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給XML文件新增新 ”records”

2017-02-11 15:54:381585瀏覽



  我們需要考慮的第一件事是我們將用於新增"記錄"的HTML 表單。在"將HTML表單資料儲存至XML"範例中我們已使用過此表單,只是更改了檔案名,但程式碼是相同的。


   <title> Contact Information </title> 
   <form action="processAdd.asp" method="post">  
   <h3>Enter your contact information</h3>  
   First Name:  
   <input type="text" id="firstName" name="firstName"><br> Last Name:  
   <input type="text" id="lastName" name="lastName"><br> Address #1:  
   <input type="text" id="address1" name="address1"><br> Address #2:  
   <input type="text" id="address2" name="address2"><br> Phone Number:  
   <input type="text" id="phone" name="phone"><br> E-Mail:  
   <input type="text" id="email" name="email"><br>  
   <input type="submit" id="btnSub" name="btnSub" value="Submit"><br>  

  我們設定此HTML表單是來處理ADD。 ASP的。這裡的ASP 頁面具有偵測XML.檔案及ROLODEX.XML是否存在的功能。如果它們確實存在,ASP則會在檔案上附加新的條目,如果檔案不存在,則需要建立。

  Process Add.asp:  

   &#39;The "addNewContacttoXML" Function accepts two parameters. 
   &#39;strXMLFilePath - The physical path where the XML file will be saved. 
   &#39;strFileName - The name of the XML file that will be saved. 
   Function addNewContacttoXML(strXMLFilePath, strFileName)  
    &#39;Declare local variables.  
    Dim objDom  
    Dim objRoot  
    Dim objRecord  
    Dim objField 
    Dim objFieldValue  
    Dim objattID  
    Dim objattTabOrder  
    Dim objPI  
    Dim blnFileExists  
    Dim x  
    &#39;Instantiate the Microsoft XMLDOM.  
    Set objDom = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")  
    objDom.preserveWhiteSpace = True 
    &#39;Call the Load Method of the XMLDOM Object. The Load ethod has a  
    &#39;boolean return value indicating whether or not the file could be  
    &#39;loaded. If the file exists and loads it will return true, otherwise, 
    &#39;it will return false. 
    blnFileExists = objDom.Load(strXMLFilePath & "\" & strFileName)  
    &#39;Test to see if the file loaded successfully.  
    If blnFileExists = True Then  
     &#39;If the file loaded set the objRoot Object equal to the root element  
     &#39;of the XML document.  
     Set objRoot = objDom.documentElement Else  
     &#39;Create your root element and append it to the XML document.  
     Set objRoot = objDom.createElement("rolodex")  
     objDom.appendChild objRoot 
    End If  
     &#39;Create the new container element for the new record.  
     Set objRecord = objDom.createElement("contact")  
     objRoot.appendChild objRecord  
     &#39;Iterate through the Form Collection of the Request Object. 
     For x = 1 To Request.Form.Count  
      &#39;Check to see if "btn" is in the name of the form element. If it is,  
      &#39;then it is a button and we do not want to add it to the XML  
      If instr(1,Request.Form.Key(x),"btn") = 0 Then  
       &#39;Create an element, "field".  
       Set objField = objDom.createElement("field")  
       &#39;Create an attribute, "id".  
       Set objattID = objDom.createAttribute("id")  
       &#39;Set the value of the id attribute equal the the name of the current  
       &#39;form field.  
       objattID.Text = Request.Form.Key(x)  
       &#39;The setAttributeNode method will append the id attribute to the  
       &#39;field element. objField.setAttributeNode objattID  
       &#39;Create another attribute, "taborder". This just orders the  
       Set objattTabOrder = objDom.createAttribute("taborder")  
       &#39;Set the value of the taborder attribute.  
       objattTabOrder.Text = x  
       &#39;Append the taborder attribute to the field element.  
       &#39;objField.setAttributeNode objattTabOrder  
       &#39;Create a new element, "field_value". 
       Set objFieldValue = objDom.createElement("field_value")  
       &#39;Set the value of the field_value element equal to the value of the  
       &#39;current field in the Form Collection.  
       objFieldValue.Text = Request.Form(x)  
       &#39;Append the field element as a child of the new record container  
       &#39;element, contact. objRecord.appendChild objField  
       &#39;Append the field_value element as a child of the field element. 
       objField.appendChild objFieldValue  
      End If  
     &#39;Check once again to see if the file loaded successfully. If it did  
     &#39;not, that means we are creating a new document and need to be sure to  
     &#39;insert the XML processing instruction.  
     If blnFileExists = False then  
      &#39;Create the xml processing instruction.  
      Set objPI = objDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=&#39;1.0&#39;")  
      &#39;Append the processing instruction to the XML document.  
      objDom.insertBefore objPI, objDom.childNodes(0)  
     End If  
     &#39;Save the XML document. 
     objDom.save strXMLFilePath & "\" & strFileName  
     &#39;Release all of your object references.  
     Set objDom = Nothing  
     Set objRoot = Nothing  
     Set objRecord = Nothing  
     Set objField = Nothing  
     Set objFieldValue = Nothing  
     Set objattID = Nothing  
     Set objattTabOrder = Nothing  
     Set objPI = NothingEnd  
    &#39;Do not break on an error. 
    On Error Resume Next 
    &#39;Call the addNewContacttoXML function, passing in the physical path to 
    &#39;save the file to and the name that you wish to use for the file. 
    addNewContacttoXML "c:","rolodex.xml" 
    &#39;Test to see if an error occurred, if so, let the user know. 
    &#39;Otherwise, tell the user that the operation was successful. 
    If err.number <> 0 then  
     Response.write("Errors occurred while saving your form submission.") 
     Response.write("Your form submission has been saved.") 
    End If 

