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2017-09-07 10:11:511903瀏覽



前提:redis已經安裝,目錄為/usr/local/redis-4.0.1 如不會,可以參考一下文章  windows下安裝redis    Linux下安裝redis

redis叢集是用的ruby腳本,所以要想執行該腳本,需要ruby環境。對應redis的源碼src目錄下的redis-trib.rb,redis-trib.rb是redis官方推出的管理redis集群的工具,是基於redis提供的集群命令封裝成簡單、便捷、實用的操作工具。 so


  1.yum install ruby​​


  2 .yum install ruby​​gems


  3.gem install redis

     〔 #  Centos預設支援ruby到2.0.0,redis需要最低是2.2.2。解決方法是先安裝rvm 再把ruby版本升級到2.3.3 


sudo yum install curl

  〠# install curl

  〠# install curl

  ##curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable 


   source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm

##  4.查看rvm庫中已知的ruby版本

    rvm list known


#  5.安裝一個版本

    5. ##rvm install 2.3.3



rvm use 2.3.3



rvm remove 2.0.0 



ruby --version

#   ruby --version

# #  9.再安裝redis


gem install redis


gem install redis



#      分別修改節點下redis-conf文件,由於





  開啟redis服務,看看是否能啟動。 ok沒問題。


  建立startall.sh腳本(提示permission denied說明權限不足,執行指令chmod 777 startall.sh修改權限)


#  啟動startall.sh腳本


#  建立stopall.sh腳本



  2. ##  建立叢集
  3.   接下來,我們要透過Ruby腳本來建立叢集了。


  5.   可以看到redis-trib.rb具有以下功能:
  6. create :建立叢集
  7. check :檢查叢集
  8. info :查看叢集資訊
  9. fix :修正叢集
  10. ##reshard :線上遷移slot
  11. rebalance :平衡叢集節點slot數量
  12. add-node :將新節點加入叢集
  13. del-node :從叢集中刪除節點#############set-timeout :設定叢集節點間心跳連接的逾時時間##### #######call :在叢集全部節點上執行指令############import :將外部redis資料匯入叢集###

redis-trib.rb mainly has two classes: ClusterNode and RedisTrib. ClusterNode saves the information of each node, RedisTrib is the implementation of each function of redis-trib.rb


Note: It prompts at least 3 master cluster nodes. It was said that 6 are created before, but in actual operation I only created 3 nodes, so it can be concluded that when we create a redis cluster, we need at least three master nodes, and it should be an odd number, so, no Be lazy and create three more.

Special note: The key here is the optional replicas parameter. --replicas 2 means to allocate 2 slaves to each master. replicas means how many slaves are needed. It can be successfully created without filling in this parameter, so there are three masters. We will introduce the replicas parameter later



First of all, --replicas 1 1 actually represents a ratio, which is the number of master nodes/ The proportion of slave nodes. So think about it, when creating a cluster, which nodes are the master nodes? Which nodes are slave nodes? The answer is that the order of IP:PORT in the command will be followed, first 3 master nodes, then 3 slave nodes.

Secondly, pay attention to the concept of slot in the picture. For Redis cluster, slot is a place to store data, it is a slot. For each Master, there will be a slot range, but the Slave does not. In the Redis cluster, the Master can still read and write, while the Slave can only read. The writing of data is actually distributed and stored in slots, which is different from the previous master-slave mode of 1.X (Master/Slave data storage in master-slave mode is completely consistent), because 3 The data storage of each Master is different. This will be verified in subsequent essays.

