/*多行溢出省略就不行,只能超出隐藏了*/ .book_inf{ position: relative; overflow : hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; display: -webkit-box; -webkit-line-clamp: 2; -webkit-box-orient: vertical; }
/*参数: * #screenshots 所需要截图的元素id,截图后要执行的函数, * backgroundColor 配置项背景色 * canvas为截图后返回的最后一个canvas */ function screenshotsImg(){ html2canvas(document.querySelector("#screenshots"),{ backgroundColor: 'transparent',// 设置背景透明 }).then(canvas => { canvasTurnImg(canvas) //保存的图片格式转换方法 }); }
類型 | 預設值 | ##描述 | |
boolean | false | Whether to allow cross-origin images to taint the canvas---允許跨網域 | |
string | #fff | Canvas background color, if none is specified in DOM. Set undefined for transparent---canvas的背景顏色,如果沒有設定預設白色此處被坑,我改為backgroundColor可用 | |
number | null | Define the heigt of the canvas in pixels. If null, renders with full height of the window.---canvas高度設定 | |
false | Whether to render each letter seperately. Necessary if letter-spacing is used.---在設定了字間距的時候有用 | logging | |
false | Whether to log events in the console.---在console.log()中輸出訊息 | #proxy | |
undefined | Url to the proxy which is to be used for loading cross-origin images. If left empty, cross-origin images won't beges loaded.---代理地址 | taintTest | |
true | Whether to test each image if it taints the canvas before drawing them---是否在渲染前測試圖片 | timeout | |
0 | Timeout for loading images, in milliseconds. Setting it to 0 will result in no timeout.---圖片載入延遲,預設延遲為0,單位毫秒 | ##width | |
#null | Define the width of the canvas in pixels. If null, renders with full width of the window.---canvas寬度 | #useCORS | |
false | Whether to attempt to load cross-origin images as CORS served, before reverting back to proxy--跨域代理 |
1、直接從canvas直接擷取圖片元資料// 图片导出为 png 格式 var type = 'png'; var imgData = canvas.toDataURL(type);2、將mime-type改為image/octet-stream,強制讓瀏覽器直接download
/** * 获取mimeType * @param {String} type the old mime-type * @return the new mime-type */ var _fixType = function(type) { type = type.toLowerCase().replace(/jpg/i, 'jpeg'); var r = type.match(/png|jpeg|bmp|gif/)[0]; return 'image/' + r; }; // 加工image data,替换mime type imgData = imgData.replace(_fixType(type),'image/octet-stream');3、圖片download到本地
/** * 在本地进行文件保存 * @param {String} data 要保存到本地的图片数据 * @param {String} filename 文件名 */ var saveFile = function(data, filename){ var save_link = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'a'); save_link.href = data; save_link.download = filename; var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); event.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); save_link.dispatchEvent(event); }; // 下载后的文件名 var filename = 'baidufe_' + (new Date()).getTime() + '.' + type; // download saveFile(imgData,filename);相關推薦:
以上是html2 canvas實作瀏覽器截圖的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!