首頁 >web前端 >PS教程 >PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計


2017-02-13 09:49:262347瀏覽




1、本文的軟體是Photoshop CS5版本







In this web design tutorial, we'll be creating a light textured web page layout. I will show you how apply subtle textures in web layouts, howhow create sehown create seconless yek creouts, hown create sehow yek creates sehow yek creates sehown crede sehow yek cates sehowDsh 片面 ? design for the “Services” section.


In this tutorial, we will use the 960 Grid System to organize and arrange the elements of our web layout. Before we begin, download it to your computer. ,來組織和安排我們的網頁佈局的元素。在開始之前,將其下載到您的電腦。


Unzip the archived file you downloaded, go to the “templates” folder and then go to the “photoshop” folder. You will find three .PSD files. Each of thesephotoshops contains You will find three .PSD files. Each of thesephotoshops contains You will find three .PSD files. Each of thesephoto . In this tutorial we will be using the 12 columns grid.



The .PSD files have some guides already set up, which will be very useful. To activate the guides, go to View > Show > Guides,cutor the short Crl the short /Cmd + ;.


視圖> 顯示> 網格

,或用快捷鍵,Ctrl/Cmd + ; 

During this tutorial you will need to create shapes with specific dimensions. To see of exape shapes with specific dimensions. To size或 selection while you are creating it, open the Info Panel by going to Window > Info. The width and the height of your shapes and selections will be displayed in this panel.


視窗 > 資訊


Now that we covered the basics of using the 960 Grid System, we can move on to creating the web layout. Let's get started!

現在,我們討論了使用9600 Let's get started!



Step 1: Creating the Background of the Web Layout


 and set the width to 1200px and the height to 1900px. You can adjust the height later on if you need more space for the web layout.



應該是圖像> 畫布尺寸,然後設定寬度為1200px,高度為1900px。如果網頁版面需要更多的空間,你可以在後面調整網頁高度。  




Now we 將 change the color of the background from white to a light gray. With the "Background" layer selected, c Then change the color of the background layer to #ededed.

現在,我們要把背景色從白色改為亮灰色。當Background圖層選取的時候,點選圖層面板上方的小黑鎖的圖示去解鎖該圖層。然後把背景圖層的顏色改為: #ededed



Right-click on this layer and select Convert to Smart Object.nRight-click on this layer and select Convert to Smart Object.nnvert go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and set the Amount to 1%, the Distribution to Gaussian and tick the Monochromatic box.

在該圖層上右鍵,選擇轉換為智慧型物件。然後點選:濾鏡 > 雜色 > 新增雜色。設定數量為1%,設定為高斯分佈,勾選上「單色」。



Step 2: Creating the Header



字🜎 s. Create a new group and name it "Header". Then select the Type Tool (T) and write the name of your layout. I used the font Gotham Bold with the size 42pt and the color #707679. Align this layer with the grid, as you see in the image below.



書寫你的版面的名字。我用的字體:Gotham Bold,字號:42pt,顏色: #707679。依照下圖對齊你的版面


Double-click on your text layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image.





Now we will add the   s icons you want to include in your design). Use the Move Tool (V) to move these icon into your web layout document and put them in the right side of the web layout. Leave a distance of 10px between icons.要添加一些社交媒體圖標。下載該圖示集,然後在PS中開啟RSS、Twitter和Facebook圖示(或其他你想要的圖示)。用




Select all these layers, hit Ctrl/Cmd + G to group them and name the group "social icons".

選擇這些圖示的圖層,按md G把他們歸為一組,命名組為social iconsPS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計


Step 3: Creating a Diagonal Stripe Pattern


Now we will create a pattern that we will use for the navigation bar and other areas of the web layout. Create a new document (Ctrl/Cmd + N) with the dimensions 5px by 5px。 hold down the Shift key and create five square selections, as you see in the image below.

我們要建立一個用於導航列和網頁佈局其他部分的圖案。新文件(Ctrl/Cmd + N),尺寸:5px*5px。選擇矩形選框工具,按住Shift鍵建立5個正方形選取範圍,如下所示


Create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and fill the selection with black. Then hide the "Background " layer by clicking on its eye icon.

創建一個新的圖層(Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N),用黑色填充選區。點選Background圖層前的眼睛圖示去隱藏該圖層





, go to Edit > Define Pattern and click OK. Now you can close this document.

建立圖案,點選:編輯> 定義圖案



Step 4: Creating the Navigation Bar

步驟4:建立導覽條 Create Select


. ) and create a rectangle with the height 50px and the same width as your document. Use the color #b8c0c3. Right-click on this layer and select Convert to Smart Object.



,高度為50px,寬度和文件的寬度一樣,顏色: #b8c0c3。右鍵該圖層選擇



Double-click on this layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. Then go to Filter > Noise > Addise No. Gaussian Monochromatic noise.


