首頁 >頭條 >2017年9月TIOBE程式語言排行榜


2017-09-17 10:09:332801瀏覽

TIOBE榜單的前三名已經有超過15年沒有出現過變化了。使用人數最多的三大語言Java、C、C++跟2001年一樣,毫無懸念地佔據了榜單第一、第二、第三的位置。 C#和Python曾經被認為是最有潛力成為最受歡迎語言的,不過它們至今尚未實現這個目標。 C#沒有排進前三名,是因為它在非Windows領域的使用率仍然非常低。另一方面,由於Python是動態類型的,而這個特性阻礙了大型軟體和關鍵軟體系統使用它。話雖如此,三大程式語言與其他語言之間的差距正在迅速變小。但是前三名的競爭者也正在失去市場份額,所以也不知道未來的走勢會怎麼樣。使用單一語言編寫的應用程式正在變得越來越少。越來越多的語言在TIOBE榜單的影響下正變得更加受歡迎。因此,激動人心的時刻即將到來,我們將會看到有哪些程式語言會是未來幾年的贏家。

TOP 20程式語言排行榜


#TOP 10程式語言指數走勢




##24#Transact -SQL1.08%25#ABAP#1.07%##################################### 26######COBOL######1.06%######29##30#有0.79%31#水晶0.76% 32 Erlang0.73%#33Lisp0.69%34###awk######0.66%#############35######Lua######0.65% ## #########36######VBScript######0.62%########愛麗絲0.60 % 39Prolog0.60%40LabVIEW0.54%41標誌0.51%##4243#44#4546##ML0.43% 49Rust0.42%50PowerShell0.40%


4th Dimension/4D, ABC, ActionScript, APL, AutoLISP, Bash, bc, Bourne shell, C shell, CFML, CL (OS/400), Clipper, Clojure, Common Lisp, Elixir, Elm, Euphoria, Forth, Groovy, Haskell, Icon, IDL, Inform, Io, J, Korn shell , Kotlin, Magic, Maple, MOO, MQL4, MUMPS, NATURAL, NXT-G, OCaml, OpenCL, OpenEdge ABL, Oz, PL/I, PostScript, Q, REXX, Ring, RPG (OS/400), Scheme, Smalltalk , SPARK, SPSS, Stata, Tcl



Position Programming Language Ratings
#21 SAS 1.37%
#22 #Dart #1.31%
23 D #1.10%
27 (視覺) FoxPro 0.93%
28 Scala
Fortran 0.88%
37 F #0.61%
VHDL 0.51%
Hack 0.49%
梯形邏輯 0.47%
Verilog 0.46%
Apex 0.44%
47 茱莉亞 0.44%
##Java121115--C2 122111
Programming Language 2017 2012 2007 2002 1997 1992 1987
C++ 3 3 3 3 2 2 5
C #4 4 7 13 - - -
Python 5 7 6 11 27 - -
Visual Basic .NET 6 17 - - - - -
PHP 7 6 4 5 - - -
JavaScript 8 9 8 7 23 - -
Perl 9 8 5 4 4 10 -
Assembly language 10 - - - - - -
COBOL 25 28 17 9 3 9 9
Lisp 31 12 15 12 9 4 2
Prolog 32 31 26 16 20 11 3
Pascal 114 15 21 97 8 3 4

Programming Language of the Year

The Programming Language of the Year is awarded to the highest-rated programming language of the year:


[Explanation] The TIOBE programming language community ranking is an indicator of programming language popularity trends. It is updated monthly. This ranking is based on experienced programmers on the Internet. , courses and number of third-party vendors. Rankings are calculated using well-known search engines such as Google, MSN, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, YouTube, Baidu, etc.

Please note that this ranking only reflects the popularity of a certain programming language, and does not indicate whether a programming language is good or not, or how much code is written in a language.

This ranking can be used to test whether your programming skills are keeping pace with the times, and can also be used as a basis for language selection when developing new systems. The detailed definition of the rankings can be found here: https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
