在用Python抓取html頁面並儲存的時候,經常出現抓取下來的網頁內容是亂碼的問題。出現該問題的原因一方面是自己的程式碼中編碼設定有問題,另一方面是在編碼設定正確的情況下,網頁的實際編碼和標示的編碼不符合造成的。 html頁面標示的編碼在這裡:
複製程式碼 程式碼如下:
import urllib2 import sys import bs4 import chardet reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') def download(url): htmlfile = open('test.html','w') try: result = urllib2.urlopen(url) content = result.read() info = result.info() result.close() except Exception,e: print 'download error!!!' print e else: if content != None: charset1 = (chardet.detect(content))['encoding'] #real encoding type charset2 = info.getparam('charset') #declared encoding type print charset1,' ', charset2 # case1: charset is not None. if charset1 != None and charset2 != None and charset1.lower() != charset2.lower(): newcont = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, from_encoding='GB18030') #coding: GB18030 for cont in newcont: htmlfile.write('%s\n'%cont) # case2: either charset is None, or charset is the same. else: #print sys.getdefaultencoding() htmlfile.write(content) #default coding: utf-8 htmlfile.close() if __name__ == "__main__": url = 'http://www.php.cn' download(url)