1、常見的區塊級元素 內嵌元素
p -最常用的區塊級元素
dl - 和dt-dd 搭配使用的區塊級元素
form - 互動表
h1 -h6- 大標題
hr - 水平分隔線
## ## # p - 段落## ul - 無序列表
fieldset - 表單欄位集
colgroup-col - 表單欄位組
td 表格及行-單元格
pre - 格式化文字
a –超連結(錨點)
br - 更換文字
## ## br - 換行##
em - 強調
img - 圖片
input - 輸入方塊
label - 表,定義內文內區塊
strong - 粗體強調
# sub - 下標
# 與中標線文字方塊 u - 底線 select - 項目選擇2、實現文字三點的幾個條件
:middle;width:0;height:100%;display:inline-block;) 。
2:必須給予當前元素轉成行內塊元素(display:inline-block;)再給目前元素加上vertical-align:middle;3:在目前元素的後面(沒有回車)加上同級元素span ;並對span進行vertical-align:middle;width:0;height:100%;display:inline-block#置換元素與非置換元素a) 置換元素:瀏覽器根據元素的標籤和屬性,來決定元素的具體顯示內容。 例如:瀏覽器會根據標籤的src屬性的值來讀取圖片資訊並顯示出來,而如果查看(x)html程式碼,則看不到圖片的實際內容;標籤的type屬性來決定要顯示輸入框,還是單選按鈕等。 (x)html中的
b) 不可替換元素(非置換元素):(x)html 的大多數元素是不可替換元素,即其內容直接表現給使用者端(如瀏覽器)。
圖片整合的優勢: 1)透過圖片整合來減少對伺服器的請求次數,從而提高 頁面的載入速度。 2)透過整合圖片來減少圖片的體積。
2)class/ id.....選擇器的權重
5)!important 最高的
前者:隱藏不佔位 後者:隱藏但是佔位置
8、 清除浮動的幾種方式
hack2: 為父元素加height
#hack3:在浮動元素下方添加空p,並給該元素添加 聲明:p{clear:both; height:0; overflow:hidden;}
#hack4:萬能清除浮動法p:after{content:“. 」;clear:both;display:block;height:0;overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden;}
1)文字相關:font-family、font-size、font-style、font-variant、font-weight、font、letter-spacing、line-height、text-align、text-indent、text -transform、word-spacing
註:font-size繼承的是父元素的大小,而不是比例。 line-height當父元素是百分比或px值得時候,子元素跟父元素相同,當父元素是normal或數字的時候,子元素的line-height是子元素的字體大小乘以數字。
static是預設值,元素位於文件流程中,正常顯示,忽略元素的top,bottom#,left,right#。 z-index屬性始終為0.
相對定位,保留元素在文件流中佔用的位置和尺寸,由left/right/top /bottom幾個屬性決定相對移動的距離,原來的位置保留
絕對定位,將物件從文檔流中脫離出來,使用left /right/top/bottom等屬性相對其最接近的一個並有定位設定的父元素進行絕對定位;如果沒有,則依據body物件
1、老祖宗的差別。 link屬於XHTML標籤,而@import完全是CSS提供的一種方式。
3、載入順序的差異。當一個頁面被加載的時候(就是被瀏覽者瀏覽的時候),link引用的CSS會同時被加載,而@import引用的CSS 會等到頁面全部被下載完再被加載。所以有時候瀏覽@import載入CSS的頁面時開始會沒有樣式(就是閃爍)
static:預設值。位置設定為 static 的元素會正常顯示,它總是會處於文件流給予的位置(static 元素會忽略任何 top、bottom、left 或 right 聲明)。
absolute:相對於父級元素的絕對定位,s浮出、脫離佈局流,它不佔據空間,就是我們所說的層,其位置相對於最近的已定位父元素而言的位置,可直接指定「left」、「top」、「right」 以及「bottom」 屬性。若父級都沒有定位,則以html(根元素)。 (層疊的順序z-index:value)
fixed:相對瀏覽器的絕對定位,是相對於瀏覽器視窗的指定座標進行定位。 ##html5
新增的標籤15個header nav footer main
aside article section figure datalist video audio fieldest legend label caption ##################################################################################################################' #14、一、BFC是什麼? margin###重疊(放在兩個BFC裡)######3、根元素、 ###float###屬性不為none、 position為absolute或fixed、 display為inline-block,table- cell,table-caption,flex,inline-flex、 overflow不為visible######15、.px,em,rem,pt的區別######1)px其實就是像素,用px設定字體大小時,比較穩定且精確######但是這種方法存在一個問題,當使用者在瀏覽器中瀏覽我們製作的web頁面時,如果對瀏覽器進行了縮放,這時會使我們的web###頁面佈局###被打破。因此,這時就提出了使用「em」來定義web頁面的字體。 ######2)em就是根據基準來縮放字體的大小######em是相對於其父元素來設置字體大小的,這樣就會存在一個問題,進行任何元素設置,都有可能需要知道他父元素的大小######3)rem是相對於根元素字體大小來顯示的######rem是相對於根元素,這樣就意味著,我們只需要在根元素確定一個參考值######4)pt的大小等於1英吋的1/72######磅:他是作為文字的一種計量單位###This measurement method comes from a print-design background and is most suitable for media, but it is also widely used in monitors
