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2023-04-08 12:31:111462瀏覽

眾所周知,Python 是一門簡單易學、具有強大功能的程式語言,在各種使用者使用統計榜中總是名列前茅。相應地,圍繞著 Python,研究者開發了各種便利工具,以更好的服務於這門語言。

編譯器扮演著高階語言與機器之間的翻譯官,不同版本的Python 編譯器已被開發出來,以下我們將為大家介紹一款新的高效能Python編譯器:Codon。該項目上線短短幾天,已收穫 2.2k 星。



作為高效能Python 編譯器,Codon 可將Python 程式碼編譯為本機機器碼,而無需任何執行時間開銷。在單執行緒上,Python 的典型加速約為 10-100 倍或更多。 Codon 的性能通常與 C/C 的性能相當。與 Python 不同,Codon 支援本機多線程,這可以使速度提高很多倍。 Codon 可透過插件基礎架構進行擴展,它允許使用者合併新的函式庫、編譯器最佳化甚至關鍵字。

Codon 框架是完全模組化和可擴展的,允許無縫整合新模組、編譯器最佳化、領域特定語言等,並積極為生物資訊學和量化金融等多個領域開發新的Codon 擴充。

狂攬兩千星,速度百倍提升,高效能Python編譯器Codon開源Codon Pipeline



以下是來自 Codon 基準測試套件的結果,比較了 Python、PyPy、C 和 Codon 在一系列任務和應用程式上的表現。




Python、PyPy、Codon 的比較








#Python、PyPy、C 、Codon 的對比





##The specific comparison of several languages ​​is as follows:

Codon follows CPython syntax, semantics and API as much as possible, but in some special cases, considering performance reasons, Codon will be somewhat different from CPython. For example, Codon is a 64-bit int, and CPython is arbitrary widthint. In terms of performance, CPython speedups are typically 10-100x speedups.

Although Codon does provide a JIT decorator similar to Numba, Codon is generally an ahead-of-time compiler that can compile end-to-end programs into Native code. It also supports compilation of a wider set of Python constructs and libraries.

PyPy aims to be a simple replacement for CPython, while Codon is different in some places. These differences are mainly reflected in the elimination of dynamic runtime or virtual machine, resulting in better performance.

Codon usually generates the same code as an equivalent C or C program, and can sometimes generate better code than a C/C compiler. There are many reasons, such as better container implementation, Codon not using object files and inlining all library code, or Codon-specific compiler optimizations that are not performed using C or C .

Codon's compilation process is actually closer to C than to Julia. Julia is a dynamically typed language that performs type inference as an optimization, whereas Codon types are checked ahead of time throughout the program. Codon also attempts to circumvent the learning curve of a new language by adopting Python's syntax and semantics.


Although Codon supports almost all syntax of Python, it is not a simple replacement, and large code bases may require modifications to compile with Codon The server is running. For example, some Python modules have not been implemented in Codon, and some dynamic features of Python are not allowed. The Codon compiler generates detailed error messages to help identify and resolve any incompatibility issues. Codon supports seamless Python interoperability to handle situations that require specific Python libraries or dynamics.

I want to use Codon, but I have a large Python code base and don’t want to port it, what should I do?

You can use Codon through the @codon.jit decorator, which will only compile annotated functions and automatically handle data conversion to and from Codon. It also allows the use of any Codon-specific modules or extensions, such as multithreading.

How interoperable is it with other languages ​​and frameworks?

Interoperability is a priority at Codon. We don't want to use Codon to prevent users from using other great frameworks and libraries that exist. Codon supports full interoperability with Python and C/C.

Does Codon use garbage collection?

Yes, Codon uses the Boehm garbage collector.

Codon doesn't support Python module X or function Y?

While Codon covers a sizeable subset of the Python standard library, it does not yet cover every function in every module. Note that missing functions can still be called from Python import. Many functions that lack native implementations of Codon (such as I/O or OS-related functions) typically do not achieve substantial speedups from Codon.

Is Codon not faster than Python for my application?

Applications that spend most of their time in library code implemented in C will generally not see substantial performance improvements in Codon. Likewise, applications that are I/O or network bound will experience the same bottlenecks in Codon.

Is Codon slower than Python for my application?

If this is the case, please report Codon being significantly slower than Python to the issue tracker.

Is Codon free?

Codon is always free for non-production use. Users are free to use Codon for personal, academic, or other non-commercial applications.

Is Codon open source?

Codon is licensed under the Business Source License (BSL) and its source code is publicly available and free for non-production use. BSL is not technically an "open source" license, although in many cases you can still treat Codon like any other open source project. Importantly, according to the BSL, every version of Codon is transitioned to an actual open source license (specifically Apache) after 3 years.

