t_id = s2.t_id AND s1.score < s2.score GROUP BY s1.id HAVING COUNT( s2.id ) < 5
SELECT s1.* FROM student s1 LEFT JOIN student s2 ON s1.t_id = s2.t_id AND s1.score > s2.score GROUP BY s1.id HAVING COUNT( s1.id )< 2 ORDER BY s1.t_id, s1.score並列存在情況下可能導致篩選出的同一t_id 下結果條數大於2條,但題目要求是取最後兩名的平均值,多條平均後還是本身,故不必再對其處理,可以滿足題目要求。
SELECT t_id,AVG(score) FROM ( SELECT s1.* FROM student s1 LEFT JOIN student s2 ON s1.t_id = s2.t_id AND s1.score > s2.score GROUP BY s1.id HAVING COUNT( s1.id )< 2 ORDER BY s1.t_id, s1.score ) tt GROUP BY t_id結果:
SELECT s1.*,s2.* FROM student s1 LEFT JOIN student s2 ON s1.t_id = s2.t_id AND s1.score > s2.score
3. group by t_id 分別取各自學科的然後avg取平均值題目三:取得每個科目下前五成績排名(不允許並列)
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT s1.*, @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS num_tmp, @incrnum := CASE WHEN @rowtotal = s1.score THEN @incrnum WHEN @rowtotal := s1.score THEN @rownum END AS rownum FROM student s1 LEFT JOIN student s2 ON s1.t_id = s2.t_id AND s1.score > s2.score, ( SELECT @rownum := 0, @rowtotal := NULL, @incrnum := 0 ) AS it GROUP BY s1.id ORDER BY s1.t_id, s1.score DESC ) tt GROUP BY t_id, score, rownum HAVING COUNT( rownum )< 5
SELECT s1.*, @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS num_tmp, @incrnum := CASE WHEN @rowtotal = s1.score THEN @incrnum WHEN @rowtotal := s1.score THEN @rownum END AS rownum FROM student s1 LEFT JOIN student s2 ON s1.t_id = s2.t_id AND s1.score > s2.score, ( SELECT @rownum := 0, @rowtotal := NULL, @incrnum := 0 ) AS it
SELECT s1.*, @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS num_tmp, @incrnum := CASE WHEN @rowtotal = s1.score THEN @incrnum WHEN @rowtotal := s1.score THEN @rownum END AS rownum FROM student s1 LEFT JOIN student s2 ON s1.t_id = s2.t_id AND s1.score > s2.score, ( SELECT @rownum := 0, @rowtotal := NULL, @incrnum := 0 ) AS it GROUP BY s1.id ORDER BY s1.t_id, s1.score DESC
以上是MySQL中分類排名與分組TOP N的範例分析的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!