一、概述及安裝This is the XMLWriter extension. It wraps the libxml xmlWriter API.This extension represents a writer that provides a non-cached, forward-only means of generating streams or files containing ext data. used in an object oriented style or a procedural one. Every method documented describes the alternative procedural call.此擴充需要 libxml PHP 擴充。這表示需要使用 --enable
簡介:一、概述與安裝TheXMLReaderextensionisanXMLPullparser. Thereaderactsasacursorgoingforwardonthedocumentstreamandstoppingateachnodeonthe...
3. PHP擴展之XML操作(三)——XML解析器使用及相關函數
簡介:一、XML元素結構程式第一個例程縮排顯示文件中的開始元素結構。 Example#1顯示XML元素結構