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2020-09-03 10:03:581857瀏覽

Let’s talk about the use of OrgChart, showing you a comfortable organizational chart in an elegant way,


I have nothing to do to write a multi-level user relationship layer, so there is a problem of display. This is when OrgChart comes in handy.

In the process of using it, there was a small problem. Kaka will use the problem to introduce the use of this plug-in.

The final effect is as follows

最需要的時候遇見你OrgChartOf course, the final effect that Kaka needs to achieve is definitely not like this. This is just the effect that this plug-in can achieve. After looking at this picture, you will know whether it is suitable for your project.

1. Access OrgChart

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最需要的時候遇見你OrgChart在ajax -datasource資料夾下有個index.html,裡邊附帶的有案例最需要的時候遇見你OrgChart這時候我們就需要將這份程式碼複製到專案中需要展示的頁面中,也就是簡單的設定css、js的載入路徑而已。

嗯吶!就這樣,很簡單吧!著實很簡單。 最需要的時候遇見你OrgChart來看看效果唄! 最需要的時候遇見你OrgChart這時有沒有疑問,這些資料是哪裡來的,那就一起找找嗆!



那麼試想一下, 我們把這幾個數值修改一下,還會正常顯示嗎?




最需要的時候遇見你OrgChartOkay, now everything is ready. All you need to do is pass in the data from the background. Finally, the last step is left.

Kaka saved the data into the input, then retrieved it, and it was finally completed.

最需要的時候遇見你OrgChartbring it on! exhibit! Nani! Why is it like this? Why is one value empty?

最需要的時候遇見你OrgChart Without saying anything at this time, I opened the background and printed the data to see what happened. The data is fine.

Insert picture description here

2. Analysis of the problem

In view of the above problems , have to go back to the demo case.

In fact, in this data structure, you can clearly see that the key values ​​are all in quotes.

最需要的時候遇見你OrgChartIf you don’t believe it, test it, customize a piece of data, and then check it.

最需要的時候遇見你OrgChart最需要的時候遇見你OrgChartIt has been verified that such data is acceptable, so let’s try the real data in the business.

After some verification, I believe that all partners have understood this problem最需要的時候遇見你OrgChart最需要的時候遇見你OrgChart

3. Solve the problem

Let’s first look at the data type provided by the database as int. I won’t mention why int is used here! The project needs it, huh! Not much explanation最需要的時候遇見你OrgChartAt this point, type conversion is required. Open the TP framework document and take a look

After query, the TP framework currently only supports these types of conversions.

最需要的時候遇見你OrgChartSince this road cannot be reached, then look for other roads. All roads lead to bugs, right?

There are two functions in MySQL that can handle type conversion, both CAST and CONVERT.

But Kaka will tell you a new way today, which everyone has seen before, that is the function rtrim in PHP.

You can say that, right? This is all ok, rtirm knows that it handles blank strings or predefined characters on the right

But let’s take a look at the technical details. What is returned is the modified string, which is great!

最需要的時候遇見你OrgChart Let’s start by modifying the query method.

最需要的時候遇見你OrgChartbring it on! Take a look at the effect, it’s very nice最需要的時候遇見你OrgChart

4. Summary

  • Learn and use OrgChart
  • Understand the TP framework Type conversion
  • Learn and use MySQL type conversion
  • Learn about rtirm function

Persistence in learning, persistence in blogging, and persistence in sharing are the beliefs that Kaka has always adhered to since its beginning. I hope that Kaka’s articles on the huge Internet can bring you a little bit of help. I’m Kaka, see you next time.

