首頁 >頭條 >2017國內web培訓機構排行榜


2017-07-29 14:15:224634瀏覽
  1. 北京兄弟連培訓機構

    兄弟連教育隸屬於易第優(北京)教育諮詢股份有限公司,成立於2006年(以下簡稱兄弟連) 。專注於IT技術培訓,是國內專業的PHP/LAMP技術專業培訓學校。 兄弟連現已開設PHP、UI/UE、HTML5、Java/大數據、Java/Android、Linux/雲端運算、Python等眾多學科,累計培養數萬名學員。

    主要訓練課程參考:WEB工程師# PHP後端工程師

# UI設計師



# 對於廣大程式設計師,「布林」是一個熟悉的概念,因為有一種變數類型為「布林型」。 布林型的值,只有2個可能的值,「ture/false」,即「真/假」。 從取名即可看出,布爾教育是專注於程式培訓,專注於培養優秀程式設計師。 同時,也是燕十八老師的一種人生信念,「人生只有兩種選擇,撐住,或放棄」。像布林值一樣乾脆。 布爾教育成立四年,專注於做兩個


,優化課程體系和打造講師團隊。 獨創的「迭代式教學」法,在業界廣受好評 四年來,培養了2000餘名學員走上工作崗位,「迭代式教學」法的效果已得到充分驗證。 主要訓練課程參考: WEB


3. 北京後盾網培訓機構


我們的理念。 後盾網專注於PHP培訓,堅持實戰式教學,將學員定位於企業員工,學習即是實習,學習即是工作,為學員提供最優質的學習體驗。目前後盾網學員遍布世界各地,受到了各雇主的一致好評。後盾網獨一無二的高效率學習模式培養出了眾多的PHP頂尖人才,98.9%的高薪就業率更是全年領先其他培訓機構。零基礎、跨產業、低學歷在後盾網教學模式面前都不在是問題,一個又一個的高薪就業案例勝於一切言表。
主要訓練課程參考: PHP全端工程師




###        傳智播客訓練科目包括javaEE,Android,php,UI,C/C++/行動前端,python,h5,以及大數據等等熱門課程### 傳智播客是致力於高素質軟體開發人才培育的新三板掛牌公司(代碼:839976)。旗下已涵蓋黑馬程式設計師及博學谷兩大子品牌。現開設JavaEE、Android、PHP、UI、IOS、前端、    C++、網路行銷、Python、雲端運算、全端工程師等訓練學科,直營分校遍佈北京、上海、廣州、深圳、武漢、鄭州、西安、哈爾濱、長沙、濟南、重慶、南京、杭州、成都、石家莊、合肥等城市。 ############主要培訓課程參考:### ###java工程師android開發工程師php工程師python架構師############5.### ###北京尚觀教育培訓機構############    尚觀科技擁有近百人自主研發團隊,自2005年起先後推出5大科技方向課程體系。涵蓋Linux、Oracle、嵌入式開發、Java大數據、VR開等五大技術方向,為學員提供真正的全方位的課程選擇。以提供企業實用技術為前提,為學員提供實戰訓練。 ###   Linux雲端運算,嵌入式開發,Java,國際認證專區,Oracle資料庫,大數據等.######

Main training course reference: Linux Engineer Embedded Engineer Java Engineer Oracle Data Engineer


Chengdu Maizi College training institution

##The strength of Maizi College

马子院 is the first IT online education institution in China to establish a business center in the United States. It has currently cooperated with well-known American education companies and will continue to export a large amount of high-quality educational resources to the country in the future.

of Maizi Academy Concept

Focusing on the cultivation and service of high-end IT technical talents, we explore and advocate innovative models of technological exchanges. It provides not only skill development but also pragmatic career orientation.

Main training course reference: PHP engineer Python engineer

WEB front-end engineering

Division ui engineer


Beijing Shangxuetang Training Institution

##Shangxuetang Business

JAVA development technology training, senior architect training, big data cloud computing training, iOS mobile development training, Android mobile development training, H5 front-end development training, project development business, team motivation, and online education cluster business.

2017Best Employment Opportunities

According to a survey report released by 51job.com, PHP software development will be one of the hottest and most popular professions in the next few years. Senior PHP with 10 years of work experience The annual salary of an engineer is around 300,000 yuan. The average monthly salary of junior PHP software developers is 8,000-10,000 yuan, and the average monthly salary of intermediate and senior PHP engineers is more than 15,000 yuan.

Main training course reference: PHP Engineer Python Engineer Big Data Engineer IOS Engineer


Old Boy Training Institution

Only cultivating technical elites

Oldboy IT Education is a company that specializes in cultivating senior IT engineers and providing students with high-paying jobs. It focuses on Linux operation and maintenance and Python in China. High-end pure development and high-end big data training institutions and project outsourcing companies. The company was founded in 2007 and is headquartered in Beijing. Why should you learn Python full-stack development? What are the prospects and salary like? Python full-stack development has become the most popular language to learn currently. Why should you learn Linux operation and maintenance? What are the prospects and salary like? Currently, the popularity of big data cloud computing and artificial intelligence has made Linux more and more important. Main training course references: python engineer mysql engineer linux operation and maintenance engineer WEB architect
