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2022-11-07 17:38:3515127瀏覽

AppStore中文意思是“蘋果應用程式商店”,是一個應用程式平台,是iPhone、iPod Touch、iPad以及Mac的服務軟體,允許用戶從iTunes Store或Mac App Store瀏覽和下載一些為iPhone SDK或Mac開發的應用程式。





App Store(iTunes Store 的一部分),是iPhone、iPod Touch、iPad以及Mac的服務軟體,讓使用者可以從iTunes Store或Mac App Store瀏覽和下載一些為iPhone SDK或Mac開發的應用程式。

用戶可以購買收費項目和免費項目,讓應用程式直接下載到iPhone或iPod touch、iPad、Mac。其中包含:遊戲,日曆,翻譯程序,圖庫,以及許多實用的軟體。

在Mac中的App Store叫Mac App Store,和iOS的軟體不相同。 App Store擁有大量精選的行動app,皆由Apple和第三方開發者為 iPhone 度身設計。 Apple會對App Store中的所有內容進行預防惡意軟體的審查。


App Store模式的意義在於為第三方軟體的提供者提供了方便且高效的一個軟體銷售平台,成為第三方軟體的提供者參與其中的積極性空前高漲,適應了手機用戶們對個人化軟體的需求,從而使得手機軟體產業開始進入了一個高速、良性發展的軌道,是蘋果公司把App Store這樣的一個商業行為昇華到了一個讓人效仿的經營模式,蘋果公司的App Store開創了手機軟體業發展的新篇章,App store無疑將會成為手機軟體業發展史上的一個重要的里程碑,其意義已遠遠超越了「iPhone的軟體應用商店」的本身。

App Store是蘋果策略轉型的重要措施之一。 App Store iPhone 是增加蘋果收益的關鍵路徑之一。蘋果推出App Store的主要原因可以從兩方面來解讀:一是蘋果公司由終端廠商轉型為服務供應商的整體策略定位;二是蘋果公司擬透過App Store增加終端產品iPhone的產品溢價,進而實現以iPhone提升蘋果公司收益的策略意義。

在「iPod iTunes」模式的成功中,Apple看到了基於終端的內容服務市場的巨大潛力。在其整體策略上,也已經開始了從純粹的消費性電子產品生產商轉向以終端為基礎的綜合性內容服務提供者的轉變。而行動加值市場的快速發展,顯現了更強於網路內容服務市場的巨大強力。 Apple要建構自身完整的數位娛樂內容服務策略,也需要藉助一款產品或產品組合向行動加值市場進入,而「iPhone App Store」同時滿足Apple為內容服務開拓市場空間的需求。


  • Who:基於「iPhone App Store」的客戶群基礎,完成向通訊終端市場的延伸,主要的目標使用者仍是追求時尚、流行、對網路等娛樂應用有較強需求的客戶群。

  • What:App Store是連接開發者與使用者之間的橋樑,也是蘋果專供iPhone和iPod Touch下載應用程式的唯一管道。透過與iPhone終端結合,一方為使用者提供了持續的固定和行動互聯網內容或應用服務;另一方面為軟體開發者提供了一個軟體販售的平台。

  • Where:隨著iPhone 3G 手機的推出,App Store現已隨著iPhone手機的販賣遍布全球70多個國家,如中國、美國、英國、法國、德國、澳洲、加拿大、日本、西班牙等國。

  • How to achieve:透過iPhone潮流的外觀設計、強大的功能展現及創新型的應用集成,對目標人群具有較強的吸引力。透過終端內嵌實現應用與終端的綁定。具有一定數量的忠實的使用者群體。

  • How to make money:App Store透過用戶下載付費的形式獲得收入,由蘋果公司統一代收。然後蘋果將應用收入依3:7的比例與應用程式開發者按週進行分成,即蘋果公司獲得收入的30%,軟體開發者獲得收入的70%。


App Store的產業鏈簡單明晰,共涉及三個主體,即蘋果公司、開發者、用戶,此外也包括第三方支付公司,但只是作為收費管道,不是產業鏈的主要參與者。

The App Store has established a win-win business model for users, developers, and Apple. Their respective roles and responsibilities in the industry chain are as follows: Apple: controls the development and management rights of the App Store and is the main control of the platform. By.

Its main responsibilities include four points: first, providing the platform and development toolkit; second, being responsible for the marketing of the application; third, being responsible for charging and then settling the monthly settlement to the developer. In addition, Apple often discloses some data analysis information to help developers understand users' recent demand points, and provides guiding opinions to guide developers in pricing, adjusting prices, or making apps free. Developer: The uploader of the application software. Its main responsibilities include three points: first, responsible for the development of applications; second, independent operation of its own products or applications on the platform, such as free pricing or independent price adjustment. User: Experiencer of the application. Users only need to register and log in to the App Store and bind a credit card to download the application. The AppStore provides users with more utilities, a good user experience and a convenient purchase process

Development in China

The latest report from market research company Stenvall Skoeld shows , in the second quarter of 2012, Chinese users contributed 18% of downloads to Apple’s App Store, but contributed only 3% to revenue. In comparison, the United States contributed 28% of downloads to the App Store and contributed 42% to revenue.

According to data from Stenvall Skoeld, the Chinese market contributed US$37 million in revenue to the Apple App Store in the second quarter, a year-on-year increase of 105%. Full-year 2012 revenue is expected to grow 98% to $171 million.

Calculated in terms of downloads, China is Apple’s second largest application market. But it is worth noting that the vast majority of iOS apps downloaded by Chinese users are free apps. Every download of an iOS app in the Chinese market contributes approximately US$0.03 in revenue to Apple, which is far lower than the average of US$0.19.

On May 26, 2022, Apple’s official website issued a press release stating that the number of registered developers in Apple Greater China has now exceeded 5 million.

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