自版本 1.1.2 起, Yii 裝備了基於 Web 介面的程式碼產生工具Gii。 它取代了先前的命令列端的程式碼產生工具 yiic shell
。 在這部分,我們將講解如何使用 Gii 以及如何擴展 Gii 以增加我們的開發成果。
Gii 是以模組的方式實現的,它必須在一個已存在的 Yii 應用程式中使用。要使用 Gii,我們首先更改應用程式的設定如下:
return array( ...... 'modules'=>array( 'gii'=>array( 'class'=>'system.gii.GiiModule', 'password'=>'在这里填写密码', // 'ipFilters'=>array(...IP 列表...), // 'newFileMode'=>0666, // 'newDirMode'=>0777, ), ), );
在上面,我們聲明了一個名為 gii
的模組,它的類別是 GiiModule。我們也為這個模組設定了一個密碼,我們訪問 Gii 時會有一個輸入框要求填寫這個密碼。
出於安全考慮,預設只允許本機存取 Gii。若允許其他可信賴的機器存取它,我們需要如上所示配置GiiModule::ipFilters 屬性。
因為 Gii 會產生並保存新檔案到應用程式中,我們需要確保 Web 伺服器進程有權限這樣做。上面的GiiModule::newFileMode 和 GiiModule::newDirMode 屬性控制如何產生新檔案和新目錄。
注意: Gii 主要用作一個開發工具。因此,應當只在開發機器上安裝它。因為它可以在應用程式中產生新的 PHP 文件,我們應該對安全問題足夠重視(例如設定密碼,IP 過濾)。
現在可以透過 URL http://www.php.cn/
存取 Gii 了。這裡我們假設http://www.php.cn/
是存取 Yii 應用程式的 URL。
若 Yii 應用程式使用 path
格式的 URL (查看 URL management),我們可以透過 URL http://www.php.cn/
存取 Gii。 我們可能需要增加以下 URL 規則到已有的 URL 規則的前面:
'components'=>array( ...... 'urlManager'=>array( 'urlFormat'=>'path', 'rules'=>array( 'gii'=>'gii', 'gii/<controller:\w+>'=>'gii/<controller>', 'gii/<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>'=>'gii/<controller>/<action>', ...已有的规则... ), ), )
Gii 有一些預設的程式碼產生器。每個代碼產生器負責產生特定類型的代碼。例如 controller 生成器產生一個 controller 類別以及一些 action view 腳本;model 生成器為指定的資料表產生一個 ActiveRecord 類別。
填入指定程式碼產生參數的輸入框。例如,使用 Module Generator 建立新模組,你需要指定 module ID;
點擊 Preview
點擊 Generate
雖然默認的 Gii 代碼生成器可以生成非常強大的代碼,然而我們經常想定制它們或者創建一個新的來適應我們的口味和需求。例如,我們想要讓產生的程式碼是我們喜歡的風格,或是想讓程式碼支援多種語言。所有這些在 Gii 中都可非常容易實現。
可以 2 種方式擴充 Gii:客製化已存在的程式碼產生器的程式碼模板,以及編寫新的程式碼產生器。
model/ the model generator root folder ModelCode.php the code model used to generate code ModelGenerator.php the code generation controller views/ containing view scripts for the generator index.php the default view script templates/ containing code template sets default/ the 'default' code template set model.php the code template for generating model class code
Gii 在GiiModule::generatorPaths 屬性指定的目錄中尋找可用的產生器。 當需要客製化時,我們可以在應用程式的設定檔中做以下配置,
return array( 'modules'=>array( 'gii'=>array( 'class'=>'system.gii.GiiModule', 'generatorPaths'=>array( 'application.gii', // a path alias ), ), ), );
上面的設定告訴Gii 在別名是 application.gii
在不同的搜尋路徑有同名的生成器也是可以的。這種情況下,在 GiiModule::generatorPaths 指定目錄中先出現的產生器有優先權。
這是擴充 Gii 最容易最常用的方式。我們使用一個例子來介紹如何定製程式碼模板。假設我們想要自訂由 model 生成器產生的程式碼。
我們先建立一個名為 protected/gii/model/templates/compact
的目錄。這裡的 model
代表我們將要override 預設的 model 產生器。 templates/compact
意味著我們將增加一個新的程式碼模板集名為 compact
接著我們在應用程式設定裡把 application.gii
增加到 GiiModule::generatorPaths 。如上所示。
现在打开 model 代码生成器页面。点击 Code Template
输入框。我们应当看到一个下拉列表,这个列表包含了我们新建的模板目录 compact
。可是,若我们选择此模板生成代码,我们将看到错误。这是因为我们还没有在新的 compact
复制文件 framework/gii/generators/model/templates/default/model.php
。若我们再次尝试以 compact
模板生成,我们会成功。但是,生成的代码和以 default
现在是时候做点真正的工作了。打开文件 protected/gii/model/templates/compact/model.php
以编辑它。记得这个文件将作为类似一个视图文件被使用,意味着它可以包含 PHP 表达式和语句。让我们更改模板以便生成的代码里 attributeLabels()
方法使用 Yii::t()
public function attributeLabels() { return array( <?php foreach($labels as $name=>$label): ?> <?php echo "'$name' => Yii::t('application', '$label'),\n"; ?> <?php endforeach; ?> ); }
在每个代码模板中,我们可以访问一些预定义的变量,例如上面例子中的 $labels
In this sub-section, we show how to create a new generator that can generate a new widget class.
