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有關php sort()函數的文章推薦10篇

2017-06-10 14:28:281594瀏覽

PHP數組的倒序在一篇文章《如何對PHP數組進行排序》中我們介紹了sort、asort和ksort,它們都是按照升序來對數組進行排序的,那麼如果要實現數組的倒序呢?以下就是我們要說的另一組函數:rsort、arsort、krsort下面我們將一一介紹這組函數! rsortrsort —對數值數組進行降序排序。 rsort() 函數對陣列的元素依照鍵值進行逆向排序。與 arsort() 的功能基本上相同。 語法格式如下:bool rsort ( array &$array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR ] )以下我們舉例來詳解rsort函數,具體程式碼如下:

1. 有關php rsort()函數的文章推薦10篇

有關php sort()函數的文章推薦10篇


#簡介:這篇文章整理了10篇關於php natsort()函數的文章,歡迎參考查看有關php sort()函數的文章推薦10篇


有關php ksort()函數的文章推薦10篇


有關php sort()函數的文章推薦10篇

簡介:PHP陣列的倒序在一篇文章《如何對PHP陣列進行排序》中我們介紹了sort、asort和ksort,它們都是按照升序來對數組進行排序的,那麼如果要實現數組的倒序呢? ;—對數值陣列進行降序排序。有關php asort()函數的文章推薦10篇

有關php sort()函數的文章推薦10篇簡介:PHP陣列的倒序在一篇文章《如何對PHP數組進行排序》中我們介紹了sort、asort和ksort,它們都是按照升序來對數組進行排序的,那麼如果要實現數組的倒序呢?以下就是我們要說的另一組函數:rsort、arsort、krsort下面我們將一一介紹這組函數! rsortrsort —對數值陣列進行降序排序。 rsort() 函數對陣列的元素依照鍵值進行逆向排序。與arsort() 的功能...

6. 有關php arsort()函數的文章推薦10篇


Introduction: Reverse order of PHP arrays In an article "How to Sort PHP Arrays" we introduced sort, asort and ksort. They all sort arrays in ascending order. So if you want to implement What about the reverse order of the array? Here is another set of functions we are going to talk about: rsort, arsort, krsort. Below we will introduce this set of functions one by one! rsortrsort —Sorts a numeric array in descending order. The rsort() function sorts the elements of an array in reverse order by key value. With the function of arsort()...

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Introduction: sort is a very commonly used command in Linux. Each line of the file is treated as a unit and compared with each other. Comparison principles From the first character backward, the ASCII code values ​​are compared in sequence, and finally they are output in ascending order. There is a file test here, the content is: 8723 23423321324 21343223 234123 231234 1234654 3452341. The -t option of sort...

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## Introduction: sort is a very commonly used command in Linux. Each line of the file is treated as a unit and compared with each other. The comparison principle is to compare from the first character to the back, according to the ASCII code value, and finally compare them

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