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2016-05-16 15:34:031159瀏覽

這篇文章主要總結了經典且實用的jQuery程式碼開發技巧。 可以幫助大家快速開發,有興趣的朋友可以參考。具體如下:

1. 禁止右鍵點擊

 return false;

2. 隱藏搜尋文字框文字

Hide when clicked in the search field, the value.(example can be found below in the comment fields)
$(document).ready(function() {
$("input.text1").val("Enter your search text here");
 function textFill(input){ //input focus text function
 var originalvalue = input.val();
 input.focus( function(){
  if( $.trim(input.val()) == originalvalue ){ input.val(''); }
 input.blur( function(){
  if( $.trim(input.val()) == '' ){ input.val(originalvalue); }

3. 在新視窗中開啟連結

XHTML 1.0 Strict doesn't allow this attribute in the code. the code valid.
$(document).ready(function() {
 //Example 1: Every link will open in a new window
 $('a[href^="http://"]').attr("target", "_blank");
 //Example 2: Links with the rel="external" attribute will only open in a new window
 this.target = "_blank";
// how to useopen link

4. 偵測瀏覽器

註: 在版本jQuery 1.>
$(document).ready(function() {
// Target Firefox 2 and above
if ($.browser.mozilla && $.browser.version >= "1.8" ){
 // do something

// Target Safari
if( $.browser.safari ){
 // do something

// Target Chrome
if( $.browser.chrome){
 // do something

// Target Camino
if( $.browser.camino){
 // do something

// Target Opera
if( $.browser.opera){
 // do something

// Target IE6 and below
if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version  6){
 // do something
註: 在版本jQuery 1.4中,$support4替換掉了$.browser 變數

5. 預先載入圖

$(document).ready(function() {
jQuery.preloadImages = function()
 for(var i = 0; i<ARGUMENTS.LENGTH; jQuery(?").attr("src", arguments[i]);
// how to use
This piece of code will preceload of all images, which can be useful if you have a site with lots of images.

6. 頁樣式切換
$(document).ready(function() {
 $("a.Styleswitcher").click(function() {
 //swicth the LINK REL attribute with the value in A REL attribute
 $(&#39;link[rel=stylesheet]&#39;).attr(&#39;href&#39; , $(this).attr(&#39;rel&#39;));
// how to use
// place this in your header// the linksDefault ThemeRed ThemeBlue Theme});

7. 列高度相同

$(document).ready(function() {
function equalHeight(group) {
 tallest = 0;
 group.each(function() {
 thisHeight = $(this).height();
 if(thisHeight > tallest) {
  tallest = thisHeight;
// how to use
$(document).ready(function() {

8. 動態控制頁面字體大小

$(document).ready(function() {
 // Reset the font size(back to default)
 var originalFontSize = $(&#39;html&#39;).css(&#39;font-size&#39;);
 $(&#39;html&#39;).css(&#39;font-size&#39;, originalFontSize);
 // Increase the font size(bigger font0
 var currentFontSize = $(&#39;html&#39;).css(&#39;font-size&#39;);
 var currentFontSizeNum = parseFloat(currentFontSize, 10);
 var newFontSize = currentFontSizeNum*1.2;
 $(&#39;html&#39;).css(&#39;font-size&#39;, newFontSize);
 return false;
 // Decrease the font size(smaller font)
 var currentFontSize = $(&#39;html&#39;).css(&#39;font-size&#39;);
 var currentFontSizeNum = parseFloat(currentFontSize, 10);
 var newFontSize = currentFontSizeNum*0.8;
 $(&#39;html&#39;).css(&#39;font-size&#39;, newFontSize);
 return false;

9. 返回頁面頂部功能

For a smooth(animated) ride back to the top(or any location).
$(document).ready(function() {
$(&#39;a[href*=#]&#39;).click(function() {
 if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,&#39;&#39;) == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,&#39;&#39;)
 && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
 var $target = $(this.hash);
 $target = $target.length && $target
 || $(&#39;[name=&#39; + this.hash.slice(1) +&#39;]&#39;);
 if ($target.length) {
 var targetOffset = $target.offset().top;
 .animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 900);
 return false;
// how to use
// place this where you want to scroll to// the linkgo to top});

10. 取得老鼠指標XY值

Want to know where your mouse cursor is?
$(document).ready(function() {
 //display the x and y axis values inside the div with the id XY
 $(&#39;#XY&#39;).html("X Axis : " + e.pageX + " | Y Axis " + e.pageY);
// how to use});

你可以利用animate 和scrollTop 來實現返回頂部的動畫,而不需要使用其他插件。

// Back to top
$(&#39;a.top&#39;).click(function () {
 $(document.body).animate({scrollTop: 0}, 800);
 return false;
Back to top

改變scrollTop 的值可以調整返回距離頂部的距離,而 animate 的第二個參數是執行返回動作所需的時間(單位:毫秒)。