We first create a directory named protected/gii/widget
. Under this directory, we will create the following files:
: contains the WidgetGenerator
controller class. This is the entry point of the widget generator.
: contains the WidgetCode
model class. This class has the main logic for code generation.
: the view script showing the code generator input form.
: the default code template for generating a widget class file.
Creating WidgetGenerator.php
The WidgetGenerator.php
file is extremely simple. It only contains the following code:
class WidgetGenerator extends CCodeGenerator { public $codeModel='application.gii.widget.WidgetCode'; }
In the above code, we specify that the generator will use the model class whose path alias isapplication.gii.widget.WidgetCode
. The WidgetGenerator
class extends from CCodeGenerator which implements a lot of functionalities, including the controller actions needed to coordinate the code generation process.
Creating WidgetCode.php
The WidgetCode.php
file contains the WidgetCode
model class that has the main logic for generating a widget class based on the user input. In this example, we assume that the only input we want from the user is the widget class name. Our WidgetCode
looks like the following:
class WidgetCode extends CCodeModel { public $className; public function rules() { return array_merge(parent::rules(), array( array('className', 'required'), array('className', 'match', 'pattern'=>'/^\w+$/'), )); } public function attributeLabels() { return array_merge(parent::attributeLabels(), array( 'className'=>'Widget Class Name', )); } public function prepare() { $path=Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.components.' . $this->className) . '.php'; $code=$this->render($this->templatepath.'/widget.php'); $this->files[]=new CCodeFile($path, $code); } }
The WidgetCode
class extends from CCodeModel. Like a normal model class, in this class we can declarerules()
and attributeLabels()
to validate user inputs and provide attribute labels, respectively. Note that because the base class CCodeModel already defines some rules and attribute labels, we should merge them with our new rules and labels here.
The prepare()
method prepares the code to be generated. Its main task is to prepare a list of CCodeFileobjects, each of which represent a code file being generated. In our example, we only need to create oneCCodeFile object that represents the widget class file being generated. The new widget class will be generated under the protected/components
directory. We call CCodeFile::render method to generate the actual code. This method includes the code template as a PHP script and returns the echoed content as the generated code.
Creating views/index.php
Having the controller (WidgetGenerator
) and the model (WidgetCode
), it is time for us to create the viewviews/index.php
<h1>Widget Generator</h1> <?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CCodeForm', array('model'=>$model)); ?> <p class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'className'); ?> <?php echo $form->textField($model,'className',array('size'=>65)); ?> <p class="tooltip"> Widget class name must only contain word characters. </p> <?php echo $form->error($model,'className'); ?> </p> <?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
In the above, we mainly display a form using the CCodeForm widget. In this form, we display the field to collect the input for the className
attribute in WidgetCode
When creating the form, we can exploit two nice features provided by the CCodeForm widget. One is about input tooltips. The other is about sticky inputs.
If you have tried any default code generator, you will notice that when setting focus in one input field, a nice tooltip will show up next to the field. This can easily achieved here by writing next to the input field a p
whose CSS class is tooltip
For some input fields, we may want to remember their last valid values so that the user can save the trouble of re-entering them each time they use the generator to generate code. An example is the input field collecting the controller base class name default controller generator. These sticky fields are initially displayed as highlighted static text. If we click on them, they will turn into input fields to take user inputs.
In order to declare an input field to be sticky, we need to do two things.
First, we need to declare a sticky
validation rule for the corresponding model attribute. For example, the default controller generator has the following rule to declare that baseClass
and actions
attributes are sticky:
public function rules() { return array_merge(parent::rules(), array( ...... array('baseClass, actions', 'sticky'), )); }
Second, we need to add a CSS class named sticky
to the container p
of the input field in the view, like the following:
<p class="row sticky"> ...input field here... </p>
Creating templates/default/widget.php
Finally, we create the code template templates/default/widget.php
. As we described earlier, this is used like a view script that can contain PHP expressions and statements. In a code template, we can always access the $this
variable which refers to the code model object. In our example, $this
refers to the WidgetModel
object. We can thus get the user-entered widget class name via $this->className
<?php echo '<?php'; ?> class <?php echo $this->className; ?> extends CWidget { public function run() { } }
This concludes the creation of a new code generator. We can access this code generator immediately via the URL http://www.php.cn