濾鏡 > 雜色 > 新增雜色




Select the Line Tool (U),

Select the Line Tool (U), set the Weight to px and Select the Line Tool (U), set the Weight color 顏色 color 顏色表 sbar 顏色dd3d7. Name this layer "1px line".




,顏色: #cdd3d7。命名圖層為1px line 

🎜Duplicate this layer (Ctrl/Cmd + J), select the Move Tool (V) and hit the up arrow key on your keyboard to move color layer 1Setx up arrow. line to #818b91.🎜🎜複製該圖層(Ctrl/Cmd + J),用🎜移動工具🎜並按住鍵盤上的上方向鍵,向上移動該圖層1px。設定新線🎜(0,110)🎜的顏色: #818b91🎜🎜 🎜🎜Now add two more horizo​​​​ntal lines at the bottom of the navigation bar using the same colors. ,用同樣的顏色。 🎜兩條直線的位置為(0,161)和(0,162)🎜🎜



Step 5: Adding the Navigation Menu Items


🜎 . I used the font Helvetica Bold with the size 14pt and the color #ffffff.

Add a drop shadow effect to these text layers using the settings from the image below.




文字文字文字。我使用的字型:Helvetica Bold,字號:41pt,顏色: #ffffff



Select the ed Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 4px and create blacktangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 4px and created copmened 60p and the color #1d2d34 over the first navigation menu item. Name this layer "active menu item", put it underneath the text layer and set its opacity to 35%.

用半徑用半徑角用半徑建立一個黑的圓角矩形(130,124)在導覽列的第一個選單處,尺寸:70px*26px,顏色: #1d2d34。將此圖層命名為active menu item,將圖層置於文字圖層的下方,設定不透明度為35%




Step 6:




Now I will show you a technique for creating a seamless mosaic pattern for the image slider background. Create a new document (Cxrl/Cmdsion Ncx​​m withr.

現在,我會告訴你一個技術,創造一個無縫的拼接圖案的滑動欄的背景。新文件(Ctrl/Cmd + N),尺寸:200px*200px


Hit the "D" key on your keyboard to reset the foreground and background colors to black and white. Create Cre laymder + N) 和 go to Filter > Render > Clouds.

按鍵盤上的D鍵,重置前景色為白色和背景色為黑色。建立新的圖層(Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N),然後點擊:濾鏡> 渲染> 雲彩



Right-click on the "Layer 1" layer and selectn to Smarter and Smart se. go to Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic and set the Cell Size to 40.

在該圖層上右鍵選擇轉換為智慧型物件。接著點選:濾鏡> 像素化> 馬賽克



Duplicate the "Layer 1" layer (Ctrl/Cmd + J). Then go to Filter 和 Othergo set the radius to 5px. Set the blend mode of this layer to Hard Light. This will make mosaic effect sharper and add some shadow around the squares.

複製該圖層(Ctrl/Cmd + J)。然後點選:濾鏡 > 其他 > 高反差保留






Now we will make the mosaic effect even sharper. Create a new layer above all the other ones (Ctrl/Cwill + Shift& N). The Appgoate and Image >ly creage wateage a rasterized image from all the current layers, but keep all the other layers intact. You can also use the shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + Shift + E.

現在,我們將使馬賽克效果更清晰。建立一個在所有其它圖層上方的新圖層(Ctrl / Cmd+ Shift+ N)。然後點選:影像 > 套用影像,在出現的對話方塊點「確定」。這將從目前所有的圖層創建一個柵格化圖像,但所有其他層保持不變。您也可以使用快速鍵Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Option + Shift + E。



Right-click on the layer that you created and select Convert to Smart Object. I usually like to use Smart Object whenever I can so I know filters Iapp Object for have so and know filters so and know filters 集 集.



Now go to Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen. Hit Ctrl/Cmd + F to apply this filter one more time. Two times should be enough for the image to get thoseose nice lightsbet. > 銳利化> 銳化

。按Ctrl/Cmd + F應用此濾鏡多次。要讓方形之間出現足夠的亮光的話,兩次就足夠了

PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast and use the settings from the following image. Then create a new layer above new all other ones and go to Image > Apply Image to create a rasterized image of all the layers.

圖層> 新調整圖層> 亮度/對比度


影像 > 套用影像,建立一個所有圖層的柵格化影像。


To create the first pattern go to Edit > Define Pattern and click OK. In the next steps I will show you how to use this pattern to . In the next steps I will show you how to use this pattern to screates snot, osaclate ​​i ​​halehone 片語, not comwet, osaclate snot, osaclose snot, osacom sunt, osacl. it later.


編輯> 定義圖案


Now comes the tricky part – creating the diagonal mosaic pattern. I tried a few different techniques in order to achieve this, but only one was successful and I will explain ollo to this, but only one was successful and I will explain ollo youps. the best way to do it, but it does work.