16. What are the methods to achieve vertical + horizontal centering?
1.p{width:200px;height:200px;background:#f00;position:fixed;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;margin :auto;}
2, p{width:200px;height:200px;background:#f00;position:fixed;left:50%;top:50%;margin:-100px 0 0 -100px; }
17. Progressive enhancement and graceful degradation
Progressive enhancement: Build pages for low-version browsers to ensure the most basic functions, and then perform effects and interactions for advanced browsers Wait for improvements and additional functions to achieve a better user experience.
Graceful degradation: Build complete functions from the beginning, and then make them compatible with lower version browsers
18. What are the css selectors?
1) Wildcard selector *
2) Type selector/element selector a
3) Attribute selector input[type="button"]
4) Contains selector p .code a
5) Sub-object selector ul.test>li
6) ID selector
#7) Class selection Symbol .
8) Group selector body,ul,li
9)Pseudo class and pseudo object selector p:first-letter a:hover
10) Adjacent selector li+li
19, the difference between animation and transition
The same point: they are all following Time changes an element's attribute value.
Differences: Transition needs to trigger an event (hover event or click event, etc.) to change its
css properties over time; animation can also be used without triggering any events. Explicitly change the element's CSS attribute value over time to achieve an animation effect. CSS3 animation requires clear animation attribute values.
20. What are the standard box model and the weird box model. The difference between the two, how to implement the weird box model, and the standard sum model
Standard box model: content+border+padding
Weird box model: content
When calculating the width of the box, one adds border and padding and the other does not.
Weird box model implementation: box-sizing:border-box
Standard box model: box-sizing: content-box
21. How to center an element up, down, left, and right within the parent element
.box{display:flex;width:800px;height:300px ;justify-content:center}
.box p{align-self:center}
22. What are the commonly used formats for video and audio?
For video: video /ogg video/mp4 video/webm for audio: audio/ogg audio/mpeg
23. Briefly explain the attributes and attribute values of flexible box model (Write out at least 6 attributes)
23. Briefly introduce linear gradient and path Usage of gradient and repeated gradient
Linear gradient: linear-gradient()
Radial gradient: radial-gradient()
Repeating linear gradient: repeating-linear-gradient()
Repeating radial gradient: repeating-radial-gradient()
24. Briefly introduce the usage of animation
animation consists of two parts: animation: animation name animation execution time animation type animation delay time animation repetition number animation direction; @keyframes Animation name
25. Several main attributes and attribute values of css3D
1. Depth of field: perspactive:number; If the object you want to see is larger, then set the value smaller , if you want to see the object smaller, set the value larger
2. 3D stage: transform-style:preserve-3d;
3. translateZ() rotateZ() scaleZ()
26. Main attributes in 2D
transform:translate() rotate() skew() scale()
27. Briefly introduce the attributes and attribute values of transition animation
transition: attribute name (you can use all) animation execution time animation type animation delay time
28. New background attributes in css3
background-origin: background origin
background-clip:Background cropping
background-size:The size of the background image
The following are the three values of background-size
Specifies the size of the background image. The first value is width, the second value is height.
Set the background image size as a percentage
Expand the background image to a large enough size so that the background image is completely Cover the background area
29, write the core of the five major browsers and their representative works
*Trident: IE, Maxthon, Tencent, Theworld, 360 Browser
*Gecko:: The representative work Mozilla Firefox is an open source project
*Webkit: The representative work Safari and Chrome are an open source project.
*Presto: Representative work Opera, Presto is a browser layout engine developed by Opera Software. It is also recognized as the fastest rendering engine in the world.
*Blink: Browser layout engine developed by Google and Opera Software, released in April 2013.
30. Write down several common bugs and solutions in IE6 (at least 4 types)
1) The picture has a border BUG Solution: Add border:0; or border:0 to the picture none;
2. Double floating direction (double margin) Solution: display:inline
3. Default height (IE6, IE7) Solution: Add declaration to element: font-size :0; Option 2: Add a statement to the element: overflow:hidden;
4. The default sizes of button elements are different. Option: Use a tag to simulate
31. IE’s filter What?
1, _ Underline attribute filter
2, \9: IE version recognition; other browsers do not recognize syntax: selector {attribute: attribute value\9;}
3. \0: Recognized by IE8 and above; not recognized by other browsers. Syntax: selector {attribute: attribute value\0;}
32. Element height collapse solutions (at least 4 types )
hack1: Add the declaration overflow:hidden to the parent element;
hack2: Add height to the parent element
hack3: Add an empty p below the floating element, and give the Element addition Declaration: p{clear:both; height:0; overflow:hidden;}
hack4: Universal clear floating method p:after{content: ".";clear:both;display:block;height :0;overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden;}