這篇文章介紹的內容是關於Python中異常(Exception) ,有著一定的參考價值,現在分享給大家,有需要的朋友可以參考一下
Exception類是常用的異常類,該類別包括StandardError,StopIteration, GeneratorExit, Warning等異常類別。 python中的異常使用繼承結構創建,可以在異常處理程序中捕獲基類異常,也可以捕獲各種子類異常,python中使用try...except語句捕獲異常,異常子句定義在try子句後面。
try: <statements> #运行try语句块,并试图捕获异常 except <name1>: <statements> #如果name1异常发现,那么执行该语句块。 except (name2, name3): <statements> #如果元组内的任意异常发生,那么捕获它 except <name4> as <variable>: <statements> #如果name4异常发生,那么进入该语句块,并把异常实例命名为variable except: <statements> #发生了以上所有列出的异常之外的异常 else: <statements> #如果没有异常发生,那么执行该语句块 finally: <statement> #无论是否有异常发生,均会执行该语句块。
raise #可以在raise語句之前建立該實例或在raise語句中建立。
raise #Python會隱式地建立類別的實例
#raise name(value) #拋出例外的同時,提供額外資訊value
raise # 把最近一次產生的例外重新拋出來
raise exception from E
拋出帶有額外資訊的ValueError: raise ValueError('we can only accept positive values')
try: 1/0 except Exception as E: raise TypeError('bad input') from E
Traceback (most recent call last): File "hh.py", line 2, in <module> 1/0 ZeropisionError: pision by zero The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "hh.py", line 4, in <module> raise TypeError('bad input') from E TypeError: bad input
__exit__# #方法。
方法會在初始化的時候運行,如果存在 ass子在,__enter__
如果with程式碼區塊引發異常, __exit__(type,value,traceback)
方法就會被呼叫(有異常細節)。這些也是由 sys.exc_info傳回的相同值.如果此方法傳回值為假,則異常會重新引發。否則,異常會終止。正常 情況異常是應該被重新引發,這樣的話才能傳遞到with語句之外。
如果with程式碼區塊沒有引發異常, __exit__
class Block: def __enter__(self): print('entering to the block') return self def prt(self, args): print('this is the block we do %s' % args) def __exit__(self,exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): if exc_type is None: print('exit normally without exception') else: print('found exception: %s, and detailed info is %s' % (exc_type, exc_value)) return False with Block() as b: b.prt('actual work!') raise ValueError('wrong')
#entering to the block this is the block we do actual work! found exception: <class 'ValueError'>, and detailed info is wrong Traceback (most recent call last): File "hh.py", line 18, in <module> raise ValueError('wrong') ValueError: wrong
|Exception Name|Description| |BaseException|Root class for all exceptions| | SystemExit|Request termination of Python interpreter| |KeyboardInterrupt|User interrupted execution (usually by pressing Ctrl+C)| |Exception|Root class for regular exceptions| | StopIteration|Iteration has no further values| | GeneratorExit|Exception sent to generator to tell it to quit| | SystemExit|Request termination of Python interpreter| | StandardError|Base class for all standard built-in exceptions| | ArithmeticError|Base class for all numeric calculation errors| | FloatingPointError|Error in floating point calculation| | OverflowError|Calculation exceeded maximum limit for numerical type| | ZeropisionError|pision (or modulus) by zero error (all numeric types)| | AssertionError|Failure of assert statement| | AttributeError|No such object attribute| | EOFError|End-of-file marker reached without input from built-in| | EnvironmentError|Base class for operating system environment errors| | IOError|Failure of input/output operation| | OSError|Operating system error| | WindowsError|MS Windows system call failure| | ImportError|Failure to import module or object| | KeyboardInterrupt|User interrupted execution (usually by pressing Ctrl+C)| | LookupError|Base class for invalid data lookup errors| | IndexError|No such index in sequence| | KeyError|No such key in mapping| | MemoryError|Out-of-memory error (non-fatal to Python interpreter)| | NameError|Undeclared/uninitialized object(non-attribute)| | UnboundLocalError|Access of an uninitialized local variable| | ReferenceError|Weak reference tried to access a garbage collected object| | RuntimeError|Generic default error during execution| | NotImplementedError|Unimplemented method| | SyntaxError|Error in Python syntax| | IndentationError|Improper indentation| | TabErrorg|Improper mixture of TABs and spaces| | SystemError|Generic interpreter system error| | TypeError|Invalid operation for type| | ValueError|Invalid argument given| | UnicodeError|Unicode-related error| | UnicodeDecodeError|Unicode error during decoding| | UnicodeEncodeError|Unicode error during encoding| | UnicodeTranslate Error|Unicode error during translation| | Warning|Root class for all warnings| | DeprecationWarning|Warning about deprecated features| | FutureWarning|Warning about constructs that will change semantically in the future| | OverflowWarning|Old warning for auto-long upgrade| | PendingDeprecation Warning|Warning about features that will be deprecated in the future| | RuntimeWarning|Warning about dubious runtime behavior| | SyntaxWarning|Warning about dubious syntax| | UserWarning|Warning generated by user code|相關推薦: