1、下載PHP源碼,解壓縮,我的解壓縮目錄是:/root /lamp/php-5.5.37
int a(int x, int y)string b(string str, int n)
ext_skel –extname=test_extension –proto=test_extension.def
Creating directory test_extension awk: /root/lamp/php-5.5.37/ext/skeleton/create_stubs:56: warning: escape sequence `\|' treated as plain `|' Creating basic files: config.m4 config.w32 .svnignore test_extension.c php_test_extension.h CREDITS EXPERIMENTAL tests/001.phpt test_extension. php [done].To use your new extension, you will have to execute the following steps: 1. $ cd .. 2. $ vi ext/test_extension/config.m4 3. $ ./buildconf 4. $ ./configure --[with|enable]-test_extension 5. $ make 6. $ ./sapi/cli/php -f ext/test_extension/test_extension.php 7. $ vi ext/test_extension/test_extension.c 8. $ make Repeat steps 3-6 until you are satisfied with ext/test_extension/config.m4 and step 6 confirms that your module is compiled into PHP. Then, start writing code and repeat the last two steps as often as necessary.
4、切換到產生的框架目錄下:cd test_extension
PHP_ARG_WITH(test_extension, for test_extension support, Make sure that the comment is aligned: [ --with-test_extension Include test_extension support])
6、實作函數a和b的功能,vi test_extension.c,修改後函數a、b如下
PHP_FUNCTION(a) { int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); long x; long y; if (zend_parse_parameters(argc TSRMLS_CC, "ll", &x, &y) == FAILURE) { php_error(E_WARNING, "zend_parse_parameters failure!"); return; } RETURN_LONG(x + y); } PHP_FUNCTION(b) { char *str = NULL; int argc = ZEND_NUM_ARGS(); int str_len; long n; char *result; char *ptr; int result_length; if (zend_parse_parameters(argc TSRMLS_CC, "sl", &str, &str_len, &n) == FAILURE) { php_error(E_WARNING, "zend_parse_parameters failure!"); return; } result_length = str_len * n; result = (char *) emalloc(result_length + 1); ptr = result; while (n--) { memcpy(ptr, str, str_len); ptr += str_len; } *ptr = '/0'; RETURN_STRINGL(result, result_length, 0); }
Configuring for: PHP Api Version: 20121113Zend Module Api No: 20121212Zend Extension Api No: 220121212
8、設定:./configure –with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config
10、安裝:make install
#11、修改php .in,加上