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2016-05-16 15:27:571107瀏覽





此處應使用瀏覽器原生提供的 getBoundingClientRect 接口,此函數返回的是元素距離瀏覽器各邊距的絕對位置,跟是什麼定位類型的無關,非常適合製作頁面滾動效果。 

取得滾動所需的數據, body 的scrollTop 即頁面已經被滾動所隱藏的高度,再根據上面提到的介面取得元素距離瀏覽器頂部的距離,可以算出需要的滾動的高度,關係圖如下:


複製程式碼 程式碼如下:
document.body.scrollTop elient.getBoundingCl. >

By the way, here is the difference between getBoundingClientRect().top The obtained element is hidden by scrolling and not scrolled:

As can be seen from the above figure, even if the element to be scrolled is outside the browser boundary, the obtained top is a negative number, and the calculated page height is still correct.

The function of clicking on the directory jump is completed, and it is perfect so far.

Compatibility issues between FireFox and Chrome’s scrollTop

Until I was testing FireFox today, I found that the jump function of page scrolling under Firefox cannot be used.

1. Native interface test

Let me mention it first:

document.documentElement is the element, and document.body is the element.

Test results show that on Firefox, the page scroll height can only be obtained and set through the html element, while on Google, it can only be obtained and set through the body element.

2. jquery interface test

The above uses the native scrollTop attribute to obtain and set, and jquery itself also implements the encapsulation of the scrollTop attribute. You can try its compatibility.

I am very happy to find that $(document) can be used to achieve compatibility with getting and setting scrollTop.

3. scrollTop animation implementation test

Although compatibility is achieved, in order to achieve better results, I hope to use animation to scroll to a certain position on the page instead of jumping directly. This is achieved using jquery's animate function.

I found that although $(document) can be used to achieve acquisition and setting, animation effects cannot be used, and can only be achieved using body elements and html elements.

Final Solution

The most perfect implementation plan is:

Get or directly set the current page scroll height:

Copy code The code is as follows:
$(document).scrollTop();//Get, compatible with Firefox Google

Set the current page height with animation effect:

Copy code The code is as follows:
$("body,html").animate({ scrollTop: . .. });//Animated scrolling effect, compatible with Firefox and Google

The above is a method to solve the compatibility problem of js page scrolling effect scrollTop between FireFox and Chrome browsers. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning.
