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C# xml反序列化的程式碼範例詳情介紹

2017-03-03 11:47:281190瀏覽


 [XmlRoot(Root = "result")]
    public class UniMsgSetResult
        public int resultCode;

        public UniMsgSet uniMsgSet;

<result resultCode="0">


    public class GetDiskInnerResult
        public string parentCatalogID; //String32 待查询目录的父目录ID。如果当前目录为root,则父目录ID为空。


        [XmlArray("catalogList"), XmlArrayItem("catalogInfo")]
        public List<CatalogInfo> catalogList;// CatalogInfo[] 查询节点下的目录列表

        [XmlArray("contentList"), XmlArrayItem("contentInfo")]
        public List<ContentInfo> contentList; // ContentInfo[] 查询节点下的内容列表



In order words, add an attribute to an object element after xml serialization,
If you want something like,

<Rats count=“2″>
  <Rat>little rat</Rat>
  <Rat>old rat</Rat>

The C# code is


    public class Rats
        public int Count { get; set; }
        [XmlElement(“Rat”)] // now the array element will be as same as the object element Rats. 
        public string[] Rat { get; set; }

Traditional xml array serialization would get the extra element for the array itself.

    public class Rats
        public int Count { get; set; }
        public string[] Rat { get; set; }
<Rats count=“2″>
    <Rat>little rat</Rat>
    <Rat>old rat</Rat>

 以上就是C#  xml反序列化的程式碼範例詳情介紹的內容,更詳細介紹的內容,更詳細就是C#  xml反序列化的程式碼範例詳情介紹的內容,更詳細多相關內容請關注PHP中文網(www.php.cn)!