如果你已經讀過關於"將HTML 表單資料保存至XML格式"的文章,你會注意到附加到將HTML資料擴展到XML檔案的程式碼與HTML資料擴展到XML格式"的文章,你會注意到附加到將HTML資料擴展到XML檔案的程式碼與HTML資料擴展到XML格式"的文章,你會注意到附加到將HTML資料擴展到XML檔案的程式碼與HTML資料擴展到XML格式"新文檔的程式碼基本上是一致的。但這裡還是有兩個主要的不同點:

 &#39;Call the Load Method of the XMLDOM Object. The Load Method has a  
   &#39;boolean return value indicating whether or not the file could be  
   &#39;loaded. If the file exists and loads it will return true, otherwise,  
   &#39;it will return false.  
   blnFileExists = objDom.Load(strXMLFilePath & "\" & strFileName)  
   &#39;Test to see if the file loaded successfully.  
   If blnFileExists = True Then  
    &#39;If the file loaded set the objRoot Object equal to the root element  
    &#39;of the XML document.  
    Set objRoot = objDom.documentElement 
    &#39;Create your root element and append it to the XML document.  
    Set objRoot = objDom.createElement("contact")  
    objDom.appendChild objRoot  
   End If

  本節的程式碼來自addNewContacttoXML 功能。因為我們不可能每次都新建一個文件,所以我們改為保存CONTACT。如果能夠LOAD此文件呢,我們則獲得了這個XML文件的根元素;如果不能夠呢,那麼我們就假設它不存在並創建一個新的要元素並將它附加到XML文件上。

  另一個主要區別在於:當我們對文件進行二次檢測,是否成功的LOAD,這樣我們可以決定是否需要加上 一條處理指令。如果檔案存在,我們就不需要加上這條指令。但是,如果建立了一個新的文件,那麼一定要加上這條處理指令。

&#39;Check once again to see if the file loaded successfully. If it did  
  &#39;not, that means we are creating a new document and need to be sure to  
  &#39;insert the XML processing instruction.  
  If blnFileExists = False then  
   &#39;Create the xml processing instruction.  
   Set objPI = objDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=&#39;1.0&#39;")  
   &#39;Append the processing instruction to the XML document.  
   objDom.insertBefore objPI, objDom.childNodes(0)  
  End If

  除開以上兩點不同之處外,你可以發現 保存資料至新檔案的程式碼實際上是與 附加新record至存在檔案的程式碼是一樣的。我們創建一個新的element, contact CONTAINER,以便能容下每個新添的RECORD。程式碼將會在Form Collection of the Request Objec中不斷重複以建立適合的XML節點並將這些節點值設定得與目前Form Field.相同。

以上就是為XML文件新增新 ”records」的內容,更多相關內容請關注PHP中文網(www.php.cn)!
