.原標題:Laravel Eloquent Query Filter using Pipeline
##pipeline是Laravel 特別有用的特性之一。 pipeline也是 Laravel 中最常使用的組件之一,例如中間件。
One of the features of Laravel which surely useful is thepipeline. Pipelines is one of the most used components in the Laravel for example middleware.
Basically, with a pipeline we can pass an object through a stack of tasks and get the result via a callback.
管道用於查詢過濾的好處是我們可以將成噸的屎山減少到幾行。在沒用管道之前,我們通常會寫一個控制器,取得使用者模型的 Eloquent 實例,並根據查詢字串拼接一些條件。The benefit of pipeline for query filtering is that we can reduce tons of lines to several lines. Being unaware of the pipelines, we would usually set up a controller, get get instance of EUserlodelent , and apply some condition based on query string.
The drawback is that, it's obviously that filters conditions will continue to grow as well as duplication of the same filter for other query. In other hand, the maintainability of the code kind#.Let’s see below queries.
$query = User::query();if ($request->username) { $query->where('username', 'LIKE', "%$request->username%");}if ($request->email) { $query->where('email', 'LIKE', "%$request->email%");}if ($request->address) { $query->where('address', 'LIKE', "%$request->address%");}if ($request->occupation) { $query->where('occupation', 'LIKE', "%$request->occupation%");}return $query->get();缺點很明顯,過濾條件像屎山一樣不斷的堆加,出現大量重複的程式碼。另外,程式碼的可維護性就有點腦殼痛了。
There is where Pipeline become a hero#來看看管道優雅的處理方式
return User::query()->filter([
Simple and short right? But before that,
1. 建立一個名為「Filterable」的trait類別並寫一個scope方法
Create a trait namedFilterable
and create a scope
class Filterable{ public function scopeFilter($query, array $through) { return app(Pipeline::class) ->send($query) ->through($through) ->thenReturn(); }}
然後,你就可以愉快的在任意Model中重複使用它,如User模型Then, use it in any model that you prefer, for example User model
class User { use Filterable; }
2. Create a filter for example UsernameFilter
class UsernameFilter { public function handle($query, $next) { if (request()->mobile_phone) { $query->where('username', request()->mobile_phone); } return $next($query); }}食用方法:######### The usage is just like this######
User::query()->filter([UsernameFilter::class])->get();######或###############OR############你還可以透過傳遞屬性的方式來使用管道。 #########If you want for more accessibility to the pipeline, you can also pass an attribute.######
class StringFilter { public function handle($query, $next, $column) { if (request()->{$column}) { $query->where($column, 'LIKE', request()->{$column}); } return $next($query); }}###像下面這樣用#########The usage is just like this######
User::query()->filter([ 'StringFilter:username', 'StringFilter:email',])->get();###搞定,優雅吧! #########Done. Simple and clean ############# 建議:「### 五個Laravel影片教學###」 ##