現在到了棘手的部分- 創建對角線馬賽克圖案。為了實現這一目標,我嘗試了一些不同的技術,但只有一個是成功的,我會解釋接下來的步驟。我不確定這是最好的方式,但它的確做的很好。


Create a new document (Ctrl/Cmd + N) with the dimensions 800px by 800px. Create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and fill Doublecion Layer Style window and apply the pattern you created at the previous step.

新建檔案(按Ctrl / Cmd+ N),尺寸:800x800px。新建圖層(Ctrl / Cmd+ Shift + N),並用白色填滿它。雙擊圖層,打開圖層樣式窗口,應用你在上一個步驟中建立的圖案。



Right-click on the "Layer 1" layer and select Convert to Smart Object. Then go to Edit > Free Transform (Ctrl/Cmd + T), hold down the Shiate go to Edit > Free Transform (Ctrl/Cthis + T), hold down Shiate °.

在該圖層上右鍵,選擇轉換為智慧型物件。然後點選:編輯> 自由變換(Ctrl/Cmd + T),按住Shift鍵旋轉該圖層45度


Go back to the document where you created the initial mosaic effect and mlayer ("Layer 4") into this new document.

返回之前創建的馬賽克效果的文檔,移動最後的柵格化的圖層到本文檔。 (可以在圖層上右鍵選擇複製圖層,目標選擇新建的文檔)


Right-click on this layer and select Convert to Smart Object. Then use Free Transform (Ctrl/Cmd + T) to rotate this layer 45° as well.



Select the Move Tool (V) and move this layer around to integrate it in the background pattern. I used the darker square from pattern as reference inthis as reference for find square order to find as reference inthis as reference layer. You can also use the arrow keys while having the Move Tool (V) selected in order to move the layer pixel by pixel. In the image below I highlighted the small pattern with red so you can see it.



Tip: to test if the small pattern is integrated in the background pattern, you can make its layer invisible and then visible again. If you don't see any dourence and then visible again. If you don't see any dourence in then .



Hold down the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the thumbnail of "Layer 2" to create a selection of the small pattern。 the rulers towards each corner of the selection, as you see in the image below.

按住Ctrl/Cmd鍵點擊該圖層的縮圖,去創建一個小的圖案的選區。然後啟動標尺(Ctrl/Cmd + R),並從標尺上拖曳一些參考線緊鄰選區的每一個角,如下圖所示


Now the square that was formed using the guides will will be our new pattern. Hit Ctrl/Cmd + D to deselect. Then delete the layer of the small pattern. We don't need it anymore.

現在參考線包圍的正方形會是我們新的圖案。按Ctrl/Cmd + D取消選擇。然後刪除小圖案的圖層。我們不再需要它了。


Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and select the square between guides.




With the "Layer 1" layer selected go to Edit > Copy (Ctrl/Cmd + C). Create a new document (Ctrl/Cmd + N). Photoshop will use the dimensions of the menection yous dias yous dimensions of the menection yous dias。 for the new document. Click OK and paste (Ctrl/Cmd + V) the image you selected.

在該圖層選取的情況下,點選:編輯> 複製(Ctrl/Cmd + C)。建立新文件(Ctrl/Cmd + N)。 PS會用你選區的尺寸作為新文件的尺寸。點去頂並貼上(Ctrl/Cmd + V)你選的圖片


Now go to Edit > Define Pattern, give your pattern a name and click OK.

現在點擊:編輯> 定義圖案,你的圖案一個名字,並點選確定



Step 7: Creating the Image Slider Background

步驟7:創建圖片滑動外欄的背景the image slider background. Create a new group and name it "Image Slider". Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the height 410px and the same width as your document. Use the color #81a. slider_bg", right-click on it and select Convert to Smart Object.

現在我們要給圖片滑動欄添加背景圖案。建立新群組Image Slider。用矩形工具建立一個矩形


,高度為410px,寬度和你的文件一致,顏色: #81aaba。命名該圖層為slider_bg,右鍵選擇



Double-click on this layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. Then go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and the following image. Then go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and the following image. Then go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise.圖層開啟圖層樣式視窗按照下圖設定樣式。接著點選:PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計濾鏡> 雜色> 加雜色





PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計🜟 to create two horizo​​ntal lines with the weight 1px at the bottom of the image slider background. For the first line use the color #b8c8ce and for second one use #849ba4.



的顏色: #b8c8ce,第二條直線PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計(0,572)

的顏色: #849ba4





Create a rectangle with the dimensions 620px by 340px and the color #d2dade. Double-click on this layer to opendow the Lawing the opendow the this For the Stroke effect I used the color #819098.

創建一個矩形(450,185),尺寸:620px*340px,顏色: #d2dade。雙擊該圖層開啟圖層樣式窗口,並依照下圖設定樣式。描邊的顏色: #819098。 命名此圖層為Border





Create a new rectangle with the disions 600pmenpx created. Name this layer "image_holder ", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image for Inner Glow.





Open an image in Photoshop that you Tool (V) to move it into your initial document and put it over the "image_holder" layer.



Name this layer "image", right-click on it and select Create Clipping Mask to make it visible only over the area the "image_holder" layer.



. the bottom of the image slider. Select the Ellipse Tool (U), hold down the Shift key and create a black circle in the middle of the bottom edge of the image slider (1).





Name this layer "shadow", right-click on it and selectse Convert toObject . go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the Radius to 3px. Then go to Edit > Free Transform, hold down the Alt/Option + Shift keys and drag the right edge of the layer until it reaches the right edge of the image slider . Take a look at the following image for reference (2).

命名此圖層為shadow,右鍵選擇轉換為智慧型物件。然後點選:濾鏡 > 模糊 > 高斯模糊,設定半徑為3px。然後點選:編輯 > 自由變換,按住Alt/Option + Shift鍵拖曳右邊的邊直到圖片滑動欄的右邊。可以參考下面的圖片



Put this layer underneath the "border" layer and set its opacity to 15% (3, 4).




Now we will create some radio buttons to indicate how many images does the slider contain and which is the active 可能Tool (U), hold down the Shift key and create a circle shape with the color #f6f6f6 and the diameter 10px. Name this layer "radio button".

現在,我們將創建一些圓形按鈕來表示滑動欄包含多少張影像,和目前是哪一張。建立一個新群組radio buttons。然後用橢圓工具(U),按住Shift鍵並建立一個圓,顏色:#f6f6f6,直徑10px的。命名此圖層為radio button。


Duplicate this layer (Ctrl/Cmd + J) a few times and arrange your circle shapes as you see in the following image.

複製該圖層(Ctrl/Cmd +擺放這些圓


Now create another circle in the middle of the first one using the color #8bb2bf and the diameter 6px. Name this layer "active".

在第一個圓的中間創造另一個圓,顏色: #8bb2bf,直徑:6px。命名此圖層為active



Step 9: Creating the Image Slider Arrows


". Then select the Ellipse Tool (U), hold down the Shift key and create a circle with the color #e7edef and the diameter 45px. Name this layer "circle" and put it in the right side of the image slider. click on this layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image.

建立新群組right arrow。然後選擇


(U),按住Shift鍵並建立一個圓,顏色: #e7edef,直徑:45px。命名此圖層為circle,並把它放在影像滑動列的右側。雙擊圖層開啟圖層樣式窗口,並依照下圖設定圖層樣式。


PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計描邊的顏色: #95a2a8

 PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計 (palkalp. font Gotham Bold with the size 32pt and the color #727e84. Put this arrow in the middle of the circle.



(T),並將其貼上。我使用的字體:Gotham Bold,字號:32pt,顏色: #727e84。把這個箭頭擺放在圓的中間。


Duplicate the "right arrow" group (right-click on it and select Duplicate Group). Then go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizo​​ntal. Put this new group in the left side of the image slider and image sl left arrow".

複製right arrow組(在其上右鍵選擇複製組),然後點擊:編輯> 變換> 水平翻轉。把新組擺放到圖片滑動欄的左邊,命名為left arrow



Step 10: Adding Content for the Image Slider

Now we will create an area for the description of the current image presented in the slider. Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle with the width 300px and the color #2c5a6b. The height 6b. include in this area. Name this layer "text bg" and set its opacity to 30%.





,寬度:300px,顏色: #2c5a6b。高度取決於包括多少內容。命名此圖層text bg,並設定其不透明度為30%。  Select the Type Tool (T) and add some content in this area. For the headline I used the font Futura Bold with the size 26pt and the color #ebebeb. For the block of text I size 15pt and the color #ffffff. Add a Drop Shadow effect to these text layers using the settings from the image below.


在此區域中添加一些內容。標題文字,我用字體:Futura Bold,字號:26pt,顏色: #ebebeb。對文字區塊,字體:Helvetica Regular,字號:15pt,顏色: #ffffff,依照下圖為這些文字新增投影的圖層樣式。




Step 11: Create Web Buttons

步驟11:建立網頁按鈕 This area can be used for a short bio of the freelancer. Select the Type Tool (T) and add a short paragraph of text. I used the font Helvetica Bold with the size 16pt and the color #555555. I also centered the text and set the leading (the distance between the lines of text) to 25pt from the Character panel (Window > Character).

建立新群組Description。這個區域可以用來做自由工作者的很短的說明。選擇文字工具(T),並加入一段簡短文字。用字體:Helvetica Bold,字號:16pt,顏色: #555555。我設定行間距(文字行之間的距離)為25pt,從字元面板(視窗 > 字元)。

Now we will add some call-to-action buttons underneath the paragraph of text. Create a new group and name it "buttons". Then select the 4pedtangle Tool (grouped), 4p), 4 create a rounded rectangle with the color #bbbbbb, as you see in the image below. Name this layer "button", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the follo wingimageeff the Stroke Style window and use the settings from the follo wingimage. For Stroke wingimage. used the color #a7a7a7.

