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Java的特性:1、物件導向;它對物件中的類別、物件、繼承、封裝、多型、介面、套件等都有很好支援。 2.平台無關性;引入虛擬機器之後,Java語言在不同的平台上運作不需要重新編譯。 3、簡單性。 4.解釋執行;程式在Java平台執行時會被編譯成字節碼文件,然後可以在有Java環境的作業系統上運行。 5、支援多線程,並提供多線程之間的同步機制;6、分散式;7、健全性;8、高效能;9、安全性。


本教學操作環境:windows7系統、java8版、DELL G3電腦。


簡單地說,Java 是由Sun Microsystems 公司於1995 年推出的物件導向程式設計語言。 2010 年 Oracle 公司收購 Sun Microsystems,之後由 Oracle 公司負責 Java 的維護和版本升級。

其實,Java 還是一個平台。 Java 平台由 Java 虛擬機器(Java Virtual Machine,JVM)和 Java 應用程式介面(Application Programming Interface,API)所構成。 Java 應用程式介面為此提供了一個獨立於作業系統的標準接口,可分為基本部分和擴充部分。在硬體或作業系統平台上安裝一個 Java 平台之後,Java 應用程式就可以運作。

Java 平台已經嵌入了幾乎所有的作業系統。這樣 Java 程式只編譯一次,就可以在各種系統中運作。 Java 應用程式介面已經從 1.1x 版本發展到 1.2 版本。


Java 語言的風格很像C 語言和C 語言,是一種純粹的物件導向語言,它繼承了C 語言物件導向的技術核心,但是拋棄了C 的一些缺點,比如說容易引起錯誤的指針以及多繼承等,同時也增加了垃圾回收機制,釋放掉不被使用的內存空間,解決了管理記憶體空間的煩惱。

Java 語言是一種分散式的物件導向語言,具有物件導向、平台無關性、簡單性、解釋執行、多執行緒、安全性等許多特點,以下針對這些特點進行逐一介紹。

1. 物件導向

Java 是一種物件導向的語言,它對物件中的類別、物件、繼承、封裝、多型、介面、套件等均有很好的支持。為了簡單起見,Java 只支援類別之間的單繼承,但是可以使用介面來實現多重繼承。使用 Java 語言開發程序,需要採用物件導向的思想設計程序和編寫程式碼。

2. 平台無關性

平台無關性的具體表現在於,Java 是「一次編寫,到處運行(Write Once,Run any Where)」的語言,因此採用Java 語言編寫的程式具有良好的可移植性,而保證這一點的正是Java 的虛擬機器機制。在引入虛擬機器之後,Java 語言在不同的平台上運行不需要重新編譯。

Java 語言使用 Java 虛擬機機制屏蔽了具體平台的相關訊息,使得 Java 語言編譯的程式只需生成虛擬機器上的目標程式碼,就可以在多種平台上不加修改地運行。

3. 簡單性

Java 語言的語法與 C 語言和 C 語言很相近,使得許多程式設計師學起來很容易。對Java 來說,它捨棄了許多C 中難以理解的特性,如操作符的重載和多重繼承等,而且Java 語言不使用指針,加入了垃圾回收機制,解決了程式設計師需要管理記憶體的問題,讓程式設計變得更加簡單。

4. 解釋執行

Java 程式在 Java 平台運行時會被編譯成字節碼文件,然後可以在有 Java 環境的作業系統上運行。在執行檔案時,Java 的解釋器會對這些字節碼進行解釋執行,執行過程中需要加入的類別在連線階段被載入到運作環境中。

5. 多執行緒

Java 語言是多執行緒的,這也是Java 語言的一大特性,它必須由Thread 類別和它的子類別來創建。 Java 支援多個執行緒同時執行,並提供多執行緒之間的同步機制。任何一個執行緒都有自己的 run() 方法,要執行的方法就寫在 run() 方法體內。

6. 分散式

Java 語言支援Internet 應用的開發,在Java 的基本應用程式介面中就有一個網頁應用程式介面,它提供了網絡應用程式設計的類別庫,包括URL、URLConnection、Socket 等。 Java 的 RIM 機制也是發展分散式應用的重要手段。

7. 健全性

Java’s strong type mechanism, exception handling, garbage collection mechanism, etc. are all important guarantees of Java’s robustness. Discarding pointers is a major advancement in Java. In addition, Java's exception mechanism is also a major manifestation of robustness.

8. High performance

Java’s high performance is mainly compared to other high-level scripting languages. With the development of JIT (Just in Time), Java’s The running speed is also getting higher and higher.

9. Security

Java is usually used in a network environment. For this reason, Java provides a security mechanism to prevent malicious code attacks. In addition to the many security features of the Java language, Java also adds a security prevention mechanism to classes downloaded through the network, allocates different name spaces to prevent local classes of the same name from being replaced, and includes a security management mechanism.

The many features of the Java language make it occupy a large market share among many programming languages. The Java language's support for objects and powerful API make programming work easier and faster, greatly reducing the time required to program. development costs. Java's "write once, execute anywhere" is one of its advantages that attracts many businesses and programmers.

Expand knowledge:

According to the scope of application, Java can be divided into 3 systems, namely Java SE, Java EE and Java ME. These three systems are briefly introduced below.

1. Java SE

Java SE (Java Platform Standard Edition, Java Platform Standard Edition), formerly known as J2SE, allows development and deployment on desktops, servers, Java applications used in embedded and real-time environments. Java SE contains classes that support Java Web service development and provides the foundation for Java EE, such as Java language foundation, JDBC operations, I/O operations, network communication, and multi-threading technologies. Figure 1 shows the architecture of Java SE.


2. Java EE

Java EE (Java Platform Enterprise Edition, Java Platform Enterprise Edition) was formerly known as J2EE. The Enterprise Edition helps develop and deploy server-side Java applications that are portable, robust, scalable, and secure. Java EE is built on Java SE and provides Web services, component models, management and communication APIs that can be used to implement enterprise-class Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web 2.0 applications.

3. Java ME

Java ME (Java Platform Micro Edition, Java Platform Micro Edition) was formerly known as J2ME, also called K-JAVA. Java ME provides a robust and flexible environment for applications running on mobile and embedded devices such as cell phones, PDAs, television set-top boxes, and printers.

Java ME includes a flexible user interface, a robust security model, a rich set of built-in network protocols, and support for dynamically downloadable online and offline applications. Applications based on the Java ME specification can be written once for many devices and take advantage of each device's native capabilities.

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