if (file_exists($file_path)) {
// file exists, continue with delete operation
} else {
// file does not exist, abort delete operation
if (unlink($file_path)) {
// file deleted successfully
} else {
// failed to delete file
$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; // get current user id
$file_owner_id = getUserID($file_path); / / get owner id of the file
##if ($user_id == $file_owner_id) {// user is authorized, continue with delete operation} else {
// user is not authorized, abort delete operation}
// file path is valid, continue with delete operation} else {
// invalid file path, abort delete operation}##完整程式碼實作
session_start(); // start session to get current user id
$ base_directory = "/path/to/files"; // specify base directory for files
$file_name = $_GET['file_name']; // get file name from query string
$ file_path = realpath($base_directory . '/' . $file_name); // get real path of the file
$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; // get current user id
#user id $file_owner_id = getUserID($file_path); // get owner id of the file if ($user_id == $file_owner_id) {if (file_exists($file_path)) { if (unlink($file_path)) { echo "File deleted successfully."; } else { echo "Unable to delete file."; } } else { echo "File does not exist."; }} else {
echo "You are not authorized to delete this file.";}function getUserID($file_path) {
// implement function to get owner id of the file}?> 總結刪除檔案是Web開發中常見的操作,但是必須謹慎執行以避免資料遺失或安全漏洞。本文介紹了php刪除相對檔案的4個關鍵步驟,包括確保檔案存在、刪除檔案、使用者權限偵測和防止路徑遍歷攻擊。我們建議在編寫刪除文件的程式碼時參考這些步驟,並按照實際需求進行修改和自訂。