現在我們要添加一些指令按鈕在文字段落的下方。建立新群組buttons。然後用圓角矩形工具(430,662,160,42),設定半徑為4px,建立一個圓角矩形,顏色: #bbbbbb,就像你看到的一樣。命名該圖層為button,雙擊開啟圖層樣式視窗按照下圖設定圖層樣式。描邊的顏色: #a7a7a7






Select the Type Tool [pas Type Toolfols as Type Toolfols Type Type Tools) 類型vetica Bold with the size 15pt and the color #fafafa.

文字工具在按鈕上加入View Portfolio »。字體:Helvetica Bold,字號:15pt,顏色: #fafafa



Create another button using the

Create another button using the sgame to Stroke colorCreate another button using the samebuts , colorke #6799ad.



: Separator



Create a new group and name it "separator". Select the Line Tool (U), set the Weight to 1px and create". Select the Line Tool (U), set the Weight to 1px and create" the color #c8c8c8. Name this layer "1px line".

建立新群組separator。使用直線工具,設定粗細為1px,建立一條水平線(130,744,940,1),寬度為940px,顏色: #c8c8c8,命名此圖層為1px line


Cmd + J), move it one pixel upwards and change its color to #f2f2f2.

複製該圖層(Ctrl/Cmd + J),把它上移一個像素




Now we will add a gradient to the separator. Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and create a selection above Crexr. er and fill the selection with black. Name this layer "gradient" and hit Ctrl/Cmd + D to deselect (1).

現在我要為分隔符號加上漸變。選擇矩形選框工具建立一個選取範圍在兩條水平線的上方,尺寸:940px*18px。建立一個新的圖層,用黑色填滿選取範圍。命名此圖層為gradient,按Ctrl/Cmd + D取消選擇



Double-click on the "gradient" layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image (2).






Add a mask to the "separator" group (Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All). Then select the Gradient Tool (ragdient and Tool the dient hold. gradient in the left side of the separator to make it fade out. Do the same for the right side of the separator. Take a look at the following image for reference.


圖層> 圖層蒙版> 顯示全部)。然後選擇漸層工具,按住Shift鍵拖曳一個黑色-透明的漸層在分隔符號的左邊,使其看起來像是淡出。做同樣的操作在分隔符號的右邊。看看下面的圖片,以供參考。



Then right-click on the "separator" group and select Convert to Smart Object.


: " Area



Create a new group and name it "Main Content". We'llsign this area using group and name it "Main Content". We'lls design this area using group and name it "Main Content". We'lls design this area using group and name it 篇

建立新群組Main Content。我們會設計這個領域,用標籤來展示一個自由工作者,可能會為他們的客戶提供的服務。  

Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a white rectangle with the dimensions 940px by 300px. Name this layer "main content bg" and add a 1px stroke effect color工具



,尺寸:940px*300px。命名此圖層為main content bg,加上1px的描邊,描邊的顏色: #bfc5c8

Create a new group and name it "tabs". Select the Rectangle Tool. create a rectangle with the height 44px at the top of the white rectangle using the color #b5bdc1. Name this layer "title bar", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and use the swingia the follo the swing.建立新群組tabs。選擇矩形工具在白色矩形的頂部建立一個矩形



,顏色: #b5bdc1。命名此圖層為title bar。雙擊該圖層開啟圖層樣式。依照下圖設定圖層樣式




Select the Rectangle Tool (U) again and create a rectangle with the height 4px and the color #9da5a9 at the top of the title bar. Name this layer top so

在title bar的頂部建立一個長方形

(130,791),高度為4px,寬度為940px,顏色: #9da5a9.命名此圖層為top line


and create a white rectangle, as you see in the following image. This will be the active tab. Make sure this rectangle does not go over the "top line" layer and the stroke from the left side of the bigite rectangle.用長方形工具建立一個白色的矩形

,就像你看到的下圖。這會是活動的選項。確保這個長方形沒有遮住top line圖層和大白長方形左邊的描邊

 Select the Type Tool (T) and add the name of the service you want to display in this area. In my case, I put "Web Design" using the font Futura Bold with the size 17pt and the color #9ba3a8. I also added a Drop Shadow effect to this text layer.

