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Python Excel資料處理之xlrd/xlwt/xlutils模組怎麼使用

2023-05-17 08:13:11834瀏覽







pip install xlrd

pip install xlwt

pip install xlutils


Python Excel資料處理之xlrd/xlwt/xlutils模組怎麼使用





# Importing the xlrd module.
import xlrd as read

# Importing the xlwt module.
import xlwt as write

# Copying the contents of the original workbook into a new workbook.
from xlutils.copy import copy


# Opening the workbook and assigning it to the variable `work_book`.
work_book = read.open_workbook('D:/test-data-work/test.xls')

# Assigning the sheet named 'Sheet1' to the variable `sheet`.
sheet = work_book.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')

# `row = sheet.nrows` is assigning the number of rows in the sheet to the variable `row`.
row = sheet.nrows

# `col = sheet.ncols` is assigning the number of columns in the sheet to the variable `col`.
col = sheet.ncols

print('Sheet1工作表有:{0}行,{1}列'.format(str(row), str(col)))

# Sheet1工作表有:23行,5列


for a in sheet.get_rows():

# [text:'姓名', text:'年龄', text:'班级', text:'成绩', text:'表现']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:20.0, number:1210.0, number:90.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:21.0, number:1211.0, number:91.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:22.0, number:1212.0, number:92.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:23.0, number:1213.0, number:93.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:24.0, number:1214.0, number:94.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:25.0, number:1215.0, number:95.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:26.0, number:1216.0, number:96.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:27.0, number:1217.0, number:97.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:28.0, number:1218.0, number:98.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:29.0, number:1219.0, number:99.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:30.0, number:1220.0, number:100.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:31.0, number:1221.0, number:101.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:32.0, number:1222.0, number:102.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:33.0, number:1223.0, number:103.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:34.0, number:1224.0, number:104.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:35.0, number:1225.0, number:105.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:36.0, number:1226.0, number:106.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:37.0, number:1227.0, number:107.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:38.0, number:1228.0, number:108.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:39.0, number:1229.0, number:109.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:40.0, number:1230.0, number:110.0, text:'A']
# [text:'Python 集中营', number:41.0, number:1231.0, number:111.0, text:'A']

for b in range(row):

# ['姓名', '年龄', '班级', '成绩', '表现']
# ['Python 集中营', 20.0, 1210.0, 90.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 21.0, 1211.0, 91.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 22.0, 1212.0, 92.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 23.0, 1213.0, 93.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 24.0, 1214.0, 94.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 25.0, 1215.0, 95.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 26.0, 1216.0, 96.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 27.0, 1217.0, 97.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 28.0, 1218.0, 98.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 29.0, 1219.0, 99.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 30.0, 1220.0, 100.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 31.0, 1221.0, 101.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 32.0, 1222.0, 102.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 33.0, 1223.0, 103.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 34.0, 1224.0, 104.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 35.0, 1225.0, 105.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 36.0, 1226.0, 106.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 37.0, 1227.0, 107.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 38.0, 1228.0, 108.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 39.0, 1229.0, 109.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 40.0, 1230.0, 110.0, 'A']
# ['Python 集中营', 41.0, 1231.0, 111.0, 'A']

for c in range(col):

# ['姓名', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营', 'Python 集中营']
# ['年龄', 20.0, 21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0, 29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0, 33.0, 34.0, 35.0, 36.0, 37.0, 38.0, 39.0, 40.0, 41.0]
# ['班级', 1210.0, 1211.0, 1212.0, 1213.0, 1214.0, 1215.0, 1216.0, 1217.0, 1218.0, 1219.0, 1220.0, 1221.0, 1222.0, 1223.0, 1224.0, 1225.0, 1226.0, 1227.0, 1228.0, 1229.0, 1230.0, 1231.0]
# ['成绩', 90.0, 91.0, 92.0, 93.0, 94.0, 95.0, 96.0, 97.0, 98.0, 99.0, 100.0, 101.0, 102.0, 103.0, 104.0, 105.0, 106.0, 107.0, 108.0, 109.0, 110.0, 111.0]
# ['表现', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A']


# Creating a new workbook.
work_book_2 = write.Workbook()

# Creating a new sheet named 'Sheet4' in the workbook.
sheet_2 = work_book_2.add_sheet('Sheet4')

list = [
    ['姓名', '年龄', '班级', '成绩'],
    ['张三', '20', '1210', '89'],
    ['李四', '21', '1211', '90'],
    ['王五', '22', '1212', '91'],
for row_index in range(4):
    for col_index in range(4):
        sheet_2.write(row_index, col_index, list[row_index][col_index])
        col_index += 1
    row_index += 1

# Saving the workbook to the specified location.


# Opening the workbook and assigning it to the variable `work_book_3`.
work_book_3 = read.open_workbook('D:/test-data-work/test.xls')

# Copying the contents of the original workbook into a new workbook.
work_book_3_copy = copy(work_book_3)

# Saving the contents of the original workbook into a new workbook.

以上是Python Excel資料處理之xlrd/xlwt/xlutils模組怎麼使用的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
