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看看PHP 多進程處理任務

2020-09-30 16:51:284754瀏覽

看看PHP 多進程處理任務

pcntl 模組(非Unix 類別系統不支援此模組)

一個PHP 多進程簡單範例大概是這個樣子:

// 5 个子进程处理任务for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    $pid = pcntl_fork();    if ($pid == -1) {        die("could not fork");
    } elseif ($pid) {        echo "I&#39;m the Parent $i\n";
    } else { // 子进程处理
        echo "I&#39;m the Child $i\n";        // 业务处理
        exit($i); // 一定要注意退出子进程,否则 pcntl_fork() 会被子进程再 fork,带来处理上的影响。
}// 等待子进程执行结束while (pcntl_waitpid(0, $status) != -1) {
    $status = pcntl_wexitstatus($status);    echo "Child $status completed\n";

當然實際應用中我們不能夠這樣輸出程式碼,不夠健壯,也不夠優雅,我所以找了個基於pcntl 封裝的擴充包來使用。

spatie/async - 基於pcntl 封裝的擴充包

以下是我使用spatie/async 來最佳化一個多進程請求的範例

原始程式碼(耗時20s 左右)- github.com/guanguans/m…

看看PHP 多進程處理任務

 * @param string $keyword
 * @return array
 */public function searchAll(string $keyword): array{
    $songAll = [];    foreach ($this->platforms as $platform) {
        $songAll = array_merge($songAll, $this->search($platform, $keyword));
    }    return $songAll;
 * @param string $platform
 * @param string $keyword
 * @return mixed
 */public function search(string $platform, string $keyword){
    $meting = $this->getMeting($platform);

    $songs = json_decode($meting->format()->search($keyword), true);    foreach ($songs as $key => &$song) {
        $detail = json_decode($meting->format()->url($song[&#39;url_id&#39;]), true);        if (empty($detail[&#39;url&#39;])) {            unset($songs[$key]);
        $song = array_merge($song, $detail);
    }    unset($song);    return $songs;

改進後(耗時4s 左右)- github.com /guanguans/m…

看看PHP 多進程處理任務

 * @param string $keyword
 * @return array
 */public function searchAll(string $keyword): array{
    $songAll = [];
    $pool = Pool::create();    foreach ($this->platforms as $platform) {
        $pool->add(function () use ($platform, $keyword) {            return $this->search($platform, $keyword);
        }, $this->getSerializedOutput())->then(function ($output) use (&$songAll) {
            $songAll = array_merge($songAll, $output);
        })->catch(function (\Throwable $exception) {            exit($exception->getMessage());
    $pool->wait();    return $songAll;
 * @return mixed
 */public function search(string $platform, string $keyword){
    $meting = $this->getMeting($platform);
    $songs = json_decode($meting->format()->search($keyword), true);

    $pool = Pool::create();    foreach ($songs as $key => &$song) {
        $pool->add(function () use ($meting, $song) {            return json_decode($meting->format()->url($song[&#39;url_id&#39;]), true);
        })->then(function ($output) use (&$songs, &$song, $key) {
            $song = array_merge($song, $output);            if (empty($song[&#39;url&#39;])) {                unset($songs[$key]);
        })->catch(function (\Throwable $exception) {            exit($exception->getMessage());
    }    unset($song);
    $pool->wait();    return $songs;


以上是看看PHP 多進程處理任務的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
