/* Session open (called by session_start( )) Session close (called at page end) Session read (called after session_start( ) ) Session write (called when session data is to be written) Session destroy (called by session_destroy( ) ) Session garbage collect (called randomly) */ <? function sess_open($sess_path, $sess_name) { print "Session opened.\n"; print "Sess_path: $sess_path\n"; print "Sess_name: $sess_name\n\n"; return true; } function sess_close( ) { print "Session closed.\n"; return true; } function sess_read($sess_id) { print "Session read.\n"; print "Sess_ID: $sess_id\n"; return ''; } function sess_write($sess_id, $data) { print "Session value written.\n"; print "Sess_ID: $sess_id\n"; print "Data: $data\n\n"; return true; } function sess_destroy($sess_id) { print "Session destroy called.\n"; return true; } function sess_gc($sess_maxlifetime) { print "Session garbage collection called.\n"; print "Sess_maxlifetime: $sess_maxlifetime\n"; return true; } session_set_save_handler("sess_open", "sess_close", "sess_read", "sess_write", "sess_destroy", "sess_gc"); session_start( ); $_SESSION['foo'] = "bar"; print "Some text\n"; $_SESSION['baz'] = "wombat"; ?>