用文字工具加入你想顯示在其中的內容。我的選擇,我用Web Design,字體:Futura Bold,字號:17pt,顏色: #9ba3a8。我也為文字圖層加上投影的效果


Download this set of icons and open the .PSD file in Photoshop. Then move an icon that suits the name of the service into document. used the iMac icon. Put the icon in front of the service name, double-click on its layer and use the settings from the following image. The gradient that I used is from #b5bdc1 to #a1aab0.PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計並在PS中開啟.PSD檔。然後移動複合我的服務名字的圖示到我的文件上。我用的是iMac圖示。把圖示擺放在服務名字的前面,雙擊開啟該圖層依照下圖設定樣式,漸層的顏色我用的是從 #b5bdc1到 #a1aab0。




Tip: to select the icon that you sooo from sooo, woolr) from lool the pools) from downsftdVout 30, woolc the option bar above your image select 'Layer'. Now hold down the Ctrl/Cmd key and click on the icon that you want to use. The layer of that icon will be automatically selected and you can move

提示:選擇你想要的圖標,而無需翻閱所有的圖層,選擇移動工具(V),從圖像上方的選項列中的下拉式選單中選擇「圖層」。現在按住Ctrl / Cmd的鍵,然後按一下要使用的圖示層,該圖示將自動選擇,您可以將它移至您的網頁佈局檔案。

Select the Type Tool (T) and add the name of other services to the title bar, such as "web development" or "iPad/iPhone apps". Use the same font that you used for the first service name (in my case Futura Bold), but change the color to white. Then add a Drop Shadow effect to these text layers using the settings from the image below.

文字工具在文字欄上加上其他服務的名字,就像web development或iPad/iPhone apps。用和第一個服務名字相同的字體(我的選擇是Futura Bold),不過改顏色為白色。然後按照下圖添加投影樣式給這些文字圖層。


Now add some icons for these services from the icons pack you downloaded earlier. Use the same layer style that you used for the first icon, but 08080808m to grf.這些服務添加一些圖標,這些圖標是你之前下載的。用和第一個圖示的同樣的圖層樣式,不過漸層顏色改為 #f8f8f8和 #f0f0f0。

PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計收到two columns: "about" and "case studies". Create a new group and name it "column 1". Select the Type Tool (T) and write the word "About". I used the font Futura Book with the size 19pt and "About". I used the font Futura Book with the size 19pt and the color #9ba3a8.

我把web design服務的內容分成兩列:about和case studies。新建組column 1.用


書寫文字About。我使用的字體:Futura Book(用Frutiger LT 75 Black代替),字號19pt,顏色: #9ba3a8

 Download this iMac vector and open the .AI file in Illustrator Select the iustra. V), copy it (Ctrl/Cmd + C), go back to Photoshop and paste it as smart object (Ctrl/Cmd + V). Name this layer "imac" and use Free Transform (Ctrl/Cmd + T) to change its size. Take a look at the following image for reference.

下載這個iMac向量圖,並在Illustrator中開啟.AI檔。用選擇工具選擇iMac,複製它(Ctrl/Cmd + C),回到PS並貼上為智慧型物件(Ctrl/Cmd + V)。命名此圖層為iMac,並用自由變換(Ctrl/Cmd + T)改變它的大小。看看下面的圖片,以供參考。

Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create a rectangle over the computer screen. Name this layer "image_holder". Then open in Photoshop an image that this layer "image_holder". Then open in Photoshop an image that you wour play 是 集 m遊戲using the Move Tool (V). Name this layer "image", put it over the screen, right-click on it and select Create Clipping Mask.用矩形工具創建一個矩形覆蓋電腦圖像的螢幕。命名此圖層為image_holder。在PS中開啟你想顯示在螢幕中的影像,用





Select the Type Tool (T) and add a paragraph of text next to the image. I used the font Helvetica Regular with the size 13pt and the color #3333333. Set the playid with the size 13pt and the color #333333. Set the widlay . Also, set the leading to 20pt from the Character panel to make the text more readable.




Now we will create a call-to-action button for the "services" area. First, select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 5px and create a by 50px and the color #f3f3f3. Name this layer "button border", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. For the Stroke effect I used the color #d11 - following image. For the Stroke effect I used the color #d111我要為Services區域建立一個命令按鈕。首先,選擇


,設定半徑為5px,建立一個圓角矩形(150,1015),尺寸:600px*50px,顏色: #f3f3f3。命名此圖層為button border,雙擊圖層開啟圖層樣式窗口,並依照下圖設定圖層樣式。描邊樣式用的顏色: #d1d1d1




Select the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 4px and create the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 4px and create the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radx to 4px and create the Rounded 7fb6cd in the middle of the gray rectangle. Name this layer "button", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image. For the Stroke effect I used the color #6698. Stroke

,設定半徑為4px,建立一個圓角矩形,尺寸:586px*36px,顏色: #7fb6cd,在灰色矩形的中間。命名此圖層為button,雙擊開啟圖層樣式窗口,依照下圖設定樣式,描邊樣式用的顏色: #6698ad




) and add some text to your button. I used the font Helvetica with the size 17pt and the color #fafafa. Add a Drop Shadow effect to this layer using the settings from the image below.

PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計添加一些文字。字體:Helvetica,字號:17pt,顏色: #fafafa。依照下圖加入投影的圖層樣式



Step 15: Designing an Area for Case Studies

步驟15:設計Case Studies區域

步驟15:設計Case Studies區域


(T ) and write the words "Case Studies". I used the font Futura Book with the size 19pt and the color #9ba3a8.

