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2018-03-20 11:39:317587瀏覽

最簡單粗暴直接的方法-到github下載zip文件,slim github【連結】。解壓縮之後把【1】Slim資料夾,【2】.htaccess檔案和【3】index.php檔案複製到www目錄中。若看到以下網頁說明slim安裝成功。

圖2 slim安裝成功



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 * Step 1: Require the Slim Framework 
 * If you are not using Composer, you need to require the 
 * Slim Framework and register its PSR-0 autoloader. 
 * If you are using Composer, you can skip this step. 
require &#39;Slim/Slim.php&#39;;  
 * Step 2: Instantiate a Slim application 
 * This example instantiates a Slim application using 
 * its default settings. However, you will usually configure 
 * your Slim application now by passing an associative array 
 * of setting names and values into the application constructor. 
$app = new \Slim\Slim();  
 * Step 3: Define the Slim application routes 
 * Here we define several Slim application routes that respond 
 * to appropriate HTTP request methods. In this example, the second 
 * argument for `Slim::get`, `Slim::post`, `Slim::put`, `Slim::patch`, and `Slim::delete` 
 * is an anonymous function. 
// GET route  
    function () {  
        echo &#39;Hello Slim&#39;;  
// POST route  
    function () {  
        echo &#39;This is a POST route&#39;;  
// PUT route  
    function () {  
        echo &#39;This is a PUT route&#39;;  
// PATCH route  
$app->patch(&#39;/patch&#39;, function () {  
    echo &#39;This is a PATCH route&#39;;  
// DELETE route  
    function () {  
        echo &#39;This is a DELETE route&#39;;  
 * Step 4: Run the Slim application 
 * This method should be called last. This executes the Slim application 
 * and returns the HTTP response to the HTTP client. 
    此时再打开浏览器输入localhost将只能看到以下内容,其实浏览器使用get方法,在slim的Get路由中输出了Hello Slim。  
    function () {  
        echo &#39;This is a POST route&#39;;  

在slim中, '/post'為相對路徑,路徑可支援變數。 function ()為後續的處理函數。其他HTTP方法也類似。

圖3 Slim Get路由



##    curl --request POST http://localhost/post

#    【2】測試put方法

    curl --request PUT http://localhost/put#


##    curl --request DELETE http://localhost/delete

#    【火狐瀏覽器】


