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2019-07-12 10:59:053734瀏覽




PHP即“超文本預處理器”,是一種通用開源腳本語言。 PHP是在伺服器端執行的腳本語言,與C語言類似,是常用的網站程式語言。 PHP獨特的語法混合了C、Java、Perl以及 PHP 自創的語法。利於學習,使用廣泛,主要適用於Web開發領域。



#由於PHP的解釋器的原始程式碼是公開的,所以安全係數較高的網站可以自行更改PHP的解釋程序。另外,PHP 運作環境的使用也是免費的。






在PHP語言的使用中,可以分別使用面向過程和物件導向, 而且可以將PHP面向過程和物件導向兩者一起混用,這是其它很多程式語言是做不到的。


織夢內容管理系統(DedeCms) 以簡單、實用、開源而聞名,是國內最知名的PHP開源網站管理系統,也是使用用戶最多的PHP類CMS系統,在經歷多年的發展,目前的版本無論在功能,還是在易用性方面,都有了長足的發展和進步,DedeCms免費版的主要目標用戶鎖定在個人站長,功能更專注於個人網站或中小型入口網站的構建,當然也不乏有企業用戶和學校等在使用該系統。




DedeCms採用PHP MySQL技術開發,程式原始碼完全開放,在尊重版權的前提下能極大的滿足站長對於網站程式進行二次開發。 DedeCMS是國內第一個開源的內容管理系統,自誕生以來,始終堅持開源、免費原則。眾所周知,開源程式在程式碼規範性、程式安全性有著較高的要求,DedeCMS擁有4年的開源經驗,其靈活的產品架構、極強的可擴展性和可伸縮性能最大化滿足站長的應用需求。






最後成了改版,幾乎等於網站重構。 DedeCMS解決了這一系列的煩惱,只需要了解一些DedeCMS的模板標記,只要懂HTML,就能隨意對模板文件進行修改,而且每次升級只需要更新模板文件即可,做到了程序和頁面很大程度上的分離。



Album name, performance, release date, etc., and then think about which field types are used for these fields, such as: text, time, file upload, and then just follow the instructions in the background model management to add it, and you can think of it. can do it. A great advantage of the function of this model is that you can expand the subsequent functions of the website by yourself, without spending financial and material resources on development, which saves you a lot of troubles.

05 Efficient dynamic and static page deployment

DedeCMS provides users with powerful dynamic and static deployment functions. Users can make unified settings in the background column, or they can also customize a single article Content is deployed statically. The biggest advantages of this static deployment are: 1. Reduce the burden on the database and reduce labor maintenance costs; 2. Contribute to the friendliness of search engines towards the website and increase the number of search engines included in the website; 3. To a large extent, improve the user access efficiency. In this way, some regional portals, industry websites, and even government department information websites are freed from worries about the decline in access rates due to large amounts of data.

06 Flexible business operation model

DedeCMS provides a relatively complete membership product system, membership level system, virtual currency management system, and provides a relatively complete payment interface method that can be set Members browse different contents and consume gold coins, so that industry portals, enterprises and institutions can develop various business operation plans based on the website platform.

Members can recharge by purchasing point cards, and they can also purchase monthly or annual services to read a certain part of the content. If certain content can only be viewed by specific members, members must reach a certain level. Points can be deducted for reading, and the website can make money by selling point coupons and membership level services.

07 Smooth and professional interface design, good user experience

The interface design of DedeCMS follows the latest international W3C web design standards. During the development period, we used mainstream browsers such as IE6, IE7, Firefox, and Opera. Testing on any browser can ensure smooth and complete browsing of your website. DedeCMS page design follows standards and minimizes the differences in each browser. The system will not be restricted due to different browsers. Our excellent page designers can make the website improve user experience and website affinity.

For more dedecms technical articles, please visit the dedecms usage tutorial column!