新建組column 2。用文字工具添加文字Case Studies,我使用的字體:Futura Book(用Frutiger LT 75 Black代替)

,字號:19pt,顏色: #9ba3a8


Select theholdgle Tool (pSelect theholdgle Tool () the Shift key and create a square with the dimensions 80px by 80px and the color #f7f7f7. Name this layer "border", double-click on it to open the Layer Style window and use the settett from follo it to open the Layer Style window and use the settett from the follo swingimke the Stroke the sett面. I used the color #a3b2b9.


,尺寸:80px*80px,顏色: #f7f7f7。命名此圖層為border,雙擊開啟圖層樣式窗口,並依照下圖設定樣式。描邊的顏色: #a3b2b9




Create another square with the dimensions 70px by 70px inh. open an image in Photoshop that you want to display in this area and move it into your initial document. Name this layer "image", put it over the "image_holder" layer, right-click on it and select Create Cliplip Mask.中間建立另一個正方形



Hold down the Ctrl/Cmd key, select the "border", "image_holder" and "image" layers, and duplicate them five times (to duplicate these layers drag them over the "Create a new layer" button from the bottom of the Layers panel). Then arrange all your images as you s in the follo image in the fimage. /Cmd鍵,選擇border,image_holder和image圖層,並且複製他們5次(為了複製這些圖層,拖曳它們到圖層面板底部的






Step 16: Creating the "Portfolio" Area


🎜🎜語🎜? you did for the "services" section.🎜🎜建立新群組Portfolio。然後創建該區域的背景,就像你創建的Services區域一樣🎜🎜 🎜🎜Make this area 620px wide and 280px high. Copy the colors and layer styles for the background, title bar and top line from the "services" Then add a headline for this area and an icon.🎜

這個區域有620px寬,280px高,白色長方形的位置(130,1128),從Services區域複製Background、title bar、top line的顏色和圖層樣式。然後加入這個區域的標題和圖示


Now we will create a highlight for the title bar. Select the Line Tool (U), set the Weight to 1px and create a horizo​​ns white line at the bot bar. Leave a distance of 1px between the bottom edge of the title bar and this layer (1).




Add a mask to this layer (Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All). Select the Gradient Tool (G), hold down the Shift key and drag a side to transparent adi the blackside line to make it fade away. Do the same for the right side of the line. Name this layer "highlight" and set its opacity to 70% (2).

添加蒙版圖層(圖層> 圖層蒙版> 顯示全部)。選擇漸層工具(G),按住Shift鍵並拖曳一個黑色到透明的漸層在白線的左邊,使其消失。該直線的右邊做相同的步驟。命名此圖層為highlight,並設定其不透明度為70%。


Now we will add some images for the latest projects and a short description of each project. Add an image like the ones you created for the "case studies" area.

圖片,每個項目的簡短說明。像您創建的case studies區域一樣添加圖像。


Select the Type Tool (T) and add some text next to it. For the headline I used the font Futura Book with the size 17pt and the color #9ba3a8. For the paragraph of text the size 13pt and the color #9ba3a8. Also, set the leading for the paragraph to 18pt from the Character panel.


文字工具(T),並在它旁邊添加一些文字。標題的字型:Futura Book(以Frutiger LT 75 Black取代),字號:17pt,顏色: #9ba3a8。對於一段文字,字體:Helvetica Regular ,字號:13pt,顏色: #9ba3a8。同時,在字元面板中設定行間距為18pt。


The width of this project area should be 280px. Put all these layers inside a group (Ctrl/Cmd + G) and name it "project #1". Duplicate this group the times image below.

本專案區的寬度是280px。把所有這些層(按Ctrl / Cmd+ G)歸為一組,並將其命名為project #1。重複此組三次,並按照下圖擺放他們。


PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計. "Blog" Area



Create a new group and name it "Blog". Then create a content background just like you for the just like background. the title bar and a suitable icon from the icons pack you downloaded.




Select the Type Tool (T) and add a couple of posts to this area using the same fonts and colors that you used for the projects in the "portfolio" area. For the "Continue reading »" links I used the color #776 .

選擇文字工具(T),並添加一對博客,這方面使用的字體和顏色和之前你使用的Portfolio區域中一樣。對於Continue reading »鏈接,顏色: #7fb6cd。


Now we will create a dashed line pattern which we will use for a horizo​​ntal separator. First, create a new document (Ctrl/Cmd + N) with the dimensions create a new document (Ctrl/Cmd + N) with the dimensions 10p.一個虛線的圖案,用在一個水平分隔上。首先,建立一個新檔案(Ctrl / Cmd+ N),尺寸:10px*1px。


Create a new layer (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N) and use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to create a selection with the dimensions 6px by 1px. Fill this selection with the dimensions 6px by 1px. Fill this selection 1px bl. Ctrl / Cmd+ Shift + N),使用




PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計Hide the Background layer and go to Edit > Define Pattern. Give your pattern a name and click OK. Now you can close this document.



