這篇文章主要為大家詳細介紹了python difflib模組的範例,具有一定的參考價值,有興趣的小夥伴們可以參考一下
class difflib.SequenceMatcher
class difflib.Differ
class difflib.HtmlDiff
此類可以用來建立HTML表格(或說包含表格的html檔) ,兩邊對應展示或行對行的展示比對差異結果。
make_file(fromlines, tolines [, fromdesc][, todesc][, context][, numlines])
make_table(fromlines, tolines [, fromdesc][, todesc][, context ][, numlines])
difflib.context_diff(a, b[, fromfile][, tofile][, fromfiledate][, tofiledate][, n][, lineterm])
>>> s1 = ['bacon\n', 'eggs\n', 'ham\n', 'guido\n'] >>> s2 = ['python\n', 'eggy\n', 'hamster\n', 'guido\n'] >>> for line in context_diff(s1, s2, fromfile='before.py', tofile='after.py'): ... sys.stdout.write(line) *** before.py --- after.py *************** *** 1,4 **** ! bacon ! eggs ! ham guido --- 1,4 ---- ! python ! eggy ! hamster guido
difflib.get_close_matches(word, possibilities [, n][, cutoff])
>>> get_close_matches('appel', ['ape', 'apple', 'peach', 'puppy']) ['apple', 'ape'] >>> import keyword >>> get_close_matches('wheel', keyword.kwlist) ['while'] >>> get_close_matches('apple', keyword.kwlist) [] >>> get_close_matches('accept', keyword.kwlist) ['except']
difflib.ndiff(a, b[, linejunk][, charjunk])
比較a與b(字串清單),傳回一個Differ-style 的差異結果範例:
>>> diff = ndiff('one\ntwo\nthree\n'.splitlines(1), ... 'ore\ntree\nemu\n'.splitlines(1)) >>> print ''.join(diff), - one ? ^ + ore ? ^ - two - three ? - + tree + emu
difflib.restore(sequence, which)
傳回一個由兩個比對序列產生的結果>>> diff = ndiff('one\ntwo\nthree\n'.splitlines(1), ... 'ore\ntree\nemu\n'.splitlines(1)) >>> diff = list(diff) # materialize the generated delta into a list >>> print ''.join(restore(diff, 1)), one two three >>> print ''.join(restore(diff, 2)), ore tree emu
difflib.unified_diff(a, b[, fromfile][, tofile][, fromfiledate][, tofiledate ][, n][, lineterm])
比較a與b(字串列表),傳回一個unified diff格式的差異結果.>>> s1 = ['bacon\n', 'eggs\n', 'ham\n', 'guido\n'] >>> s2 = ['python\n', 'eggy\n', 'hamster\n', 'guido\n'] >>> for line in unified_diff(s1, s2, fromfile='before.py', tofile='after.py'): ... sys.stdout.write(line) --- before.py +++ after.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -bacon -eggs -ham +python +eggy +hamster guido實際應用範例比對兩個文件,然後產生一個展示差異結果的HTML文件
#coding:utf-8 ''' file:difflibeg.py date:2017/9/9 10:33 author:lockey email:lockey@123.com desc:diffle module learning and practising ''' import difflib hd = difflib.HtmlDiff() loads = '' with open('G:/python/note/day09/0907code/hostinfo/cpu.py','r') as load: loads = load.readlines() load.close() mems = '' with open('G:/python/note/day09/0907code/hostinfo/mem.py', 'r') as mem: mems = mem.readlines() mem.close() with open('htmlout.html','a+') as fo: fo.write(hd.make_file(loads,mems)) fo.close()運行結果:
以上是python difflib模組詳解的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!