Go to your initial web layout document, select the Line Tool (U) and create a horizo​​ntal line with the dimensions 260px by 1px. Set the Fill of line with the dimensions 260px by 1px. Set the Fill of this layer to 0%到您的網頁佈局文檔,選擇




Double-click on this layer to open the Layer Style window and use the settings from the following image for Pattern Overlay.



Step 18: Creating the FooterPS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計


n duplicate the "separator" layer from the "Description" group and move it to the "Footer" group. Use the Move Tool (V) to move this layer underneath the "portfolio" and "blog" areas.


Now we will create an area for the Twitter feed. Create a new group and name it "recent tweets".

現在我們要創建一個Twitter feed區域。建立新群組recent tweets


Move the bird icon from the icons pack you downloaded into your web layout document. Right-click on this layer and select Layer Style. Then leh-click the use the settings from the following image. For the gradient I used the colors #8b8b8b and #c7c7c7.


清除圖層樣式PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計。然後雙擊開啟圖層樣式視窗按照下圖設定樣式。漸層填滿的顏色分別是: #8b8b8b和 #c7c7c7




Select the Type Tool (T) and write "Recent Tweets" next to the icon. I used the font Futura Bold with the size 15585.color #58585858書寫Recent Tweets在圖示的右側。字體:Futura Bold,字號:15pt,顏色: #585858

Select the Type Tool (T) and add a couple of tweets to this area. Make sure that the width of the text is 300 . font Helvetica Regular with the size 12pt and the color #333333. For the links I used the color #7fb6cd.PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計

添加一對tweets在這個區域。確保文字的寬度為300px。我使用的字體:Helvetica Regular,字號:12pt,顏色: #333333;連結的顏色: #7fb6cd

 I also added separators for the tweets using the Line Tool (U). I created t separators for the tweets using the Line Tool (U). I created t woators fors woators woators. I created wo)。 the colors #c8c8c8 and #fefefe.




一共四條直線,分別是(130,1515,300,1)、(130,1516,300,1)、(130 ,1615,300,1)、(130,1616,300,1)

Add a button underneath the tweets that reads "Follow us »". Style 0neath the tweets that reads "Followusus »". Style 約 看到from the "description" area.PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計


在tweets的下方,文字Follow us »。這個按鈕的樣式就像Description區域中的Work with me按鈕



Step 19: Creating the "About" Area

fate19:建立 out and name it "about". Then add an icon from the icons pack you downloaded. Copy the layer style from the "bird icon" layer and paste it to this layer.

創建新組About。新增先前下載的圖示集中的一個圖標,複製bird icon圖層的圖層樣式,並貼上到本圖層樣式


Select the Type Tool (T) and write "About" next to the icon using the same font and color that you used for "Recent Tweets" headline.


書寫About在圖示的右側,用和Recent Tweets相同的字體和顏色





Step 20: Creating a Contact Form

group and name it " contact". Then add the envelope icon from the icons pack you downloaded. Copy the layer style from the "bird icon" layer and paste it to this layer.

建立新群組contact。新增先前下載的圖示集中的郵件圖標,複製bird icon圖層的圖層樣式,並貼上到本圖層樣式PS網頁設計教學XXI-在Photoshop中建立一個光質感網頁設計


Select the Type Tool (T) and write "Contact" next to the icon using the same font and color that you used for "Recent Tweets" and "About" headlines.

文字工具書寫圖標在圖標的右寫側,用和Recent Tweets和About相同的字體和顏色


Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create the rectangles of the contact form using the color #f7f7f7. Add a 1px Stroke effect the colorc 8c9295. Then select the Type Tool (T) and write inside each box what it represents. I used the font Helvetica Regular with the size 13pt and the color #676f73.

用一些矩形工具來建立一些矩形工具來建立一些矩形工具,顏色: f7f7f7。新增1px的描邊樣式,顏色: #8c9295。然後用文字工具在每個矩形中書寫其代表意義。我使用的字體:Helvetica Regular,字號:13pt,顏色: #676f73



Create a "Send" button underneath the contact format the jcreated the llowated underneiat the conlowity underneath the contact form​​i Agustolated the lvolated go片us" button from the "Recent tweets" area.

在聯絡表單的下方建立Send按鈕(771,1792,80,30),就像你在Recent Tweets區域中的Follow us按鈕一樣



Step 21: Adding Copyright Information



Create a new coreate a new it into the "Copyright" group.



Flip this layer vertically by going to Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical. Use the Move Tool (V) to move this layer underform > Flip Vertical. Use the Move Tool (V) to move this layer underneath the er area Area.翻轉此圖層,點選:

編輯> 變換> 垂直翻轉


Select the Type Tool (T) and write a copyright statement. I used the font Helvetica Regular with the size 12pt and the color #5a5a5a.用


添加一些版權資訊。字體:Helvetica Regular,字號:12pt,顏色: #5a5a5a








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